- Academic year
- 2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LT009X (AF:336168 AR:176760)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 12
- Subdivision
- Class 1
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- L-LIN/21
- Period
- 2nd Semester
- Course year
- 3
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
Expected learning outcomes
The teaching programme aims at providing students with a theoretical and applied understanding of contemporary Russian syntactic structures. At the end of the course, students are expected to properly analyze a clause, differentiate various kinds of simple and complex sentences, grasp the main ideas underlying texts about concrete and abstract topics, understand technical debates pertaining to their own sectoral field. They are also expected to carry on a conversation in Russian with such fluency that they be able to get spontaneously in contact with native speakers in everyday life contexts reflecting the B2 level set up by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Thanks to their high developed skills, students will be able to recognize and describe the syntactic structures of Russian language, interact with native speakers in various communicative situations, understand and create texts and oral messages at the B2 level, react adequately whatever the communicative situation and the linguistic register, understand the main points of a broadcast and/or an audiovisual record in standard Russian.
Students are supposed to make solid judgments about the well-formedness of a linguistic utterance, trace and find all the bibliographical sources requested by the tenured professor, use with ease both a medium-sized bilingual and an explanatory monolingual dictionary. They are also supposed to adopt adequate communicative strategies, testifying their ability to argue a stance (at the B2 level), as well as implement translational choices over complex texts.
Students are expected to explain the differences in Italian and Russian syntactic structures, adopting the linguistic nomenclature in describing morphosyntactic phenomena. They are also expected to express themselves in in/formal communicative situations (at the B2 level), while showing a knack for mediating through their Italian-Russian translations.
Students will learn to read and translate, with the only help of a dictionary, texts of medium difficulty pertaining to their own sectoral field.
During the language class hours the following conversational topics will be addressed:
First semester: 1. Russia; basic notions of geography, the climate, natural resources, the population and their languages, the state (the president, the parliament, the government); the republics of Russian Federation, its most important regions and cities; 2. Moscow and St. Petersburg: the history of the country as reflected in the history of the capital and of the former capital of Russia; historical notes, their position, the administration, the main monuments; 3. the Russian universities and Russian national higher education system.
Second semester: man’s health (the body, diseases, their cures, prevention); the Russian national health system; the man and nature, ecology and the environment; the man and society; the social networks.
Moreover, part of the language classes will be devoted to the strenghtening of some grammatical notions and to the development of communicative skills.
During the language class hours some other aspects of Italian-Russian translation will be addressed, such as: the use of dictionaries, linguistic and extralinguistic factors, how to translate motion and temporal expressions, some particular pronominal phrases in simple and complex sentences, in passive constructions and impersonal sentences.
Referral texts
C. Cevese, Ju. Dobrovolskaja, Sintassi russa. Teoria ed esercizi, Milano, Hoepli, 2005.
N. Nikitina, Corso di russo. Livelli B1-B2 del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue, Hoepli, Milano 2016.
N. Nikitina, Eserciziario di russo con soluzioni. Livelli B1-B2 del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue, Hoepli, Milano 2016.
N. Nikitina, Esercizi di lingua russa. Morfologia: livello avanzato (con soluzioni), Hoepli, 2013.
M.G. Benedek, Come tradurre in russo, Milano 1995.
И. Некрашевич, Н. Фридлянд, Н. Любич, I Love Russian. Coursebook. B1.1, Liden & Denz Gmbh, 2019. ISBN – 9783907154021
V. Kovalev, il Kovalev. Dizionario Russo-Italiano / Italiano-Russo. Quarta edizione, Zanichelli, Bologna 2014.
J. Dobrovolskaja, Grande dizionario Russo-Italiano / Italiano Russo, Hoepli, Milano 2001.
S.I. Ožegov, Tolkovyj slovar’ russkogo jazyka, Moskva, 1997 (o altra edizione).
Italian Grammars:
L. Renzi, G. Salvi, A. Cardinaletti (a cura di), Grande grammatica italiana di consultazione, voll. I-III, Bologna, 1988-1996.
G. Salvi, L. Vanelli, Nuova grammatica italiana, Bologna, il Mulino, 2004.
Handbook of Linguistics:
G. Graffi, S. Scalise, Le lingue e il linguaggio. Introduzione alla linguistica, Bologna, il Mulino, 2002.
Assessment methods
The written part (A), which aims at verifying the acquired grammatical notions, students’ translational skills and their expertise in the framework of linguistic mediation, is subdivided into:
A.1) A grammar test and an Italian-Russian translation of an array of simple and complex sentences (coordinate and subordinate clauses) already dealt with during the entire course. This part lasts two hours and a half. The use of dictionaries is allowed.
A.2) A Russian-Italian translation of a text concerning topics somehow connected with students’ curriculum. This part lasts two hours. The use of bilingual and monolingual dictionaries is allowed.
The oral part (B), which lasts approximately 30-40 minutes, is subdivided into:
B.1) A short presentation and conversation in Russian about all the readings addressed during the year (topics: geography, ecology, political system, history, culture, society, current events). Students are expected to implement the adequate communicative strategies and interact properly;
B.2) A spoken word reading (accents are not provided), a Russian-Italian translation and an in-depth linguistic commentary of the 70 pages assigned at the beginning of the course (please note a page is equal to a 2000 characters sheet, spaces included). While commenting their texts, students are supposed to describe the morphosyntactic phenomena of Russian language, adopting the most adequate nomenclature throughout their linguistic analysis;
B.3) A possible brief presentation and a summary in Russian of a randomly chosen text among the assigned 70 pages; during their presentation students are expected to argue their stance on the content of the text under consideration.
Students must show up for the round with their badge and a valid identity document. Written tests will be held the same day, one after the other, with a short break in between. During the exam it is forbidden to enter and/or exit the classroom. Students must behave with absolute honesty, particulary with regards to the authenticity of their work. Those who would like to pull out of the exam could do so during the break or at the end of the second round. They must return the tenured professor their exam and the writing papers they were given. They must put on them their name, surname, registration number and a signed request to withdraw from the exam.
In order to be admitted to the oral test, students must pass both A.1 and A.2. The oral test will be held not before the eighth following day and it must be taken in its entirety (B.1-3) during the same round of the written tests. In order to pass the entire exam, students are needed to pass both the written and the oral part. The final mark will match the exact average of the marks obtained in both the written and the oral part.
Type of exam
Teaching methods
Further information
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development