Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM5840 (AF:335714 AR:176140)
Blended (on campus and online classes)
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course European Union Politics introduces students to EU institutions and EU politics. This course is taught in English.

This seminar aims to introduce Master’s students to EU institutions and EU politics. The seminar is divided into three parts. The first part of the seminar will focus on EU institutions and EU decisional processes. The second part of the seminar will focus on EU public policies. The third part of the seminar will focus on specific issues linked to the integration process.

After this class, students should have an improved ability to read political science papers. They should also be more familiar with EU politics and be able to apply their knowledge to the understanding of EU decisional processes, EU public policies and the main issues raised by European integration. Finally, they should have developed their analytical skills through the case-study.
At least 6 ECTS in History/Political and Social Sciences.
Students who have never attended a class in International Relations are advised to read Baylis, John, Patricia Owens, and Steve Smith, eds. The globalization of world politics: An introduction to international relations. Oxford University Press, 2017.
PART 1: EU Institutions. PART 2: EU public policies. PART 3: Contemporary issues: integration and disintegration.
Available on Moodle.

Before each session, students should read one article (see the file 'Compulsoy readings' on Moodle). The compulsory readings are available on Moodle.

Hodson, D., & Peterson, J. (Eds.). (2017). The institutions of the European Union. Oxford University Press.
Kenealy, D., Peterson, J. and Corbett, R. (Eds.) (2018) The European Union: How does it work? Fifth Edition.
Wallace, H., Pollack, M. A., & Young, A. R. (Eds.). (2020) Policy-making in the European Union. 8th edition. Oxford University Press.

1. Final oral exam. Duration: 2 hours.
Questions on the compulsory readings and on their paper (70% of the final grade).

2. Case-study (2,000-word paper; 30% of the final grade; deadline: one week before the exam session for which the student registered).
Teamwork (2 students max. per team) is possible. Students will have the possibility to present their paper during the class. Evaluation of the oral presentations: between 0 and 2 points added to the paper’s grade.

The exam will be the same for all students (attendant, non attendant, Erasmus, international students in exchange).

Lectures and compulsory readings before the lectures. Blended course (the course might be entirely online, depending on the circumstances related to Covid-19).
For this class, there is no distinction between attendant students and non attendent students. The same evaluation criteria apply to all students and the programme for the exam is the same for all students.

A more complete syllabus is available on Moodle. Students should also read this more detailed syllabus.

For questions, students should consult the teacher during her office hours (the schedule of the office hours is published on the webpage of the teacher).

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "International cooperation" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 24/11/2020