Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT0930 (AF:346091 AR:176370)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The goal of this course is to allow students to deepen their knowledge of French syntax by considering constructions that illustrate how theoretical approaches to grammar differ from traditional grammar. As well as illustrating recent developments in syntax and allowing students to learn subtleties of French grammar, this course will allow students develop their critical thinking and argumentation skills.
1. Knowledge and understanding
The student knows the recent formal analyses of the grammar of French.
The student has full understanding of the technical terminology and the main methodologies that allow to do research on French data.

2. Applying knowledge and understanding
The student knows how to use the hypotheses of formal linguistics to describe and understand aspects of the syntax of French.
The student knows how to use the technical terminology in all stages of application, e.g. when analysing new data or teaching French.
The student knows how to individuate and reflect upon differences between the syntax of French and Italian, also in comparative perspective with other languages.
The student knows how to apply the acquired knowledge to gather new language data.
The student is able to solve simple problems of analysis of the French syntactic data.

3. Making judgements
The student is able to formulate empirically and theoretically grounded hypotheses on French data.
The student is able to provide relevant French linguistic data in favour or against different syntactic hypotheses.

4. Communication skills
The student is able to write with sound argumentation and appropriate terminology about the topics discussed during the course.
The student is able to elaborate on one of the topics discussed during the course.
During class, the student is able to ask questions and discuss with peers and professors in a critical and respectful manner.

5. Learning skills
The student is able to develop critical thinking.
The student is able to share information, hypotheses, linguistic problems and solutions.
The student is able to look for and select bibliographical resources to study French syntactic phenomena.
Basic knowledge of linguistic theory and syntax.
The course will provide basic tools of descriptive and generative syntax of French:
1. Verb classes
2. Sentential negation
3. Parasitic gaps
4. Quantification
5. Inalienable possession
6. The noun phrase
7. The syntax of en
Tellier, C. et D Valois. 2006. Constructions méconnues du français, Presses de l’Université de Montréal. 216 pages.
Oral presentation (10-15 minutes) 40%
Final paper (10 pages) 60%
The two assignments are based on the analysis of examples that illustrate the constructions to be discussed in class. Students must first find in texts from a wide range of sources five examples that illustrate five different constructions discussed in class. For the oral presentation, the student must first present the five examples and indicate which constructions they illustrate and then present to the class a detailed analysis of two of these examples. In the final paper, the student will give the complete analysis of the five examples presented in class.
Face-to-face lessons
Collaborative learning with peers
This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Last update of the programme: 30/07/2020