Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT005I (AF:333760 AR:176934)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
6 out of 12 of CHINESE LANGUAGE
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course is part of the educational offer of the study course: [LT40] in languages, cultures and societies of Asia and Mediterranean Africa, with two modules divided into the two semesters. Teaching is one of those that characterize the "Japan" and "Korea" curricula. The training objectives are part of the area of ​​language skills.
The course aims to introduce basic grammar structures and develop language skills in the context of simple communication situations (Level A1 of the CEFR).
Attendance of the course and individual study will allow students to reach a level of linguistic competence equivalent to a level A1- of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Language Knowledge). Specifically, students will be able to:

1. Knowledge and understanding
- Know the pronunciation of standard Chinese.
- Know the rules of writing Chinese characters, understand their structure and recognize their main components.
- Know and understand about 300 characters and 350 words (active competence).
- Know the basic grammar structures.

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
- Correctly articulate the sounds of the standard modern Chinese language.
- Write Chinese characters correctly.
- Interacting in simple communication contexts.

3. Communication skills
- Knowing how to communicate the very basic specificities of linguistic analysis, using appropriate terminology.

Basic knowledge of writing Chinese characters.
To take the exam it is necessary to have passed the Chinese language exam mod. 1
The course can also be attended by those who have no knowledge of the Chinese language.
During the course aspects of grammar and basic vocabulary will be addressed with examples and exercises carried out in the classroom. The contents will be mainly aimed at developing basic communication skills, specifically basic level conversations.
Abbiati, M. and Zhang Ruoying, Dialogare in Chinese: colloquial language course (units 1-6), vol. 1, Cafoscarina, Venice 2010 and following

Abbiati, M., The Chinese language, Cafoscarina, Venice 1992 and succ.
o p p u r and Abbiati, M., Guide to the Chinese language, Carocci, Rome 2008 and succ. (suggested)

Casacchia G., Bai Yukun, Chinese-Italian Dictionary, Cafoscarina, Venice 2013, o p p u r and Zhao Xiuying, The Chinese dictionary. Chinese-Italian, Italian-Chinese dictionary, Zanichelli, Bologna 2013, o p p u r e Lombardi R. (edited by), Chinese, Garzanti, Milan 2012,
o p p u r e Zhang Shi Hua, SFLEP Concise Italian-Chinese Chinese-Italian Dictionary, Waiyu jiaoyu chubanshe, Shanghai 2006 (Italian reissue: Chinese-Italian Italian-Chinese Dictionary, Hoepli, Milan 2007),
or Wang Huanbao, Wang Jun, Shen Emei, Ke Baotai, Extremely modern Italian-Chinese Chinese-Italian dictionary, Waiyu jiaoxue yu yanjiu chubanshe, Beijing 2000 (Italian re-edition: Chinese Dictionary. Italian-Chinese Chinese-Italian, De Agostini, Novara 2006) ,
o p p u r and Zhao Xiuying and Gatti, F., Compact Chinese-Italian Italian-Chinese dictionary and conversations, Zanichelli Bologna 1996.
L’insegnamento si articola in due semestri. A chiusura del primo semestre ha luogo una prova consistente in un test di accertamento delle conoscenze grammaticali acquisite. Il primo modulo è propedeutico al secondo.
Il voto finale è costituito dalla media matematica dei voti dei singoli moduli.
Per l'a.a.2021/2022 gli studenti dovranno superare entrambi i moduli entro il primo appello di gennaio 2023 rispettando la propedeuticità. Dopo tale data i due moduli dovranno essere nuovamente sostenuti entrambi.
La prova d'esame dura 40 minuti e sarà strutturata sui contenuti grammaticali e lessicali delle unità 1-6, e del materiale integrativo fornito dal docente. Gli esercizi previsti sono: analisi grammaticale, traduzione di frasi dall'italiano al cinese (in caratteri); traduzione di frasi dal cinese all'italiano; esercizi di completamento; esercizi di riordino frasi.
Lezioni frontali (duale) ed esercitazioni in classe. Uso di PPT e materiali multimediali.
language of instruction is Italian.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 01/09/2021