Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0347 (AF:334560 AR:175420)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
3rd Term
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The course takes part of the core educational activities of the Master's Degree programme in Italian Philology and Literature, as the first part of two (ECTS course 6, total ECTS 12). It takes part too of intersciplinary related or additional studies of the Bachelor’s Degree programme in History (code FM0347) and in Philosophy (code FM0347).
This course offers a solid specialised training in the study of Italian literature of the XXth century, by an approach to a foundamental poetical text, for Italian and European litterature, as "Le occasioni" of Eugenio Montale. The "Commedia" will be studied by many points of view. At the end of the course, students would be able to explain carefully the verses of Montale; to identify formal peculiarity of texts; to link the "Le occasioni" with other Italian ad European texts.
To be admitted to this course students must possess a good knowledge of Italian Language and of Italian literary history of the first half of XXth century.
Lectures of "Le Occasioni" by Eugenio Montale (first part).
Teacher provides a general introduction to Montale's life and works (see the book of Marini-Scaffai quoted in the Bibliography), than a detailed illustration of the "Le occasioni", that will be carefully commented (see de Rogatis' comment).
Referral text:
E. Montale, "Le occasioni",care of T. de Rogatis, Milano, Oscar Mondadori

"Montale", care of P. Marini e N. Scaffai, Roma, Carocci editore, 2019

Non-attending students must add the following essay:
P. V. Mengaldo, " 'L'opera in versi' di Eugenio Montale", in "Letteratura Italiana Einaudi. Le Opere", directed by A. Asor Rosa, vol. IV/I, Torino, Einaudi [also available on line]
The examination will start by a lecture of a poem, or a part of a poem, of the "Le occasioni", selected among the poems presented during the course; students must explicate it literaly and give a commentary on it. Other questions will concern texts quoted on the Bibliography.
Students must demonstrate to have well understood the contents of the course and to have joint a personal critical ability.
Teacher will do lectures, in presence and / or by videoconference, and use multimedial didactical tools.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 31/10/2020