Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT016N (AF:335594 AR:175983)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Surnames M-Z
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course "Japanese Literature 3" is an introduction to the major artistic and literary phenomena in Japan from the end of the World War II to the present time.
This course is one of the core educational activities for the Japan-focused curriculum of the Bachelor's Degree Programme in Language, Culture and Society of Asia and Mediterranean Africa. It contributes to the attainment of the teaching goals of the same Bachelor's Degree Programme in language skills, but it also invests the cultural and humanities areas. The study of novels and essays will enhance skills in textual analysis and the understanding of historical and cultural contexts.
Abilities concerning the macroscopic development of modern and contemporary Japanese literature constitute the foundations to pursue literary and cultural studies.
Expected learning outcomes:
The course aims to introduce knowledge and understanding of the main literary, artistic and cultural phenomena of contemporary Japan.
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to

Knowledge and comprehension skills:
- outline the main elements (authors, movements, works, etc.) of the history of Japanese literature from 1945 to the present day;
- identify and distinguish among the concepts and tools of literary criticism and historiography;
- extend, through the analysis of literary texts, their knowledge and understanding of historical contexts, previously encountered in other subjects of the degree course from a different perspective (e.g. historical, artistic...).

Application and analysis skills:
- analyse and interpret literary texts using critical and historiographical concepts and tools;
- relate literary texts using critical and historiographical concepts and tools;
- critically apply concepts of literary historiography to the period under examination.

Evaluation skills:
- appraise textual and historical-literary phenomena that are part of the programme using critically and historiographically sound arguments;
- assess a variety of sources through critical examination;
- criticise essentialist and stereotypical discourses on 'Japanese culture';
- ascertain useful critical material for their learning purposes.

Communication skills:
- concisely and effectively re-elaborate and convey a presentation on a topic of interest in Japanese literature, without having to resort to automatisms and schematics resulted from mnemonic learning strategies;
- debate or present a topic of interest in Japanese literature in accordance to the aforementioned objectives;
- convey a concept effectively with support of a Power Point presentation;
- engage and collaborate in group projects.

Learning skills:
- critically integrate different learning materials (notes, slides, textbooks, creative texts, academic articles);
- autonomously study materials and topics not covered during lectures;
- improve their ability to study materials in English;
- improve their ability to use the online teaching platform Moodle;
- improve their ability to use Ca’ Foscari University’s bibliographic research tools;

Good knowledge skills of classical and modern Japanese literature, which are expected to be acquired by attendance to "Japanese Literature 2" course.
The course involves an in-depth analysis of some among the significant texts in Japanese literature dating from the post-war period and by writers of the latest generation.
Post-war Literature
Il Buraiha
Atomic bomb Literature
Ibuse Masuji
Endō Shūsaku
Mishima Yukio
Women's literature
Contemporary Literature
Post-Fukushima Literature

Students will take an active part in the seminar classes, debating on the basis of short texts related to syllabus content and suggested by the lecturer.
Other individual presentations and group discussions on the main literary texts will be agreed directly with the students.
L. Bienati, P. Scrolavezza, La narrativa giapponese moderna e contemporanea, Marsilio, Venezia 2009.
L. Bienati (a cura di), Letteratura giapponese. Dalla fine dell'Ottocento all'inizio del terzo millennio, Einaudi, 2005.

LITERARY TEXTS (in Italian translation)
Ibuse Masuji, La pioggia nera, a cura di L. Bienati, Marsilio, 2005.
Ota Yoko, Una città di cadaveri, a cura di V. De Pieri, Inari Books, 2021.
Mishima Yukio, Confessioni di una maschera, in Romanzi e racconti, Mondadori, 2006.
Kawabata Yasunari, La bellezza del Giappone e io, in Romanzi e racconti, Mondadori, 2003.
Oe Kenzaburo, Io e il mio ambiguo Giappone, in Il figlio dell'imperatore, Marsilio, 1997.
Oe Kenzaburo, Note su Hiroshima, Alet, 2008
Abe Kobo, La donna di sabbia, Atmosphere libri, 2016.
Murakami Haruki, 1Q84.
Yoshimoto Banana, Kitchen, Feltrinelli.
Enchi Fumiko, Maschere di donna, a cura di M.T. Orsi, Marsilio 1999.
Scrivere per Fukushima (one short story or essay of your choice), Atmosphere Libri, 2013.

Short texts relating to the literary texts and discussed during seminar classes will be made available periodically on the Moodle platform of the course.
Students are also invited to actively participate in the search for critical material to support discussion on these topics.

Self-assessment quizzes will be made available periodically on the Moodle platform of the course.
The oral examination will require the knowledge of the topics discussed, of the materials uploaded on Moodle and of all literary texts of the course.
Conventional, with power-point presentations.
For the full calendar of seminar classes and the course syllabus, please refer to the documents published on the Moodle page of the course.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/02/2022