Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0204 (AF:334247 AR:181146)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Term
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This Course belongs to the historical Area in both LM curricula; in the Curriculum 'Philology, literature and history of antiquity' it forms with 'Greek History Adv.' the Course 'History and Greek historiography' (12 CFU).
The Course aims:
- advanced competence, methodological and epistemological skills in the analysis and interpretation of historiographical texts of the Greek literature;
- knowledge of the political and cultural context between the 5th century B.C. and the early Roman imperial age;
- knowledge of the most important figures in the Greek historiography;
- knowledge of philological, literary and lexical tools (with particular attention to fragmentary tradition);
- knowledge of the theoretical tools in the critical approach to Greek historiographic texts, with particular reference to the history of studies between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
At the end of the course the student can:
- correctly frame the most important figures and lines of Greek historiography from a literary and historical point of view;
- read, translate and interpret historiographic texts in Greek;
- confront the theoretical and methodological debate concerning the essential nodes of the development of Greek historiography;
- use the most important tools for the discipline, and construct a bibliography (including basic tools, general studies and specific contributions) relating to a specific theme;
- to propose a written commentary on a text, enhancing its significative aspects from the point of view of literary tradition and the stratification of sources, the lexical and methodological peculiarities;
- communicate in oral form using the specific terminology of the discipline;
- participate in a discussion led by the teacher around thematic nodes proposed for the shared discussion.
It is necessary to have the basic notions of Greek History (see the Syllabus of the basic Course of Greek History: FT0252 or FT0253). Students who have not acquired the necessary skills must contact the teacher in advance.
It is also essential a good knowledge of the Greek language; the students can acquire it by following the Course of Greek Language; very useful, moreover, is a specific competence in at least one of the disciplines related to Greek Literature (L-FIL-LET/02) or Classical Philology (L-FIL-LET/05).
Outlines of Greek historiography from the beginning of the 5th century to the early Roman imperial age.
Forms of political communication. Western politics of Athens in the discourses of Thucydides

The course is structured as follows:
- paper and digital tools in the study of Greek historiography;
- the textual dimension: texts and fragments
- figures and themes of Greek historiography
- Thucydides: figure, work, method
- Thucydides' discourses
- Analytical reading of selected texts (from Thuc., III, IV, VI, VII)
Introduzione alla storiografia greca, a cura di M. Bettalli (nuova edizione), Roma, Carocci, 2009.
P. Desideri, Scrivere gli eventi storici, in I Greci. Storia, cultura, arte, società. I, a cura di S. Settis, Einaudi, Torino 1996, 955-1013;

Tucidide, Selected Texts
S. Hornblower, A Commentary on Thucydides, I-III, Oxford, 1997-2008.
L. Porciani, Come si scrivono i discorsi. Su Tucidide I 22, 1, «Quaderni di storia», XLIX, 1999,103-135.
A. Rengakos, A. Tsakmakis (eds.), Brill’s Companion to Thucydides, Leiden 2006.
E. Greco, M. Lombardo (a cura di), Atene e l'Occidente, Atene,2007.
Specific bibliographical indications useful for the preparation of the paper will be given during the lessons.

For the students who can not attend the frontal lessons:
A. Momigliano, La storiografia greca, Torino 1982
These students are still required to discuss and present a written paper on a topic agreed with the teacher.
All the students expose a paper in the class and then they present it in a written version (approximately 10 pages ) 7 days before the exam.
The examination will focus on the topics discussed in the lectures on the texts indicated in the literature, on the papers of the other students discussed in the class .
The final mark results from the assessment of these aspects:
oral presentation of the paper (35%)
written paper (35%)
exam (30%)

For non attending students:
written paper (50%)
exam (50%)

written and oral
The course has a seminar structure, involving the active participation of students both in moments of collective discussion on general problems, and on the occasion of the seminar exhibitions.

Students are invited to follow the activities, lectures, and opportunities (in particular related to the Ancient World) organized in the DSU and reported on the web page of the Course and of the Laboratory of Greek Epigraphy ( ).

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 23/04/2020