Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT2100 (AF:346071 AR:177018)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course contributes to the attainment of the teaching goals of the "Corso di Laurea om "LINGUE, CIVILTÀ E SCIENZE DEL LINGUAGGIO - POLITICO INTERNAZIONALE" in the cultural and humanities areas.
The course aims tto provide an overview of the main issues of the cultural identity of modern Russia.
Knowledge and understanding::
- to develop a good understanding of the the general lines of the history of Russian culture.

Applying knowledge and understanding:
- to develop a critical understanding of some fundamental aspects of the Russian culture, with particular reference to the questions of modernization and the relations with Europe and Asia

Making judgements:
- to produce critical judgments on the historical and cultural phenomena of the course
- to analyze various types of sources according to a critical approach

- to express and re-elaborate the contents of the programme in written form.

Lifelong learning skills:
- to know how to take notes in an effective way
- to know how to critically integrate the study of different materials (notes, slides, manuals, creative texts, academic articles)
- to be able to independently study materials and topics not covered during the lectures
No previous knowledge in the field is required.
The course will consider the key issues of the cultural debate in modern Russian thought. It will make particular reference to the major intellectual currents (Westerners, Slavophiles, Populists, Marxists and Eurasianists).
For everybody
P. Caadaev, Prima lettera filosofica, Aspis, Milano 2019.
- N.Trubeckoj, L'Europa e l'umanità. La prima critica dell'eurocentrismo, Einaudi, Torino 1982.

Two volumes of your choice among the followings (three for non-attendant students):

- A. Walicki, A history of Russian thought from the enlightenment to marxism, Stanford University Press, Stanford 1979
- O. Figes, La danza di Nataša. Storia della cultura russa, 18.-20. secolo, Einaudi, Torino 2008
- A. Ferrari, La foresta e la steppa. Il mito dell'Eurasia nella cultura russa, Scheiwiller, Milano 2003 (o Mimesis, Milano 2011)
- A. Ferrari, Il grande paese. Studi sulla storia e la cultura russe, Mimesis, Milano 2012
- G. M. Young, I cosmisti russi, tr. it. Tre Editori, Roma 2017
- V. Strada, Europe. La Russia come frontiera, Marsilio, Venezia 2014
The exam consists of three written questions on the topics covered in the course
Conventional, with powerpoint presentations

 If you can't attend the course, it's possible to take the exam with bibliographic additions.
This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Last update of the programme: 02/04/2020