Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0310 (AF:334490 AR:175402)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Term
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The teaching belongs to the master's degree program in Italian Philology and Literature. Its purpose is to offer students two orders of information, one about thematic generalities and the other specific. The generalities concern the historical development of literature in various Italian dialects in parallel to the definition of a supra-regional literary canon, and the start of a critical discussion, starting from the nineteenth century, on dialect literature and its position in relation to the official literature. These are significant issues, since the predominantly "reflected" character of dialectal works places almost systematic relations with the hegemonic literary canon, in an effective dynamic tension for the setting of hermeneutical points of view that are not entirely taken for granted. The particular aspects consist instead of examining some dialectal texts, pertinent to specific authors or strands, with the aim of illustrating their history and contents, as well as verifying their correspondence with the interpretative instruments put in place on them by more or less recent critical traditions. . This part of the teaching is endowed with a decisive laboratory characterization, structuring itself in the forms of a collaborative reading between teacher and lecturers above all in relation to some texts chosen for their problematic physiognomy and still currently open to conflicting readings. The objectives of the teaching coincide with the essential notions concerning the definition of "dialectical literature" in the critique, and with the juxtaposition of the chosen texts through tools useful for their understanding and for the historical and cultural questions involved. The student who achieves these objectives can be considered endowed with the knowledge and methodologies useful to orientate himself autonomously and with a capacity for critical reflection between the dialect texts and their specificities.
1. Knowledge and understanding
Achievement of a set of elements useful for the definition of "dialectical literature" and for the historical characterization of it. Acquisition of bibliographic tools useful for autonomously dealing with dialect texts in order to decipher their contents, historical and cultural reasons, and possible relations with the codified forms of literature in the language.

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
Knowing how to bring the dialect texts back to specific linguistic domains, recognizing, also on the basis of the relevant critical literature, some peculiar local traditions. Properly Interpretation of texts examined in class, citing the interpretative tools and the most suitable bibliography for the purpose.

3. Ability to judge
To be aware that, especially in dialectical literature and in the inevitable difficulties posed by its own linguistic media (dialects as formal alterations of the so-called canonical "letteratura in lingua") interpretation can never be severed from the in-depth knowledge of previous criticism and historiography , and from the continuous comparison of them with the most recently updated bibliographic data.

4. Communication skills
Knowing how to discriminate between expressive registers, identifying the most appropriate exposure to the data acquired during the course.
Knowing how to clarify the questions concerning the course, intervening publicly in the classroom.

5. Learning skills
Knowing how to take notes, putting yourself in the best collaborative conditions to integrate the missing and resolve any doubts about the content of the lessons.
Knowledge of the historical development of Italian literature as a whole, from the so-called origins to the beginning of the twentieth century. Essential skills in linguistics and Italian dialectology.
"Letteratura alla bulesca": a dialectal genre in 16th century Venice.
In the panorama of dialectal written culture that began in the sixteenth century, a prominent venue was early held by the Venetian. As usual for texts in dialect, even those composed in the idiom of the lagoons soon tend to deal with figures and circumstances related to the plebeian dimension, and to be inspired by situations of considerable realism. In Venice a literary vein inspired by the "bulo", a character placed on the margins of society and identified above all by delinquential attitudes, is imposed among others. Protagonist of scenic dialogues and popular compositions that know, through the press, a thriving market, the "bulo" crosses the entire 16th century with a fair fortune, ending up being acquired as a character (or mask) by the incipient "Commedia dell'Arte". The course, by the reading of some significant text in the vein, aims to examine the literary construction and evolution of the "bulo" character, and to reconsider it in relation to the political and social history of Venice.
[A. CARAVIA], La Verra antiga de Castellani, Cannaruoli e Gnatti con la morte de Giurco e Gnagni in lengua brava, s. n. e. [ma: Venezia, 1550] (riproduzione anastatica in «Venezia Cinquecento. Studi di Storia dell’arte e della cultura», II (1992), n. 3)

A. CARAVIA, La guerra dei pugni ovvero La verra antiga de Castellani, Canaruoli e Gnatti, con la morte del Giurco e Gnagni, in lengua brava. Revisione del testo, note e introduzione di M. Zampieri, Venezia, Ippocampo Editrice, 1992

A. CARAVIA, Naspo bizzaro, Venezia, D. Nicolini da Sabbio, 1565

Delle rime piasevoli di diversi auttori, nuovamente raccolte da M. Modesto Pino, & intitolate La Caravana. Parte prima. In Venetia: appresso Andrea Ravenoldo: ad instantia di Sigismondo Bordogna, 1565

B. M. DA RIF, La letteratura «alla bulesca». Testi rinascimentali veneti, Padova, Antenore, 1984.

G. PADOAN, La commedia rinascimentale veneta, Vicenza, Neri Pozza, 1982

E. LIPPI, Un inedito intermezzo cinquecentesco «alla bulesca», in Tra commediografi e letterati. Rinascimento e Settecento veneziano. Studi per Giorgio Padoan, a cura di T. Agostini – E. Lippi, Ravenna, Longo, 1997, pp. 129-50

G. SCARABELLO, Carcerati e carceri a Venezia nell’età moderna, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, 1979

A. VIGGIANO, Giustizia, disciplina e ordine pubblico, in Storia di Venezia, VI, Dal Rinascimento al Barocco, a cura di G. Cozzi e P. Prodi, Roma, Istituto per l’Enciclopedia Italiana, 1994, pp. 825-61

E. BASAGLIA, Giustizia criminale e organizzazione dell'autorità centrale. La Repubblica di venezia e la questione delle taglie in denaro (secoli XVI-XVII), in Stato Società e Giustizia nella repubblica Veneta (sec. XV - XVIII), a cura di G. Cozzi, Roma, Jouvence, 1980-1985, voll. 2: II, pp. 193-220

C. POVOLO, Aspetti e problemi dell'amministrazione della giustizia penale nella Repubblica di venezia. Secoli XVI-XVII, in Stato Società e Giustizia nella repubblica Veneta, cit., I, pp. 155-258: pp. 168-176; 200-7; 237-56.

The Examinatin Proof will consist of an interview in which the examining, on specific request of the examiner, will skil knowledge, skills and abilities useful for the formulation of a fair impartial judgment about the achievement of the same knowledge, skills and abilities.
The course will be taught according to the traditional methods that require the teacher to propose verbally the topics and contents of the course itself. The texts on which we will apply in class will be provided on the Moodle platform.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 19/04/2020