Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT1220 (AF:336015 AR:176614)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Class 1
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The present course is one of the basic courses for the degree in Languages, Civilisation and the Science of Language. It aims to provide students with the first methodological tools in contemporary history. Objectives of the course are: to develop a capacity for reflection on contemporary European history and to provide basic methodological tools for the historical analysis of the present and for the comparison of national histories. Achieving these goals allows the student to acquire the basic knowledge for the historical understanding of present Europe, and to reflect on its conditions independently.
The course aims at the following learning objectives:
a) knowledge and basic understanding of the main political, social and cultural changes in European contemporary history;
b) ability to apply this knowledge to the understanding and interpretation of the contemporary world;
c) enhancement of autonomous judgement through classroom discussions;
d) improvement of communication capabilities by classroom presentations on a voluntary basis;
e) development and consolidation of skills in the reading of scholarly texts and sources, and of awareness regarding the history of concepts.
Knowledge of contemporary history at high school level.
The course, in addition to providing basic knowledge of events and periods of European contemporary political history between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, will put the accent on the formation of the concepts of nation and Europe. Some of these aspects can be explored through the reading and discussion in the classroom of various sources and other material.
Among the topics addressed:
- On the concept of Europe: origins and present uses
- The French Revolution and the Napoleonic age
- Revolution and reaction
- From the Restoration to the revolution of 1848
- On the concept of Nation
- Nation States after 1850
- The creation of national identities
- Russia and the concept of Eastern Europe
- World War I
- The nineteen twenties and thirties
- Fascism, Nazism, Shoah
- After the Second World War
- Europe between nation, region and globalization
Compelling readings:
R. PETRI: Meanings of Europe and Meanings in History, in: “History: The Journal of the Historical Association” 103 (2018), n. 356, pp. 401-417;
R. PETRI: The Resurgence of the Region in the Context of European Integration, in Arndt Bauerkämper, Hartmut Kaelble, Gesellschaft in der europäischen Integration seit den 1950er Jahren, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2012, pp. 159-171 (download from the Moodle page related to this course);
A. M. THIESSE: La creazione delle identità nazionali in Europa, Bologna, Mulino, 2004, pp. 19-125.

Textbook: Storia contemporanea. Dal Congresso di Vienna ai giorni nostri, Edizioni Simone: Napoli 2015, Chapters IV, VI (paragraphs 1-7), VIII (par. 4-6), X-XIV, XV (par. 9-14) and XVI (par . 3). In the 2015 edition, these correspond to the pages 5-71, 73, 86-96, 104-180, 192-202, 205-207, 212-214.
The proficiency test is graded up to 30 points. It consists of two parts, with a maximum grade of 15/30 each. Honors can be obtained with a particularly brilliant second part and a 15/30 valued first part:
1) the first parts consists of a knowledge check regarding the events and data of European history between 1814 and 2000 should demonstrate basic chronological knowledge of European history;
2) the second part consists of short paper on a topic that will be communicated at the moment of the exam, based on the obligatory readings in the reading list.

The prevailing teaching method is frontal lecturing.
It is recommended to carefully consult and read the Moodle materials related to this course.

Ca’ Foscari applica la Legge Italiana (Legge 17/1999; Legge 170/2010) per i servizi di supporto e di accomodamento disponibili agli studenti con disabilità o con disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento. Se hai una disabilità motoria, visiva, dell’udito o altre disabilità (Legge 17/1999) o un disturbo specifico dell’apprendimento (Legge 170/2010) e richiedi supporto (assistenza in aula, ausili tecnologici per lo svolgimento di esami o esami individualizzati, materiale in formato accessibile, recupero appunti, tutorato specialistico a supporto dello studio, interpreti o altro) contatta l’ufficio Disabilità e DSA

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 17/08/2020