Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT0680 (AF:333387 AR:177576)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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This is one of the core courses within the Indian Subcontinent curriculum of the Corso di Laurea (degree course) of"Lingue, Culture e Società dell'Asia e dell'Africa Mediterranea". The program includes the study of the origins of the Hindi language, its regional variants and a preliminary approach to the first documents of Hindi literature. In particular, the following topics will be explored:
- The first literary productions in Hindi
- Gorakh Nath and the teachings of the siddhas and nath-yogis;
- the development of bhakti-yoga until the 14th century;
- the bhakti-kal and its main representatives: Vidyapati, Ramananda, the saints of the nirguna-bhakti current and the influence of Sufism;
- the devotional literature in the context of Ram-bhakti and Krsna-bhakti.
The course aims to introduce students to the world of Indian medieval religiosity and its first Hindi literature. It is therefore expected that at the end of the semester the students will be able to recognize the main literary currents, symbols and contents of the various religious movements, consolidating their knowledge on the basic principles of Indology. The course is preparatory to the language approach to the texts and leading up to the literature courses provided by the degree program for the years to come.
No preliminar knowledge required, it is nevertheless advisable to possess a basic knowledge of witten English.
The course traces the development of the Hindi Language along with its developments in the field of literarary productions. It aims at providing first year students with an introduction to the life, the intellectual formation and the literary productions texts of the main poets and writers of the period under scrutiny. (Among these, a closer look will be given to some among the following authors: Sarhapa, Gorakh Nath, Vidyapati, Ramananda, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Dadu, Raidas, Surdas, Tulsidas, Mirabai).

Lesson 1: Preliminary considerations for the study of Hindi literature
Lesson 2: Formative phase: languages and dialects (from Apabhramsa to Hindi)
Lesson 3: Medieval India, schools and tradition: the siddh and the nath
Lesson 4: Yoga and Tantrism
Lesson 5: Bardic poetry: X-XIV century
Lesson 6: Amir Khusro
Lesson 7: Vidyapati
Lesson 8: Bhaktikal
Lesson 9: Sant Kabir
Lesson 10: Tulsidas
Lesson 11: Surdas
Lesson 12: Mirabai
Lesson 13: Malik Muhammad 'Jayasi'
Lesson 14: Sant nirguna: Ravidas and Nanak
Lesson 15: Dadu Dayal and Dadupanth
-Jindal, K.B., A History of Hindi Literature, Munshiram Manoharlal Pbls., New Delhi 1993.
-Mc Gregor, R.S.: Hindi Literature from the beginnings to the nineteenth century, Wiesbaden: Harassowitz, 1984.

- Laxman P. Mishra, Mistici indiani medievali, UTET, Milano, 1980.
- Stratton-Hawley J. e Juergensmeyer M., Songs of the Saints of India, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2013.
- Giorgio Milanetti, Il Dio senza attributi/Yoga, conoscenza e devozione nella pratica spirituale dei “Sant”, Ubaldini, Roma, 1984.
- Giorgio Milanetti, Il divino amante. La pratica spirituale indiana della via d'amore, Ubaldini Editore, 1988. Roma.
- Giorgio Milanetti (a cura di), Malik Muhammad Jayasi, Il poema della donna di loto, Marsilio, Venezia, 1995.
- Edwin F. Bryant ed., Krishna. A Sourcebook, Oxford University Press, New York, 2007.
- Vittore Pisani, Laxman P. Mishra, Le letterature dell'India; con un profilo della letteratura del Tibet di Giuseppe Tucci, Firenze, Sansoni; Rizzoli Milano, Accademia, (varie ed. dal 1970)
- André Padoux, Tantra, Einaudi, Torino, 2011.
- Angelo M. Piemontese (a cura di), Amir Khusrau – Le otto novelle del paradiso, Messina, 1996
- Mariola Offredi, Lo yoga di Gorakh, Cesviet, Milano, 1991.
- Gian Giuseppe Filippi, La Padavali di Mirabai, Edizioni Cafoscarina, Venezia, 2002.

Any additional material will be provided by the teacher during the course.
The exam will consist of an oral discussion of ca. 30 minutes, during which the student is expected to show his ability in exposing and critically debating the topics treated during classes; hence, utmost importance will be given to the notes taken during classes, which will significantly complement the texts listed in the above bibliography.
Conventional class. Discussions and insights on the different topics will be offered and encouraged each week through the forum provided by the e-learning moodle platform of the course.
Students are strongly advised to attend classes regularly.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 09/07/2020