Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0510 (AF:337821 AR:189967)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
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The teaching aims at providing students with an adequate knowledge of the main issues related to the teaching practices of philosophy, analyzing them from the perspective of the connection between the successive redefinitions of philosophy as a discipline and the corresponding redefinitions of the identity and practices of the historiography of philosophy. Considering the ways in which some philosophers have connected philosophy and the history of philosophy, we will attempt to isolate models and methods useful for the analysis of philosophical texts and their teaching, in accordance with current regulations.
At the end of the course the student:
- Knows some of the major reflections on the connection between philosophy and the history of philosophy and the educational significance of philosophical texts.
- Is familiar with the recent history of the teaching of philosophy and the legislation currently governing it.
- Is aware of the main teaching methodologies developed in research in the teaching of philosophy, also with reference to the history of teaching practice during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, to the specific role of the teacher, to the conceptual, epistemological and didactic nodes of teaching and learning of the disciplines of interest.
- Is able to plan and construct teaching activities related to philosophy, to illustrate the principles and methodologies, and to prepare the relative evaluations.
In order to deal effectively with the contents of the course, the student must have acquired, during the three-year course, a mastery of the philosophical vocabulary; knowledge of the fundamental themes and junctions of the history of philosophy.
Definitions of philosophy and the practice of the history of philosophy: problems, concepts and methods.
In Europe, philosophy, as a scholastic and academic discipline distinct from other areas of knowledge, has, since its emergence at the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, undergone continuous redefinitions by those who practice and teach it. Some of these redefinitions have become famous and have become part of the history of the discipline. Each new definition has almost always been accompanied by a partial rewriting of its history, and of the description of the aims and methods of the discipline that has always accompanied it, the history of philosophy.
The definition of philosophy has also implied two other fields: a theory of science - that is, the way the fields of knowledge are organized - and a theory of knowledge, which implies a theory of subjectivity, faculties and their different uses.
The course is ideally divided into two parts: it proposes to provide initially a brief history of the modalities of the practice of philosophy in Italy and in other European countries (both in secondary and in university) and of its educational functions. We will take a look at the current legislation on the subject, and dwell on the different discussions on pedagogical methods.
Then, the bulk of the course will be reserved for the analysis of some important texts by German, Austrian and German philosophers that simultaneously redefine the idea and practice of philosophy and the history of philosophy; during the reading and discussion we will isolate some key terms essential for the practice and teaching of philosophy - concept, problem, question, idea, system, diachrony, synchrony - and some issues such as that of the method and style to be adopted in philosophy and the history of philosophy. Students will be asked to simulate short presentations.
(la stragrande parte dei testi saranno disponibili in formato elettronico sulla piattaforma moodle)

Wilhelm Windelband, Che cos'è la filosofia? Concetto e storia della filosofia. In Pietro Rossi (ed.), Lo storicismo tedesco, Unione tipografico-editrice Torinese, Torino, 1977, pp. 271-312.
Henri Bergson, Il pensiero e il movente, Olschki, Firenze, 2001 (pp.1-23; 91-109; 135-170).
Martin Heidegger, “Che cos’è la metafisica?” (alcune parti)
Edmund Husserl, La crisi delle scienze europee e la fenomenologia trascendentale, Il Saggiatore, Milano, 2015 (1-47) OPPURE Edmund Husserl, La storia della filosofia e la sua finalità, Città Nuova, Roma, 2004.
Rudolf Carnap, Il superamento della metafisica mediante l'analisi logica del linguaggio (1932), in Il neoempirismo, Utet, Torino, 1978.
Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Che cos’è la filosofia? (prima parte), Einaudi, Torino 1996.

Normativa recente:
1) “Indicazioni nazionali riguardanti gli obiettivi specifici di apprendimento” MIUR 2010. Allegato A: Nota introduttiva alle Indicazioni nazionali riguardanti gli obiettivi specifici di apprendimento, pp. 5-10; Dall’allegato B: Filosofia: Linee generali e competenze. Obiettivi specifici di apprendimento, pp. 20-22 (disponibile on line)
2) “Orientamenti per l’apprendimento della Filosofia nella società della conoscenza”, MIUR 2017 (disponibile on line).
La riflessione attuale sulla didattica della filosofia nella scuola:
1) Luca Illetterati, Insegnare filosofia. Modelli di pensiero e pratiche didattiche, Utet, Torino 2007 (Introduzione, capitoli 2, 3, 4, 5, 13)

The final exam will be oral, involving a dozen open questions that will be communicated at the end of the course, and from which four will be chosen at random for each@, and on which the discussion will be based. Students who wish to submit a short written work on certain themes and authors or, during the meetings, a presentation (in the form of a short lecture) will be exempted from one or two questions. Evaluation will also be based on attendance and interaction during the meetings.
Lectures, readings, and discussion of texts. Student Presentations.
Accessibility in cases of disability and Inclusion

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 05/04/2022