- Academic year
- 2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- FM0113 (AF:334454 AR:175400)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 6
- Degree level
- Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
- Educational sector code
- L-FIL-LET/14
- Period
- 2nd Term
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
Objectives of the course are: to develop the ability to understand a theoretical problem of literature and apply it to texts belonging to literatures of different linguistic origins; to know how to make comparisons, in relation to the different literary traditions; understand and articulate the complexity of a theoretical problem, linking the particular case with the general question; know how to apply different critical methodologies to the texts in question.
Expected learning outcomes
- In-depth knowledge of the main methodologies of critical approach to the text, also in relation to works from different cultural contexts and traditions;
- Knowledge of the main methods by which comparative literature can operate connections between texts of different origins;
- Developed awareness of the plurality of critical approaches to the text, especially in the presence of a general theoretical problem applied to specific cases;
- Knowledge of the theoretical problem of postmodernism and return of the real.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- Ability to read and understand a text, in its historical-critical context, applying the most appropriate hermeneutical methodologies;
- Ability to build connections between texts of different origins and traditions;
- Ability to bring back a single narrative text with its specificities to a general theoretical problem;
- Ability to frame the theoretical problem in the context of 20th e 21st century;
3. Judgment skills:
- Ability to interpret the present and the memory, analyzing and interpreting literary texts.
4. Communication skills:
- Knowing how to communicate, in academic and informative contexts, the conclusions of an analysis on one or more texts in the contemporary historical context;
5. Learning ability:
- To understand the informations but also the methodologies proposed and apply them to the studied texts;
- Knowing how to learn by testing yourself and discussing their positions in a seminar form.
Referral texts
L. Pirandello, «Illustratori, attori e traduttori», in Arte e scienza: saggi. Modes: Roma 1908. Online edition: , pp. 71-101.
L. Pirandello, Prefazione a I sei personaggi in cerca d'autore, any edition, for example: Il meglio del teatro. Drammi scelti, a cura di P. Gibellini. BUR: Milano 2016, pp. 327-338.
V. Woolf, Mr. Bennett e Mrs. Brown, online edition:
R. Barthes, «La morte dell’autore», in Il brusio della lingua. Saggi critici IV. Einaudi: Torino 1988, 51-56.
Debenedetti, Giacomo (1965). «Commemorazione provvisoria del personaggio uomo», any edition, for example Saggi, Mondadori, Milano 1999, pp. 1280-1322.
E. Testa, Eroi e figuranti, Torino, Einaudi, 2009, pp. 1-44.
Valentina Re - Alessandro Cinquegrani, L'innesto, Mimesis, 2014, pp. 1-73 e 137-238.
Cinquegrani, Alessandro (2020), «La nostalgia della persuasione come categoria ermeneutica. Kubrick e DeLillo», in Le costanti e le varianti. Letteratura e lunga durata, a cura di G. Mazzoni, S. Micali, N. Scaffai, P. Pellini, M. Tasca. Del Vecchio: Bracciano, 2020.
A. Cinquegrani, Impostori! Verità e menzogna nella narrativa contemporanea,
Moreover the students have to watch the movie Eyes Wide Shut and read a novel chosen from the following groups.
First group
L. Pirandello, Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore;
F. Kafka, Il Processo;
F. Kafka, Il Castello;
M. Proust, Dalla parte di Swann;
V. Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway.
Second group:
Paul Auster, La trilogia di New York
Don DeLillo, Rumore bianco
Don DeLillo, Underworld
Thomas Pynchon, L'arcobaleno della gravità
Antonio Moresco, Canti del caos.
Third group:
Emmanuel Carrère, L'avversario
Emmanuel Carrère, Limonov
Emmanuel Carrère, Il Regno
Javier Cercas, Soldati di Salamina
Javier Cercas, L'impostore
Mauro Covacich, Prima di sparire
Mauro Covacich, A nome tuo
In-depth essays (optional):
C. Michelstaedter, La persuasione e la retorica
M. Cangiano, La nascita del modernismo italiano. Filosofie della crisi, storia e letteratura, 1903-1922
F. Jameson, Postmodernismo, ovvero la logica culturale del tardo capitalismo
M. Foucault, Le parole e le cose
R. Donnarumma, Ipermodernità: ipotesi per un congedo dal postmoderno, Allegoria, n. 64, 2011, pp. 15-50. Oppure in versione molto ampliata e con un'ampia casistica in Ipermodernità. Dove va la narrativa contemporanea, Il Mulino, 2014.
Assessment methods
1. Paper: the student must prepare a paper of about 20,000 characters, in which he will offer a critical comparative theoretical contribution, on the two works chosen in the list provided, in which he will show the skills achieved, especially in linking the individual works with the problem general. Therefore, a specific critical bibliography is not required on the individual works chosen, but the one provided for the course is sufficient.
2. Oral interview: two parts are foreseen. In the first the student will expose the critical positions sustained in the essay, to demonstrate the exhibition skills. In the second one will demonstrate the knowledge of the texts adopted. This second part will consist of 3 questions, one on each of the texts.
Marks attribution: one mark will be assigned to the paper. The first part of the oral interview may move the mark by +/- 1 point. The second part of the interview may move the vote by +/- 3 points. The student is however required to schieve sufficiency in all three parts, in the case of insufficiency in one of the three, the student will be rejected.
Non-attending students will add another novel, already included in the bibliography. The exam will have the same modality as the students attending.
Type of exam
Teaching methods
During the seminar hours the students will make a classroom report on one of the selected books, on which they will discuss together on the basis of the themes opened in the previous lectures.
Teaching language
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development