- Academic year
- 2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LT6099 (AF:348014 AR:185642)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 6
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- L-OR/21
- Period
- 1st Semester
- Course year
- 1
- Where
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
Although integral part of the Curriculum: Southeast Asia Linguistic: Thai e Vietnamita, this course “Approchcio traduttologico all’apprendimento del vietnamita [LT6099] (6 cfu)” may also be considered as an independent introduction (an independent course) to Vietnamese language and culture for people who would like to have a mere "opening" on this linguistic area.
As such, it is in line with the course "" LINGUA E CULTURA VIETNAMITA "of previous years whose methodological approach was already largely characterized by a translatological dimension.
NB: Focused on 6 weeks, this introduction to the language and culture of Vietnam will only be successful if participants are willing to make an intensive and regular effort to memorize and apply the skills and knowledge presented.
Expected learning outcomes
When you are a beginner in learning the practical Vietnamese language, you might find yourself facing, at the beginning of the course, during the first language lesson, at almost all the specifics of the pronunciation of Vietnamese. This can include specific vowels and consonants, diphthongs, semi-vowels (also designated with the English word glide.), It can also include all six tones (change of intonation when pronouncing the vowel nucleus), variable articulatory pauses.
It therefore seems necessary to develop a teaching of AWARENESS / familiarization with the pronunciation of the Vietnamese language, centered on a progressive discovery of the peculiarities of the Vietnamese pronunciation in relation to the pronunciation of the Italian language. This path is even more useful than the general characteristics of this language (characterized by monosyllabism, invariability, tonality) and reveals the importance of mastering the pronunciation.
It should be noted that, as a result, priority is not systematically given to the learning of language acts insofar as the progression is mainly related to the gradual introduction of the phonetics specificities of the Vietnamese language (phonemes and tonemes) as compared to the Italian and French phonetic systems...
The text is followed by a commented translation followed by a word-by-word translation allowing the learner to penetrate the text and then to elaborate his or her own version according to his or her perception of the linguistic-cultural context.
In addition to grammatical and socio-cultural explanations, each lesson is completed by:
# a bilingual vocabulary list presenting the entries in order of appearance
# a commented bilingual vocabulary list in alphabetical order.
These two files are completed by a general vocabulary of 402 entries presented in alphabetical order, in the form of a "vocabulary book" (word file) that the learner can complete as he or she progresses in the study of the Vietnamese language.
Throughout this course, the focus is on the pragmatic aspect of acquiring knowledge and skills.
Course content: Translatological approach to learning Vietnamese (30h-6 CFU).
# The course program includes six gradual introduction lessons to the specificities of pronunciation grouped into three phases, plus a revision lesson and a final exam.
NB: a test is scheduled at the end of the first two phases as well as interactive exercises at the end of each lesson ..
# This module includes 6 presentation lessons of the main aspects of the language of everyday life, which progressively deal with pronunciation problems, the general structure of the language, but also with the socio-cultural context.
# The texts are translated into Italian, while the explanations are mainly in English, but also, if appropriate, Italian, French and Chinese. Recordings of Vietnamese texts will be distributed in MP3 format.
# Each lesson includes:
- Presentation of progress
- Notes on the pronunciation
- A table of the new phonetic elements of the lesson
- the Vietnamese text of the lesson
- Two translation: "normal" and "word by word"
- a words-list , in order of appearance, with translation
- iconography and additional cultural data
- grammatical and cultural notes
- Exercises (pronunciation, vocabulary, theme and version of the Italian-Vietnamese and Vietnamese-Italian translation)
- A recording to listen either in the lab or via the MP3 file(slow, sentence by sentence to allow repitizóine et normal)
NB: At the end of each lesson, students will do (slow reading speed) an MP3 recording of the text of the lesson and send it by e-mail to the teacher for a comment.
Referral texts
In the framework of the translatological approach, reading translation of fictionnal litterature is encouraged in order to facilitate the perception of the current Vietnamese societal mentality as, for example,
- "Wild Mustard: New Voices from Vietnam ", an anthology of prizewinning short fiction by contemporary Vietnamese writers, by Charles Waugh (Editor), Lien Nguyen (Editor), Publisher: Curbstone Books 2; 1 edition (April 15, 2017)
- “Fragile come un raggio di sole, raconti dal Vietnam », Lê Minh Khue, traduzione G. Valent, « in Asia », Obarrao 2010.
- “Il messaggero celeste” Pham Thi Hoai – “romanzo del nuovo Vietnam” - Marietti 2003
- “Dalla terra di nessuno” Duong Thu Huong – romanzo –Garzanti 2007
- “Viet Nam, miti e raconti” a cura di A. Chiricosta e M. Gatti ,« in Asia », Obarrao 2014
- “VIAGGIATORI ITALIANI IN VIETNAM” , Mario SICA, bilingue italiano/vietnamita. Nha Nam, Hanoi 2013
« Dizionario vietnamita. Italiano-vietnamita, vietnamita-italiano » Le Thi Phuong Mai Vallardi (collana Dizionari plus) 2009, -512 p
Assessment methods
2 tests of thirty minutes (after lesson two and after lesson four)
1 final exam of 2 hours which includes an oral part and a written part.
1 short essay written in Italian (or English or French) - individually or in groups of 2 - from 5 to 10 pages. The theme of the mini-essay that must cover the problem of translation and must be approved by the professor.
NB: the essay must be sent by e-mail to the teacher by 8 January 2022.
Type of exam
Teaching methods
Moreover, experience has shown that the transition from one language to another, and, thus, the transposition from one cultural space to another, allows one to deepen the knowledge of one's own culture and to become a "transmitter of knowledge" despite a recent tendency towards cultural uniformity linked to the domination of the "world language" of the moment ...
In this vein, reading the "local" fictional literature (novels or short stories, the latter particularly appreciated by Vietnamese), first through translations and then in the original language, remains a precious means of apprehending a foreign society, beyond simple "acts of language".
Therefore, identifying linguistic specificities, understanding, communicating, enriching oneself culturally, without becoming diluted in a "standardized global identity", are the perspectives that can bring about the acquisition, in particular using translatology, of a foreign language by helping to build for oneself "a complex thought system "on the basis of shared universal values as advocated by the sociologist and philosopher Edgar Morin .
The didactic approach of the translatological approach can be declined in 3 successive stages, preceded by an introduction on the general characteristics of the language (monosyllabic, variotonal, invariable, semantic multisyllabism, influenced by foreign languages particularly Chinese):
1- identification of the components :
# morphological (phonemes, tonemes, syllables)
# semantic (morphemes / morpho-syllables, simple words, compound words and tool words); In contrast to what happens for fusional languages (Italian, French ...) where each element of the discourse is controlled by the genre, the singular or plural mark, the conjugation, the affixes even the declination,. .. each Vietnamese morpho-syllabe ie each written sign - is a meaningful entity in the image of Chinese characters, see for example : 中-> Trung (mezzo, middle, milieu); vedere per esempio :
# syntactical (position syntax , combinatorial constraints, propositions, sentences)
2- multicultural contextualization through comparative / contrastive approaches;
3- translation from a "source-oriented" (as opposed to target-oriented) perspective, according to J-R Ladmiral's theory .
Teaching language
Further information
• Participating in the discussion is also recommended if it is only to ask a question, to have clarifications or ask to repeat the pronunciation
• Course dates: from 21 October to 3 December 2019
Schedule of lessons: dates to be confirmed (will be specified in due time)
Teaching language: English mainly, along with Italian, French and some Chinese.
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Cities, infrastructure and social capital" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development