Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CM0574 (AF:354798 AR:185425)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The teaching course is a characterizing activity of the CdS in Conservation Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage and it is focused on providing to the students the knowledge and the comprehension of the structural, chemical and physical properties of the material for cultural heritage, as well as for diagnostic investigation in this field. The main objective of the teaching course is focused on the formation of experts in the characterization, conservation and fraud prevention in the field of Cultural Heritage
In terms of knowledge and ability, the teaching course allows the student to acquire the knowledge and scientific expertise to the structure of the materials for cultural heritage and to their characterization throughout the use od advanced analytical technques.
In particular, the teaching course allows the student to comprehend, interpret and use properly che main thermodynamic and kinetic diagrams that describes the structural transformation and are related to the chemical and physical properties of the materials, in order to predict potential structural transformations.
The teaching course provides the student the scientific tools and the proper language for the comprehension of scientific papers related with the materials for cultural heritage, providing the ability to evaluate critically the more recent scientific studies in this field.

Knowledge and comprehension:
Structure of the materials for cultural heritage
Advanced techniques for diagnostic in materials for cultural heritage
Elaboration and interpretation of experimental data

Ability of applying knowledge and comprehension
Expertise in the characterization of materials for cultural heritage
Expertise in diagnostics
Expertise in critical evaluation of the scientific procedures and analytical techniques suitable for the characterization of materials.
Basic knowledge in organic and inorganic chemistry, physics of solid state and maths
The teaching course is organized in 3 macro sections where the following topics will be discussed:
(a) strucutre of metals, properties, thermal tratments, production processes, corrosion and analytcal techniques used for the evaluation of the provenance and authenticity of the artifacts
(b) strucutre of glasses and ceramics, properites, production processes, corrosion and analytcal techniques used for the evaluation of the provenance and authenticity of the artifacts
(c) dating methods including: radiocarbon dating, Obsidian hydration dating, amino acids racemization, thermoluminescence and U-series based methods
The laboratory will include experiences focused on the anaysis of glasses, metals and pottery as well as the elaboration of the data obtained by using dedicated softwares
Materials provided by the professor
The learning is verified throughout a multiple choice test consisting in 20 questions. Each correct answer will account for 1.5 points.
The students who obtain a final score of 30/30, can ask for an oral exam for the assigmnent of the laude.
The teaching course is carried out through lectures.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 11/03/2021