Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0344 (AF:353914 AR:190556)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
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Falling within the educational activities of the Master's Degree in Italian Philology and Literature, the lab is aimed at students wishing to write their thesis in the field of Italian literature from the eighteenth to the twenty-first century or in relation to certain theoretical aspects or methodological issues.
The teaching objectives are to encourage the learning of theoretical and methodological tools to be used for literary research and the development of autonomous analysis and evaluation skills of specific texts, aspects and genres of the modern and contemporary period.
The student will be able to provide a cultural-historical contextualization and a theoretical analysis of some representative texts of Italian literature from the eighteenth to the twenty-first century.
(S)he will have the necessary mastery of terminology and concepts.
(S)he will be able to recognize the peculiarities of a literary text using the knowledge acquired through the prior discussion and application of selected theories.
(S)he will be able to formulate and argue what (s)he has consistently learnt, also demonstrating that (s)he has developed autonomous evaluation skills with respect to the content transmitted, also in relation to work already in progress.
Knowledge of some notions of historiographic, methodological and theoretical nature in the literary field.
Some representative texts of modern and contemporary Italian literature will be analyzed, taking into account the historical-cultural framework of reference, genre and geo-critical considerations as well as reflections and expansions in the field of comparative literature.
Emilio Russo (a cura di), “Il testo letterario. Generi, forme, questioni”, Roma, Carocci, 2020.
Ingo Berensmeye, “Literary Theory: An Introduction to Approaches, Methods and Terms“, Stuttgart, Klett, 2014.
Bertrand Westphal,“La geocritica. Reale, finzione, spazio”, Armando, Roma 2009.

Some chapters (indicated during the lesson) of each of the three reference books will be analysed.
Attending students will receive additional materials in class.
Non-attendants will be given some additional readings in English or Italian.

Additional Readings:
Additional bibliography will be provided during the lessons.

Learning will be assessed on the basis of a 10 pages long written report to be prepared by the student, whose subject, relevant to the content of the course, and the related bibliography are to be agreed with the instructor. An oral presentation of the report is also required, in which the student demonstrates that (s)he knows how to analyse the text in the light of specific theoretical suggestions.
written and oral
Teaching is divided into two parts during the first semester, the first of which includes lectures together with analysis, discussions and comparisons, while the second consists of meetings and dialogues, mainly in form of seminars, with presentation by students. There will be in-depth analysis of concepts presented by the teacher during the lesson or requested by those attending, who will be encouraged to intervene orally on the topics addressed.
Students are allowed to attend this module even if they have not completed the “Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature I SP” (Master´s level) module.
Please note: out of the 12 CFU credits provided for the "Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature-Contemporary Italian Literature" area, only 6 CFUs can be obtained through laboratory practice.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 15/07/2021