- Academic year
- 2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LT006K (AF:348900 AR:185702)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 12
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- L-OR/08
- Period
- 1st Semester
- Course year
- 2
- Where
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
Its objective is the development of the linguistic skills with special emphasis on the main morphological and syntactical structures of modern Hebrew, and their written and oral application. Additionally, students will begin to familiarise with modern Hebrew literature from a linguistic and historical point of view, enabling him/her to further continue in the study of the subject in the future and more generally to contextualise it in the history of modern Middle Eastern languages and literatures.
Expected learning outcomes
2. Ability to apply knowledge and comprehension: ● Being able to correctly utilize Hebrew in some of the processes of application and communication basing on the knowledge acquired; ● Being able to operate a linguistic and grammar analysis of different aspects of modern Hebrew; ● Being able to apply linguistic skills in order to analyze simple textual typologies.
3. Judgement ability: ● Being able to formulate hypothesis, developing also a critical approach to the evaluation of alternatives.
4. Communication skills: ● Being able to communicate in basic fields of daily life, and not only, in modern Hebrew; ● Interacting with the lecturer and the other students respectfully.
5. Learning abilities: ● Being able to take notes and share them; ● Consulting critically the reference texts and the bibliography.
At the end of the course, students will acquire a good knowledge of modern Hebrew both in the written and oral dimension (CEFR levels A2-B1).
Additionally, they will be able to analyze simple (literary) texts, contextualizing them from a historical and cultural point of view.
The course aims at consolidating the notions of modern Hebrew morphology and syntax, on the one hand strengthening the written and oral skills of students and on the other by introducing the history of modern Hebrew literature - with reference to the period that foes from the early nineteenth century to 1948 - and the translation of selected texts by some of the early modern Hebrew authors (Avraham Mapu, 'Ahavat Tzion; Hayyim Nahman Bialik, 'El ha-tzipor and other poems; Shmuel Yosef Agnon, Tmol Shilshom)..
The course includes a master-class that will introduce the main Jewish holidays and rites of passage.
Students are asked to attend throughout the entire academic year the weekly classes of modern Hebrew with the language instructor Tsipora Baran.
Referral texts
- Lewis Glinert, Modern Hebrew: An Essential Grammar (Londra: Routledge, 2005), passim.
- Edna Coffin e Shmuel Bolozky, A Reference Grammar of Modern Hebrew (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), passim.
- Hebrew literary texts available in Moodle.
- Mendele Moicher Sfarim, I viaggi di Beniamino Terzo (Genova: Marietti, 1983).
- Yehudah Leib Gordon, Il tempo del Messia e altri racconti (Roma: Storia e Letteratura, 2014).
- Israel Singer, La famiglia Karnowski (Milano: Adelphi, 2013).
- Aharon Reuveni, In principio confusione e paura (Torino: Einaudi, 2018).
- Shmuel Yosef Agnon, La leggenda dello scriba e altri racconti (Milano: Adelphi, 2009) OPPURE Appena ieri (Torino: Einaudi, 2010).
- S. Yizhar, Convoglio di mezzanotte (Roma: Elliott, 2013).
- Carosello di narratori israeliani (Aldo Martello: Milano, 1958), SOLO I TESTI DI: B. Tammuz; Y. Shenhar; A. Barash; M. Shamir e Y. Burla (PDF nel Moodle).
- Poeti d'Israele: antologia della poesia ebraica moderna da Bialik a Carni (Padova: Rebellato, 1969), SOLO LE PAGINE: 21-58; 103-110; 133-144; 181-197; 221-226 (PDF nel Moodle).
- Mireille Hadas-Lebel, Storia della lingua ebraica (Firenze: Giuntina, 1994), 97-133.
- Gershon Shaked, Narrativa ebraica moderna (Milano: Terra Santa, 2011), passim.
- Shachar Pinsker, "Hebrew literature", in The Cambridge History of Judaism: the Modern World, 1815-2000, a cura di Mitchell B. Hart (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017), 755-777.
recommended readings:
- Giuliano Tamani, “Il giudaismo nell’età moderna e contemporanea”, in Ebraismo, a cura di Giovanni Filoramo (Roma: Laterza, 2007), 201-220.
- Ernest Guggenheim, L’ebraismo nella vita quotidiana (Firenze: Giuntina, 1994).
- Anna Foa, Diaspora: storia degli ebrei nel Novecento (Roma: Laterza, 2009), 3-38; 73-93 e 103-129.
- Yosef Millo, Hu' halakh ba-sadot (1967).
Assessment methods
The final mark will be the average of:
1. a partial written exam ("prova parziale") with: translation of excerpts from the Hebrew texts studied in class, grammar exercises, one question on the history of Hebrew literature.
2. a final written exam of Hebrew to Italian translation.
3. a final oral exam with the CEL.
Type of exam
Teaching methods
Teaching language
Further information
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development