- Academic year
- 2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- CT0599 (AF:340956 AR:181573)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 6
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- CHIM/12
- Period
- 2nd Semester
- Course year
- 2
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
The main aim of the course is to help students understand the potential of technical-scientific investigation methods for the study of Cultural Heritage, aimed at knowledge, characterisation and preventive conservation.
Through practical experiences on objects of historical and cultural interest or the preparation of replicas in the laboratory, students will have the opportunity to understand and draw up the cognitive process that characterises a Cultural Heritage: multidisciplinarity; application of traditional and avant-garde investigation methodologies; invasive and non-invasive analytical methods, comparison and research with the literature in the sector, etc.
The course aims to develop the student's critical ability to understand the state of conservation of an object and in particular to read and understand the cultural heritage in its various aspects. Particular attention will also be paid to the understanding of the critical importance of the data for the evaluation of the state of conservation, the selection of possible diagnostic techniques to be used in relation to the materials and the cognitive needs.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding of the relationships between art sciences and materials
Understanding the connection between theoretical aspects of conservation and practical intervention in cultural heritage.
Understanding which diagnostic techniques are suitable and how they should be selected.
To understand the data collected in relation to the materials studied, their state of conservation, the need for intervention also through the analysis of scientific articles and/or case studies.
To understand the connections between history, art, materials, technologies and environment.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
Ability to assess the conservation needs of an artwork
Ability to assess the connections between the sciences (chemical, physical, biological, etc.) and cultural heritage goods
Ability to apply the concepts acquired in basic training courses to cultural heritage goods
Ability to select the correct diagnostic and cognitive procedure in relation to the materials
Ability to write a condition report and propose a diagnostic plan
Discussion of the data collected and their critical analysis using sector research, databases and publications.
Invasive and non-invasive techniques for the study of materials: some examples and practical applications
Creation and study of stratigraphic sections and replicas
Use of basic diagnostic methods: optical and digital microcopy, spectrocolorimetra, infrared analysis
Referral texts
Mora P., et al. La conservazione delle pitture murali, Editrice Compositori
Matteini M. et al. La Chimica nel Restauro - I materiali dell’arte pittorica
Paolillo L. e Giudicianni I. La diagnostica nei beni culturali: moderni metodi di indagine, Loghìa, 2009
Artioli G. e Angelini I, Scientific methods and cultural heritage: an introduction to the application of materials science to archaeometry and conservation science, Oxford University Press, 2010
Caneva G. et al. Vol 1: Biodeterioramento e conservazione, Nardini Editore
Montagnana G. I pigmenti: prontuario per l’arte e il restauro, Nardini Editore
Lazzarini L. et al. Il restauro della pietra, Utet Scienze Tecniche
Pinna D., et al. Controllo del degrado biologico, Nardini Editore
Amoroso A., Trattato di conservazione, ALinea Ed
Derrick M. R. et al. Infrared spectroscopy in conservation science, The Getty Conservation Institute
Matteini M. et al. Scienza e restauro: metodi di indagine, Nardini Editore
Alrovandia A., Picollo M. Metodi di documentazione e di indagini non invasive su dipinti, Il Prato, 2001
Bonsanti G. e Giannini C. Dizionario del restauro: tecniche, diagnostica, conservazione, Nardini Editore, 2010
Articoli selezionati forniti dal docente
Assessment methods
Type of exam
Teaching methods
If at the time of the start of the course there are still restrictions regarding the Covid-19 emergency, the teacher will organize the course accordingly to the indications of the University
Teaching language
Further information
Italian/English in case of Erasmus students