Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0554 (AF:344255 AR:180262)
Blended (on campus and online classes)
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
3rd Term
Course year
Go to Moodle page
This course is included in the "attività caratterizzanti" (characterizing activites) of the master course in Lavoro, Cittadinanza Sociale, Interculturalità (Labour, Social Citizenship and Interculture) and it is related to the following objectives of the master:
- reaching ad advanced knwoledge of features and dynamics of contemporary societies with particular reference to contemporary welfare states
- an advanced knowledge of new social risks and of the policies implemented for addressing them.
Knowledge and understanding
The course aims at providing an advanced knowledge on social policies, particularly related to recent welfare state's changes, such as the emergence of new social risks and the austerity policies implemented during the economic crisis which cut the economic resources devoted to welfare state. At the end of the course student will be provided of:
-knowledge and understanding of different social policies' paradigms (keynesian policies, neo-liberism and social investment);
- knowledge and understanding of social innovation and co-production and of their main applications in actual social interventions;
-knowledge of policy tools used by Ue and Italian governmen addressing social effects of the pandemia.

Capacity of applying knowledge and understanding
After the course student will be able to:
-critically analyse contemporary social policies;
-identify strengths and weaknesses of Social Investment approach including its actual implementation in Italy and other European countries
-identify the fundamental elements of a social innovative policy or practice;

In order to reach these goals, moments where students discuss on readings previously prepared will be scheduled.
Students should have a basic knowledge of the functioning of the welfare state and of the main social policies. Professor will provide some readings (not compulsory) for students who did not have any background on welfare state and social policies.
This module counts as a whole exam for students of the curriculum in Servizio Sociale (master in Lavoro, Cittadinanza Sociale, Interculturalità) and for students of other master courses. It counts as the first of two modules for students of the curriculum in Politiche di welfare and ricerca sociale.
New Social Risks; Social Investment approach as an alternative of both keynesian policies and neo-liberism; Social Innovation approach and co-production in the field of Social Policies and its application in the field of social work.
Among the policies that the course addresses: work-life balance; childcare; health; education; immigrant and refugee integration; social sustainability of environmental policies; housing, long term care.
1) Hemerijck A. (ed) 2017, The Uses of Social Investment, Oxford University Press Chapter 1 “Social Investment and its critics” (pagg.4-39) e chapter 5 “Social Investment and the Matthew Effect” (pp.66-76)
2) Ferrera M. 2013 Neowelfarismo liberale: nuove prospettive per lo stato sociale in Europa, in Stato e Mercato n.97 2013 (you should study particularly the features of neo libearlism and causes of its decline). The article is uploaded on Moodle.
3) Ascoli U., Ranci C. Sgritta G. 2015 Investire nel sociale. La difficile innovazione del welfare italiano. Da studiare: Introduzione, Conclusioni + Parte prima (I servizi per la prima infanzia) o Parte quarta (L'edilizia pubblica e sociale)
4) Saruis, Colombo, Barberis e Kazepov 2019 Istituzioni del welfare e innovazione sociale: un rapporto conflittuale? In La Rivista delle Politiche sociali, n.1/2019 (uploaded on moodle)
5) Murray et al. (eds), 2010, The Open Book of Social Innovation (2010) Studiare la Section 1 The process of Social Innovation (book is uploaded on Moodle)
6) Taylor Gooby (2004) New Risks and Social Change, capitolo del libro New Risks, New Welfare: The Transformation of the European Welfare State (uploaded on Moodle) (study especially the explanationa about what are the New Social Risks in contemporary societies)
7) Studentes are also invited to read some additional materials related to the specific social risks which they choose to deepen for preparing the paper (a list will be provided at the beginning of the course and it willl be uploaded on Moodle)

Students of the curriculum Servizi Sociali (Social Work) and other students who who take the 6 cfu exam: Exam is written and oral. .The written part consistes in the development of a paper of 8-10 pages to be uploaded in moodle at least 3 days before the exam (on moodle you will find the deadline for each session of exam). Students can choose among some topics that you find in the moodle platform (ppt file uploaded on moodle about the presentation of the course). It counts for 55% of the exams.The oral part counts for the 45% of the mark; it consists in 2/3 questions about the texts and in a discussion of the paper previously deliverd.
I will consider the active participation during classes and the accomplishment of assigned exercises.
Students of the curriculum in Politiche del welfare e ricerca sociale must follow the guidelines included in the syllabus of the second module (detailed information will be given during class and will be uploaded on Moodle).
written and oral
During the course there will be some lectures and some workshop where students are invited to present reading and discuss on issues related to the course objectives. During the course experts will be invited for discussing specific issues related to the course. At the beginning of the course a detailed calendar of the classes will be given.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/01/2021