CGE and Integrated Assessment Modelling of CC Impacts and Policies

Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
CGE and Integrated Assessment Modelling of CC Impacts and Policies
Course code
PHD147 (AF:346752 AR:181951)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master di Secondo Livello (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
The course aims to introduce students to the main methodological challenges that CGE, and, more in general, Integrated Assessment (IA) modelling face when an economic assesment of climate change impacts and policy (mitigation or adaptation) has to be performed. It will present the modelling solutions adopted to tackle the challenges and discuss their implications. Finally, the course will critically revise the main results produced by this quantitative literature. The teachings will be complemented by an applied/practical part demonstrating how Computable General Equilibrium modelling can be applied to the study of the climate change issue.
At the end of the course students will acquire a good basic knowledge of: the challenges inplicit in the econonomic assessments of climate change, the main modelling/quantitative approaches that are applicable for this purpose (being aware of respective strengths, weaknesses, more appropriate field of applicability) with a particular focus on computable general equilibrium modelling; their results and their interpretation. Students will be also capable to understand and develop simple practical assessments based on computable general equilibrium modelling.
There are no pre-requisites, However, a basic knowledge of micro and international trade economics, environmental economics will help the understanding of several issues discussed during classes.
- The challenges to the economic assessment of climate change (impacts and policies):
- Uncertainty
- intertemporal dimension (discounting),
- Interpersonal aggregation (equity weighting and welfare functions),
- non-market values,
- modelling implications
- Quantitative approaches to the economic assessment of climate change: econometrics, models (Integrated assessment models, types, methods, applicability, a focus on computable general equilibrium models), semi-quantitative methods.
- Results from the economic modelling literature
- Modelling adaptation
- A practical example: a computable general equilibrium assessment
- Applying CGE models to climate change impacts and policies: selected practical examples
Lecture slides will be made available by the professor.
Some useful texts are:
Climate Economics, RSJ Tol, Edward Elgar
Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, Perman, Ma, Mc Glilvray, Common (3rd 4th edition) Pearson, just chapter 9 (economy-wide modeling)
For the "non applied" part, a presentation (to the professor and colleagues) of a paper (or group of papers) connected to the topics discussed during the lectures. The reading material will be made available by the professor. For the applied part a simple practical exercise on the methods developed during classes.
written and oral
Front lectures on the theorethical aspects supported by some practical exemplifications on computable general equilibrium modelling.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Climate change and energy" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 02/01/2021