Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0488 (AF:334629 AR:177184)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
4th Term
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This class, among the modules in the bachelor’s degree in Humanities, curriculum in Science of the Literary text and Communication, is meant to furnish students not only with basic knowledge of the main trends of Italian Literature in the centuries 17th-19th, but moreover with the theoretical and methodological tools to face the specific problematics to the discipline.
The class thus has three main objectives: to trace the development of the modern Italian literature by way of specific examples; to foster the autonomous ability of comparison and evaluation; to furnish the basic methodological tools of textual analysis. Particular attention is devoted to the centrality of the text, as an indispensable starting for whatever theoretical and critical discourse.
By the end of the course the student will know the historical and cultural context of the Italian literary civilization of the modern age (from 17th to 19th century) and will know how to use correctly the specific termonology of the discipline. It is expected to be able to understand, to analyze and to interpret the literary texts object of the course with the appropriate methods and tools, to identify and to examine themes, topics and ideas developed by the treated authors, to organize the contents in appropriate synthesis operating comparisons between texts, to formulate a reasoned judgment of value, to critically consult the assigned texts as well as the bibliography therein.
To adequately follow the lessons the student must have a good knowledge of the Italian language, recognize the fundamental formal and linguistic aspects of a literary text. The knowledge of Italian literary history and of its metrical, rhetorical and stilistic forms acquired, respectively, in the modukes Italian Literature 1 and Metrical Forms and Style should be a helpful preface to the material studied in this class.
Foscolo’s new poetry: from "Poesie" to "Sepolcri".
From sonnets and hatreds to "Sepolcri", Foscolo refers to the most prestigious models of the classical tradition, proposes a heroic lyric characterized by the authority that the voice of poets had in antiquity.
It requires the reading U. Foscolo, "Le poesie", edited by M. Palumbo, Bur, 2010 (a paperback chosen from among those commercially available: "Rime", edited by M. Cerruti, Feltrinelli, 2019; "Sepolcri-Odi-Sonetti", edited by D. Martinelli, Mondadori, 2019).
Critical Bibliography:
M. Palumbo, "Foscolo", Il Mulino, 2010;
M. Santagata, "Contributi ai sonetti foscoliani", in L. Lugnani, M. Santagata, A. Stussi (edited by), "Studi offerti a Luigi Blasucci", Pacini Fazzi, 1996, pp. 475-495 (or in M. Santagata, "Il tramonto della luna e altri studi su Foscolo e Leopardi", Liguori, 1999);
P. Frare, "Una lirica nuova, cioè antica: Foscolo dalle «Poesie» ai «Sepolcri»", in G. Baldassarri, P. Zambon (edited by), "Le forme della tradizione lirica", Il Poligrafo, 2012, pp. 159-177.
The teaching materials commented during the lessons will be uploaded to the University’s “Moodle” e-learning platform.
Students who do not attend class must add F. Danelon (edited by), "«A egregie cose». Studi sui «Sepolcri» di Ugo Foscolo", Marsilio, 2008.
The final verification of learning consists in an oral exam of about 30 minutes on the topics discussed and in-depth on the texts. The student must show to know the historical and cultural context, object of the course, to be able to frame, analyze and comment appropriately the texts and to be able to expose correctly and clearly the contents.
The evaluation criteria respond to different skill levels: from the minimum level of correct understanding of the meanings and the elements of historical-cultural contextualization of the literary texts at the highest level of knowledge deepened of the contents and the ability of critical reorganization of the same and of excellent exhibition competence.
Lessons combine lectures with active student participatin and with multimedia support (Word and Power Point with the video projector).
The didactic materials used to lesson will be available on the e-learning platform "Moodle" of University, where self-assessment tests will be inserted.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 20/04/2020