Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0107 (AF:354119 AR:190680)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
4th Term
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This course is one of the core activities of the three-year degree course in Literature, Literature and Communication Sciences. The aim of the course is to provide the fundamental knowledge for an advanced use of written Italian, in relation to different communicative situations and text types. Students will be invited to tackle problems of text comprehension and production, also through practical exercises. The definition of the communicative situation, the analysis of argumentative texts, the planning, writing and revision of written texts are some of the main topics that will be addressed in the course.
The aim of the course is to enhance the learnèd use of Italian through an adequate metalinguistic reflection on appropriate textual strategies. Attendance at lectures, active participation in the exercises proposed in the lessons and individual study will enable students to achieve the following results: 1. acquire notions of textual linguistics in relation to the peculiarities of Italian; know the basic aspects of sociolinguistic variation of Italian language, especially as far the diamesic and diaphasic axes are concerned; orientate themselves among reformulation operations and production of texts of different types and destination. Being able to correctly use the main notions learned in order to analyse different text types; being able to correctly apply the requirements of textuality in the production of texts of different types and purposes. 3. Being able to analyse a non-literary text, identifying the typology to which it can be referred. 4. Being able to communicate the specific features of the discipline through the use of appropriate terminology; being able to use a clear and effective language in view of the production of referential texts. 5. Being able to critically study the notes and the bibliography of reference, hierarchizing the information and establishing links between the topics dealt with.
Knowledge of Italian language and basic knowledge of Italian grammar.
After illustrating the difference between orality and writing, the course focuses on the notion of text and textuality, analysing the distinctive features of the written text, with particular reference to the principles of coherence and cohesion. The second part of the course aims to bring students directly in contact with the world of writing. Among others, the second part of the course will deal with the following topics: the analysis of the main text types (paying special attention to the argumentative text), the criteria for the development of exposition, the expansion of vocabulary with a view to expressive enhancement. Theoretical lessons are complemented by practical exercises, so as to guide students towards the gradual possession of communicative skills useful in the various situations of study and work.
- Topics discussed during the lessons;
- A. Ferrari / L. Lala / L. Zampese, Le strutture del testo scritto, Roma, Carocci, 2021;

- A. Ferrari / L. Lala / L. Zampese, Le strutture del testo scritto, Roma, Carocci, 2021;
- One book to be chosen between the following ones: L. Serianni, Italiani scritti, Bologna, il Mulino, 2012, or M. Palermo, Italiano scritto 2.0. Testi e ipertesti, Roma, Carocci, 2017.
There will be an oral examination, during which students will have to demonstrate their knowledge of the topics covered in class and their ability to integrate them with the notions contained in the reference texts. In particular, they will have to demonstrate that they can confidently orient themselves in the areas of textuality, reformulations, linguistic variation and technical languages.
written and oral
Lectures and exercises. The texts distributed in class will be made available on the University's e-learning platform. Students' interventions in lectures will be solicited frequently.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 05/01/2022