Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LMF04L (AF:336862 AR:175670)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Class 1
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The class of "Littérature française" is one of the main teachings of the French course of the Master Degree Course in European, American and post-colonial languages and literatures. It allows students to acquire an advanced knowledge of the history of French literature as well as mastery of theoretical-critical methodologies.
Teaching objectives:
Through a course structured in graduated training stages, students will be able to deal with complex literary and critical texts in French (to read, analyze, interpret and place them in their respective historical-cultural contexts) and to master the techniques related to literary studies and textual analysis (philology, history of genres, poetry, rhetoric, hermeneutics, stylistics, reception, theoretical-literary terminology
(Translated with
1. Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge of the historical-cultural context covered by the programme (1848-1868); knowledge of the history of French literature and poetics in the XIX and XX Centuries; knowledge of the work and poetics of the author studied; in-depth knowledge of a single work in its various facets and articulations (philology, history of genres, poetry, rhetoric, hermeneutics, stylistics, reception); knowledge of applied criticism.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding
Ability to read, understand, analyse, interpret and place poetic texts as well as ancient (19th century) and modern critical texts in their respective historical-cultural contexts.
3. Judging skills
Ability to evaluate different approaches, methods and interpretations of the texts; ability to exercise critical spirit and analytical skills; ability to orientate oneself between different critical perspectives.
4. Communication skills
Ability to present problems and analyses regarding the program with logical and chronological rigour, and to express concepts with clarity and terminological precision.
5. Learning Capabilities
Ability to synthesize, connect, sort, transmit ideas, forms and data.
(Translated with
Knowledge of the general frameworks of the history of French literature from the Middle Ages to the present day acquired through the basic literary teachings of the three-year degree course in Languages, civilizations and language sciences.
Since the course is given in French, a mastery of the French language (written and oral) is required at level C1 of the CEFR, also in view of the examination.
Rimbaud, « prodigieux linguiste »

Notre cours sera consacré cette année à une figure emblématique de la seconde modernité. À travers une lecture approfondie de l’œuvre de Rimbaud, nous nous proposons d’aborder et d’illustrer un éventail de problèmes liés à l’histoire de la littérature et des genres littéraires, à la critique, à l’interprétation et à l’analyse textuelle, à la philologie, tant d’un point de vue interne qu’externe. Notre propos sera donc à la fois analytique et historique, dans le but de définir au mieux l’originalité de l’auteur et de son oeuvre dans l’histoire des formes et des poétiques du XIXe siècle.
Éditions conseillées:

Rimbaud, Œuvres complètes, éd. Jean-Luc Steinmetz, Paris, GF Flammarion, 3 vol., 2020.
Rimbaud, Opere, a cura di Olivier Bivort, traduzione di Ornella Tajani, Venezia, Marsilio, « Letteratura universale », 2019.

Édition de référence :

Rimbaud, Œuvres complètes, éd. André Guyaux et Aurélia Cervoni, Paris, Gallimard, « Bibliothèque de la Pléiade », 2013.

Ouvrages de référence :

Combe, Dominique, « Poésies », « Une saison en enfer », « Illuminations » d'Arthur Rimbaud (essai et dossier), Paris, Gallimard, « Foliothèque », 2004.
Étiemble et Gauclère, Yassu, Rimbaud [1936], Paris, Gallimard, « Les Essais », 1950.
Friedrich, Hugo, Structure de la poésie moderne [1956], Paris, Le Livre de poche, « Références », 1999.
Henry, Albert, Contributions à la lecture de Rimbaud, Bruxelles, Académie royale de Belgique, « Mémoire de la Classe des Lettres », 1998.
Murat, Michel, L’Art de Rimbaud [2009], Paris, José Corti, 2013.
Richard, Jean-Pierre, Poésie et profondeur [1955], Paris, Éditions du Seuil, « Essais », 2014.
Rimbaud poéticien, éd. Olivier Bivort, Paris, Classiques Garnier, « Études rimbaldiennes », 2015.
Rivière, Jacques, Rimbaud: dossier 1905-1925, éd. Roger Lefèvre, Paris, Gallimard, 1977.

Des compléments bibliographiques seront apportés durant le cours.
Assessment will be carried out through:
1. A written essay (approx. 15 pages) in French (50% of the assessment). The essay must be submitted seven days before the oral test.
The essay will focus on a topic chosen by the student and previously agreed upon with the course convenor. During the course students will receive instructions on the essays structure, on bibliography and on typographical norms.
2. An oral test in French on the subjects discussed during the course, including reading and analysis of the texts studied in class (50% of the evaluation).
The test must include :
- the reading of two essays in the "Ouvrages de référence" list
- reading and analysis of ten poems non studied in class, to be presented independently.

Lessons, lectures, textual analysis seminars
Programma per studenti non frequentanti

L'insegnamento prevede due modalità complementari di verifica dell'apprendimento:

1. Una tesina in lingua francese da consegnare almeno sette giorni prima della prova orale (50% della valutazione). Di circa 15 cartelle, porterà su un argomento a scelta inerente alla materia del corso, da concordare prevalentemente con il docente. Impostazione, strumenti bibliografici, modalità di stesura e norme tipografiche verranno comunicati in sede di ricevimento.

2. Una prova orale in lingua francese sulle materie del corso.
La prova comporta obbligatoriamente :
- la conoscenza approfondita del periodo di riferimento (1860-1875)
- la lettura di tre saggi presenti nella lista “Ouvrages de référence” (o altri da concordare con il docente).
- la lettura e l’analisi di venti poesie dell’autore da presentare autonomamente con particolare attenzione all’aspetto filologico (date, pubblicazioni, varianti), alla poetica (genere, metrica, figure, stilistica), alle tematiche riconducibili all’intera raccolta, alla ricezione.

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 09/07/2020