- Academic year
- 2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- CT0424 (AF:354597 AR:205286)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 12
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- L-LIN/09
- Period
- 2nd Semester
- Course year
- 2
- Where
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
The course consists of a semester module held by the lecturer in the second semester and annual language exercises (first and second semesters) held by native speakers.
Expected learning outcomes
1. Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge of the phonological and morphological structures of the Portuguese and Brazilian language; Portuguese and Brazilian language competence equal to B1 level of CEFR.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
To know how to recognize and describe the phonetic-phonological, graphic and morphological units of the Portuguese and Brazilian language; to be able to represent sounds and phonemes through phonetic-phonological transcription systems; to know how to operate syllabic and morphological segmentation; to know how to use derivative schemes for word formation; to be able to interact in communication situations corresponding to a level B1 of the CEFR; to understand and produce written and oral texts that correspond to a B1 level of the CEFR.
3. Autonomy of judgment
To be able to issue correction and grammatical judgments based on linguistic reflections; to be able to find the bibliographic sources suggested by the teacher; to be able to use electronic resources for the study of phonological and morphological structures at the initial level (electronic resources such as those made available, for example, by Infopedia, Priberam); to bee able to implement communication strategies corresponding to a B1 level of CEFR.
4. Communicative skills
To be able to interact in Portuguese and Brazilian language in communicative situations provided by B1 level of CEFR; to be able to implement the B1 language skills in presenting the main issues addressed in the teaching module.
To be able to explain the contrastive differences of the phonological and morphological structures between the Italian language and the Portuguese and Brazilian language; to be able to explain the main contrastive differences between the European and Brazilian varieties of the Portuguese language; to be able to apply the terminology of linguistics to describe the phonological and morphological phenomena of the Portuguese and Brazilian language.
5. Learning Skills
Initial self-evaluation skills in terms of their competence in Portuguese and Brazilian language and in relation to the acquisition of metalinguistic content; to be able to apply the acquired knowledge to undertake the study of the next course (Portuguese and Brazilian Language 2).
In a comparative and contrastive perspective in the broader context of Romance languages and more specifically of Italian, the specifics of the Portuguese language, in its European and Brazilian varieties, will be addressed:
1. Notes on the history of the Portuguese language
2. Phonology and phonetics: general concepts; vowels and diphthongs; consonants; the syllable; prosody: accent and intonation
3. Morphology: structure of words; Flexible morphology and lexical morphology
4. Lexicology: origin, formation processes and semantics of the Portuguese and Brazilian basic vocabulary
Grammatical, phonetic-graphic, lexical, textual and communicative contents of the Portuguese and Brazilian language (up to B1 level of CEFR)
Referral texts
Castagna V., I VERBI PORTOGHESI, Milano, Hoepli, 2015.
Duarte I., A língua portuguesa e a sua variedade europeia, in AS LÍNGUAS DA PENÍNSULA IBÉRICA (coord. Mira Mateus M.H.), Lisboa, Colibri, 2002, pp. 101-115.
Ilari R., O português no contexto das línguas românicas, in AA.VV., GRAMÁTICA DO PORTUGUÊS, vol. 1, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2013, pp. 49-66.
Silva R. V. M. e, O português do Brasil, in AA.VV., GRAMÁTICA DO PORTUGUÊS, vol. 1, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2013, pp. 145-154.
Teyssier P., “Especificidade do português”, in ACTAS DO CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE O PORTUGUÊS (ed. Duarte I. e Leiria I.), Lisboa, Associação Portuguesa de Linguística – Colibri, 1996, pp. 191-207.
For consultation:
Bechara E. MODERNA GRAMÁTICA PORTUGUESA, Rio de Janeiro, Nova Fronteira, 2009.
Cunha C. – Cintra L., NOVA GRAMÁTICA DO PORTUGUÊS CONTEMPORÂNEO, Lisboa, Sá da Costa, última ed..
For language exercises, bibliographic indications will be provided at the beginning of the course, according to the group.
Assessment methods
In order to verify the achievement of the linguistic competence (level B1 of the CEFR), the written test is composed of two parts whose average results are evaluated on a 30/30 basis:
1) dictation of about 10 lines (30 points)
2) grammatical test (26 points) and a brief composition (4 points). Duration: 90 minutes.
The oral test consists of two parts: the first, verifying the achievement of oral communication competence (level B1 of the CEFR), consists of a conversational language interaction on a selection of short narrative texts by contemporary authors (duration: about 15 minutes); the second is to verify the achievement of the metalinguistic competence on the contents of the teaching module and is held in Portuguese or in Italian, at the choice of the student (duration: 15-20 minutes).
The two parts of the oral examination are evaluated globally, resulting in a 30/30 basis evaluation that will average with the grade obtained in the written test, thus resulting in a total examination.
The written test is preliminary to the oral test, which should be done in a single sitting and within the same exam session in which the written test is passed.
Type of exam
Teaching methods
The semester module is held in Italian (or in Portuguese); exercises are held in Portuguese.