Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT2710 (AF:348915 AR:185746)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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In the framework of the Degree Course in Languages, Cultures and Societies of Asia and Mediterranean Africa, the module it's a complemetary activity aiming at providing some basic elements of cultural geography with particular attention to the MENA region, as a fundamental approach for the student interaction with the cultures of that area. Particular attention will be given to the analysis of cultural specificities and the relationship between the 'West' and the 'Orient' in a colonial and post-colonial perspective; topics related to landscape, ethnic geography, relations between minorities and majorities, borders and conflicts, migrations, urban development will be illustrated, providing examples related to the MENA area.
1. Knowledge and understanding:
Knowledge of the conceptual tools of cultural geography; understanding of the main mechanisms in place in the perception / understanding of the world and of human relationships; knowledge of the main problems related to: space, landscape, intercommunity dynamics.

2. Applying knowledge and understanding:
Ability to apply the tools of cultural geography in evaluating the different aspects of the landscape and the complex dynamics that underpin inter-community relations in order to interact with people of different cultures.

3. Making judgements:
Ability to critically and consciously evaluate new geographical and cultural contexts

4. Communication skills:
Ability to illustrate the different aspects dealt with in the course in a clear and analytical way.

5. Learning skills:
Ability to critically integrate the documents provided by the teacher and the notes taken in class.
No prerequisites are required to attend the course
Elements of human geography, focusing on the Middle East and North Africa: history and specificity of the discipline; orientation, cartography and cultural conditioning; the reading of the landscape and its political use; communities and ethnic groups; majorities/minorities; mobility and migration; states, borders and conflicts, development models and urban systems.
Bibliography and handouts will be provided during the classes and uploaded on the moodle platform.

AUGE' M., Disneyland e altri nonluoghi, Torino,Bollati Boringhieri, 1999.
BORGHI, R. Postcolonialsimo, geografia e costruzione delle identita,Milano, UNICOPLI, 2007.
LA CECLA f., Perdersi. L'uomo senza ambiente, Bari Laterza 2005.
ZANINI P., Significati del confine: limiti naturali, storici, mentali, Milano, Bruno Mondadori 1997.
AIME, M. Eccessi di culture, Torino, Einaudi 2004.

The exam will consist of a paper of 20.000- 25,000 characters to be agreed with the teacher. More details on the paper will be provided during the course.
The paper will be aimed at verifying the learning of the topics dealt with during the course, as well as verifying the student's critical and autonomous analysis skills.
Students must study the documents uploaded on the moodle page of the course and the chapters of the textbook indicated both in the handouts and in the course summary (see moodle).
Lectures with power point, commenting readings and video material.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 26/03/2023