- Academic year
- 2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- FM0351 (AF:353802 AR:190474)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 6
- Degree level
- Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
- Educational sector code
- L-FIL-LET/02
- Period
- 3rd Term
- Where
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
It proposes a study of linguistic structures and themes will afford a clearer view of the Epic as a whole, and will discuss the problems and perspectives on Epic genre in ancient World from the oral tradition (Archaic Age) to Quintus Smyrnaeus and Triphiodorus (Imperial Age). With insights into other genres and specific iconographic works in relation to the topic.
Expected learning outcomes
1. Historical-literary competence. General knowledge of the problems and developments of the Greek literature of the Imperial Age.
2. Metrical competence: knowledge of the diachronic developments of the genre of the Greek epic and of the exameter from the oral tradition to the Hellenistic and imperial literature.
3. Ability to analyze and read the rhythmic structures of the verses, with an evaluation of the differences of the hexameter in a diachronic perspective.
Students will acquire an independent scientific ability to apply theoretical metrical knowledge to different poetic and literary genres.
4. Knowledge of the specific characteristics of oral epic diction and ability to apply theoretical skills to literary developments of the Hellenistic and Imperial Age.
5. Interpretation of the compositional and stylistic functions of the hexameter from oral to literature.
6. Thematic competence: ability to identify, analyze and describe with scientific autonomy the thematic and compositional elements of Iliou Persis in the epic genre and in other genres (tragedy, epigram, etc.)
Methods of analysis and literary theories can be concretely applied to other texts of Greek literature, but also more extensively than the European literary tradition.
The aim of the lectures is the linguistic analysis and the interpretation of Epic texts across the development of the genre in the Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic and Imperial Ages. The class concerns textual problems, transformations of the Greek Myths, linguistic and compositive frames and patterns. A special attention shall be dedicated to the epic themes of the War and particularly to the Fall of Troy.
General knowledges: elements of the Homeric Language, History of Epic Language.
Greek texts:
a) Homerus Iliad, Odyssey: an anthology on the Ilioupersis
b) Hom. Iliad 22
c) Epic Cycle
d) Quintus Smyrnaeus, Posthomerica (books 12, 13)
e) Triphiodorus, Iliou Halosis
f) Euripides, Trojan Women (an anthology)
g) Apollodorus, The Library (Epitome 5)
Supplement for non-attending students
Hom. Iliad 6;
Hom. Odyssey 8;
Hes. Scutum.
Referral texts
QUINTE DE SMYRNE, La suite d'Homère, vol. III, texte établi & trad. par F. Vian, Paris, 1969
QUINTO DI SMIRNE, Il seguito dell'Iliade, a c. di E. Lelli, Bompiani, Milano 2013
TRIPHIODORE, La Prise d'Ilion, texte établi & trad. par B. Gerlaud, Paris 1982
For the other Authors it is required a common critical edition (OCT, Loeb, Les Belles Lettres, Teubner, Fondazione Lorenzo Valla).
Outline of Greek Literature: L.E. ROSSI, Letteratura greca, Le Monnier, Firenze 1995, 695-818
Bibliography on Texts and Authors:
A. CAMEROTTO, Fare gli eroi. Le storie, le imprese, le virtù: composizione e racconto nell’epica greca arcaica, Padova 2009 (Cap. 1 Klea Oimai Aoide, pp. 13-36; Cap. 3 Epiteti eroici, pp. 83-140; Cap. 4 Similitudini eroiche, pp. 141-168)
A. CAMEROTTO, «Ai cani e agli uccelli!»: l’aikia nel duello eroico, Aevum Antiquum n.s. 3, 2003, pp. 467-480 [PDF]
A. CAMEROTTO, I giorni del sangue. Immagini e codici eroici della violenza per la Ilioupersis, in L'Immagine Riflessa 21, 2012, 65-94 [PDF]
V. ANDÒ, Un bambino buttato giù dalle torri. La morte di Astianatte nelle Troiane di Euripide, Annali Online di Ferrara - Lettere 1, 2009, 255-269 [PDF]
K. BARBARESCO, La terra e il sangue (secondo Quinto Smirneo), Lexis 37, 2019, 323-339 [PDF]
L. BATTEZZATO, Vincitori e vinti: da Omero a Euripide, in A. Camerotto, M. Fucecchi, G. Ieranò (edd.), Uomini contro. Tra l'Iliade e la Grande Guerra, Milano - Udine 2017, 107-122 [PDF]
M. CANTILENA, Cronologia e tecnica compositiva dei Posthomerica di Quinto Smirneo, in F. Montanari, S. Pittaluga (edd.), Posthomerica. Tradizioni omeriche dall'Antichità al Rinascimento, vol. 3, Genova 2001, 51-70 [PDF]
A.W. JAMES, Quintus of Smyrna, in A Companion to Ancient Epic, ed. by J.M. Foley, Oxford 2005, 364-373 [PDF]
M. YPSILANTI, Triphiodorus Homericus. People in the Iliou Halosis and their forebears in the Iliad and Odyssey, WS 120, 2007, 93-113 [PDF]
Epic Language:
A.C. CASSIO (a c. di), Storia delle lingue letterarie greche, Firenze 2008 [Introduzione generale, pp. 3-98]
G. HORROCKS, Homer's Dialect, in A New Companion to Homer, ed. by I. Morris & B. Powell, Leiden - New York -Köln 1997, 193-217
E. PASSA, L'epica, in A.C. Cassio (a c. di), Storia delle lingue letterarie greche, Firenze 2008, 99-144
For non-attending students, the following epic texts in the original language are added to the program:
Hom. Iliad 6;
Hom. Odyssey 8;
Hes. Scutum.
G. HORROCKS, Homer's Dialect, in A New Companion to Homer, ed. by I. Morris & B. Powell, Leiden - New York -Köln 1997, 193-217
E. PASSA, L'epica, in A.C. Cassio (a c. di), Storia delle lingue letterarie greche, Firenze 2008, 99-144
Assessment methods
Type of exam
Teaching methods
Teaching language
Further information
In connection with the course of Greek Literature is held a seminar-workshop on the lessons themes.
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "International cooperation" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development