Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM2580 (AF:348377 AR:187163)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The thematic seminar is built according to a multi-disciplinary approach, and it will focus on "the sanctuaries" in South Asia with a focus on Afghanistan.
The seminar is organised in 15 lectures with the contributions of experts from this University and external researchers.
Capacity to synthesise and connect the different themes presented during the seminar, although with different degrees, and according to the individual background and study curricula.
Not necessary. Basic knowledge of South Asian cultures is though preferred.
1) Minardi, M. (ISMEO) - Sanctuaries at Kandahar, Arachosia: work in progress

2) Coloru, O.; A.M. Melloni (DSU) - Sacred spaces in Bactria at the time of the Graeco-Bactrians

3) Olivieri, L.M. (DSAAM); Iori, E. (Erfurt- Max Weber Kolleg) - Surkh Kotal, Baghlan: a new interpretation of the royal Kushana sanctuary - Mes Aynak, Loghar: Shah Tepe: the sanctuary.

4) Cacopardo (Firenze/ISMEO) – Riflessioni su “Chi ha inventato la democrazia? Modello paterno e modello fraterno del potere” (Cacopardo 2019).

5) Filigenzi, A. (UniOr) - Ghazni, Hadda, Mes Aynak: the Buddhist sanctuaries.

6) Compareti, M. (DSAAM) - Reflections on "Zone d’ombra nell’Est iranico alla vigilia dell’islamizzazione” (Scarcia-Compareti 2012).

7) Bagnera (ISMEO/UNESCO) – Co-presence of religious contexts: Shahr-i-Gholghola (Bamiyan), Jam (Ghor), Lashkari Bazar: archaeology and sources.

8) Pellò (DSAAM) - Kafir, but, shaman: la cultura letteraria persiana e la frontiera afghana.

9) Cristoforetti (DSAAM) – Tribalismo ed equilibri politici nell’Afghanistan dei Dorrani

10) Squarcini (DSAAM) – L’utopia del ’santuario’. Strategie di territorializzazione dello spazio vivibile, tra Aśoka e il Mānavadharmaśāstra

11) Ragagnin (DSAAM) - La descrizione dell'Afghanistan nel Bāburnāma

12) Ferrari (DSAAM) – La Russia e l'Afghanistan: un quadro storico e geopolitico.

13) Rigopoulos (DSAAM) - Possession and exorcist practices at Hindu sanctuaries

14) Dahnhärt (DSAAM) - La dargah come luogo di mediazione sociale e spirituale: il caso della Naqshbandiyya Mujadiddiyya fra Qandahar e Quetta

15) Mondini (DSAAM) - Shrines, places of pilgrimage in modern Afghanistan

Proposed guest lecture: Morris, L. (Universität Freiburg) – Begram, Kapisa: the “Treausure”.

Will be communicated by the different speakers/participants.
The last part of every class will be devoted to active discussions on the main topics discussed.
Evaluation will consider attendance and the submission of a paper or presentation on one of themes presented during the seminar (see below).
Frontal classes with images and texts illustrated with Power Points. If necessary, the latter will be made available to the students before the end of the course on the University platform moodle.
The last part of every class will be devoted to actively discuss the main topics.
50% of the lectures will be delivered in English.
A paper or a presentation should be submitted to undertake the oral examination (see above).

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "International cooperation" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 11/09/2021