Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LMI02V (AF:355824 AR:186126)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The course is part of the core educational activities of Iberian Studies curriculum of the Master’s Degree Program in European, American and Postcolonial Languages and Literatures and aims to deepen the knowledge of Fernando Pessoa's ortho-heteronomous poetry and its critical reception.
1. Knowledge and understanding: knowledge of the main lines of analysis of the Avant-gardes of the early twentieth century (with reference to Portuguese Modernism) with particular in-depth study of Fernando Pessoa's ortho-heteronomous dramatic poetry; knowledge of the reception of Fernando Pessoa in its evolution, from his contemporary time to today; ability to understand how the figure of the author has become a literary myth with relevance also to Italy; improve cultural skills related to the development of Pessoan poetry in the Portuguese socio-historical-political context.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding recognizing the role of literary criticism in the construction of relevance on the Pessoan phenomenon.
3. Autonomy of judgment: ability to synthesize the author studied in a way that can highlight a solid theoretical and critical basis; ability to outline the main critical perspectives on the poet's work; be able to formulate a personal assessment and comment on the literary and cultural specificities that emerged in the course of the study.
4. Communication skills: understand the presentation of an academic speech; knowing how to present a problem studied in a clear and consistent manner; knowing how to argue in a coherent and effective way.
5. Ability to learn: learning to recognize the Pessoan galaxy, the intra-textual dialogue between the main ortho-heteronymous Pessoan poetic persona; ability to formulate analysis hypotheses; learn the basics of building a bibliography starting from a thematic core of interest.
Basic knowledge of Portuguese history and culture of the twentieth century and of the Portuguese language
The course aims to contextualize from a historical-literary point of view the orthonyms and those of the major heteronyms works of Fernando Pessoa, through the reading and analysis of their most significant texts also to deepen the study of the evolution of critical reception on work of the poet. The main points addressed during the lessons will be the historical-political context in the first decades of the twentieth century in Portugal; the Portuguese Avant-garde and Modernism; "The ark" by Fernando Pessoa, the poet's main orthonym and heteronomous works; its Portuguese and Brazilian reception; the main critical perspectives on the works of Fernando Pessoa.
1. Fernando Pessoa's Poetry:

A. In portoghese

PESSOA, Fernando. Poemas dramáticos. Anotações de Maria Aliete Galhoz. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1983.
______. Obra poética (em um volume). Organização Maria Aliete Galhoz. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar S. A., 1983.
______. Obras em prosa (em um volume). Organização Cleonice Berardinelli. Rio de Janeiro: 1995.
______. Poesia completa de Ricardo Reis. Organização Manuela Parreira da Silva. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2007.
______. Poesia completa de Álvaro de Campos. Edição Teresa Rita Lopes. Rio de Janeiro: 2002.
______. Volume II. Poemas de Álvaro de Campos. Edição de Cleonice Berardinelli. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, 1990.
______. Poemas de Alberto Caeiro. Edição de Ivo Castro. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 2015.
______. Livro do Desassossego: composto por Bernardo Soares, ajudante de guarda-livros na cidade de Lisboa. Org. Richard Zenith – 3ª. ed. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2011.
______. Mensagem e poemas publicados em vida. Edição de Luiz Fagundes Duarte. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 2018.

B. In Italian translation:

PESSOA, Fernando. Un’affollata solitudine: poesie eteronime. Milano: BUR, 2012. A cura di Piero Ceccucci.
______. Il mondo che non vedo. Poesie ortonime. Milano: BUR, 2009
______. Poesie, testo portoghese a fronte. A cura di O. Abbati. Roma: Newton Compton Editori, 2014.
______. Il libro dell’inquietudine e Poesie, testo portoghese a fronte. A cura di O. Abbati. Roma: Newton Compton Editori, 2013.
______. Messagio, testo portoghese a fronte. A cura di Giulia Lanciani. Milano: Oscar Mondadori, 2014.

2. Works on the theoretical and critical framework:
RUSSO, Vincenzo e VECCHI, Roberto. La letteratura portoghese: i testi e le idee. Firenze: Le Monnier, 2017.
TOCCO, Valeria. Breve storia della letteratura portoghese. Dalle origini ai giorni nostri. Carocci: 2020.

3. Critics:

BLANCO, José [et al.] Studi su Fernando Pessoa. Perugia: Urogallo, 2010.
BERARDINELLI, Cleonice. Fernando Pessoa: Outra vez te revejo ... Rio de Janeiro: Lacerda Editores, 2004.
COELHO, Jacinto do Prado. Unidade e Diversidade de Fernando Pessoa. Lisboa: 10ª. ed., Verbo, 1991.
CRESPO, Ángel. La vita plurale di Fernando Pessoa. Bietti, 2014.
LOURENÇO, António Apolinário. Fernando Pessoa. Coimbra: Edições 70, 2009.
LOURENÇO, Eduardo. Poesia e Metafísica: Camões, Antero, Pessoa. Gradiva Publicações, 2002.
______. Pessoa revisitado. Tinta da China, 2018.
______. Fernando, rei da nossa Baviera. Gradiva Publicações, 2008.
PIZARRO, Jernonimo (org.) Fernando Pessoa – O guardador de papéis
SERRÃO, Joel. Fernando Pessoa: cidadão do imaginário. Livros Horizonte, 1981.
SIMOES, Joao Gaspar. Vida e obra de Fernando Pessoa. 2 vols. Lisboa, 6ª. ed, 1991.
ZENITH, Richard. Fotobiografia de Fernando Pessoa. Temas e Debates: Lisboa, 2009.
The exam will be an oral interview with 3 questions on a written exercise previously done and sent to the Professor. The duration of the oral exam is about 15 '. The written text (5 to 10 p.) must be sent to the Professor till the day before the date of the oral exam, that is, the interview is related to the written exercise previously sent in order to verify the depth of the argument developed and its connection with all the course contents (debate, bibliography, lecture).
written and oral
Lectures, invitation to discuss all the topics of the program; exercising on individual writing. The course also includes some seminar lessons.
Students who do not attend classes are invited to contact the teacher at the beginning of the course.
Other texts will be made available online during the course. The bibliography to the exam, texts and PowerPoint presentations will be disponible on Moodle.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "International cooperation" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/06/2022