Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM011N (AF:333229 AR:180508)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
This course falls within the characterizing teachings of the first year of the "Japan" curriculum of corso di laurea Magistrale “Lingue, Economie e Istituzioni dell’Asia e dell’Africa Mediterranea”.
Its formative objectives fall within the area of language skills learning.
The objectives of the course are: to provide knowledge of intermediate high level of Japanese grammar; to provide intermediate high level skills for reading, writing and oral production in Japanese; to provide knowledge and skills for the metalinguistic analysis of the Japanese language and for the translation from Japanese into Italian.
The level that students should reach at the end of the course should be around an B2+ level of the CEFR (around level N2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test).
This class is part of the Japanese language program; it builds on the skills acquired in the "Japanese language 1.1" classes and prepares the students to continue with "Japanese language 2" in their second year.
1. Knowledge and understanding
- to complete the knowledge of the grammatical structures of intermediate high-level Japanese
- to complete the knowledge of intermediate high-level writing system (kana and kanji) and vocabulary
- to know and understand the functioning of the grammatical structures of intermediate high-level Japanese
- to know and understand variations in the register and communication pragmatics of intermediate high-level Japanese
- to know and understand key concepts and the essential terminology required to describe in a scientific way the phenomena studied during the class

2. Applying knowledge and understanding:
- to know how to identify grammatical categories and their properties
- to demonstrate a general understanding of intermediate high level grammar structures
- to be able to describe constructions and grammatical phenomena studied during classes by correctly using the terminology and the basic tools of syntactic analysis
- to know how to interact in the communicative situations described by the B2+ level of the CEFR
- to know how to understand and produce oral and written texts in agreement with the B2+ level of the CEFR
- to be able to translate intermediate high-level written texts from Japanese into Italian, following the instructions provided during the course

3. Making judgements:
- To understand principal ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract themes and to speak about conceps realted to their field of research.
- to be able to produce a clear and detailed text on a varoius spectrum of subjects and explain a point of view producing examples to support or refute them in Japanese
- to be able to autonomously produce translation choices on the basis of the indications provided during class, negotaiting with current myths and prejudices about the Japanese language (eg presumed untranslatability, opacity, etc.)

4. Communication:
- written and oral comprehension and production skills and oral interaction required by the B2+ level of the CEFR
- to be able, during classes, to interact with one's peers, with the teacher and with the CELs in a critical and respectful way

5. Lifelong learning skills:

- to be able to consult the texts and reference materials suggested in the course bibliography
- to be able to develop the skills acquired in the course to undertake higher studies
Having achieved (even without having passed its test) the learning results of the "Japanese language 1.1" class.
Knowledge of the basic categories of sentence analysis.
Fundamentals of Humanities and Social Sciences in Japanese (30 hours: UTSUMI Hirofumi)
Oral comprehension and production (30 hours: Suzuki Masako)
Exercise of expressing orally an opinion over a topic by argumenting logically (30 hours: Masako Suzuki)
Grammar and kanji exercise (textbook) (60 hours: Etsuko Nakayama);
Reading and summarize (30 hours: Etsuko Nakayama)
Free conversation (30 hours: Masako Suzuki).

Attendance, although not compulsory, is strongly recommended.
No additional readings are required for non-attending students.
Bunka Chukyu Nihongo, vol. 2, Tokyo, Bonjinsha, 2012 (Unità 5-8)
2) Some excerpts: Matsumoto Setsuko, Jitsuryoku appu nihongo nōryoku shiken N2 yomu : bunshō no bunpō dokkai, Yunikomu, 2013
3) Texts for translation available on Moodle
4) ALL THE MATERIALS (excerpts, PPTs ecc.) uploaded on the Moodle platform by the teachers during the course.

SUGGESTED READINGS (only for reference):

Yoko Kubota, Grammatica di Giapponese Moderno, Venezia, Cafoscarina, 1989;
Matilde Mastrangelo, Naoko Ozawa, Mariko Saito, Grammatica Giapponese (seconda edizione), Milano, Hoepli, 2016
Makino; Tsutsui, A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar, The Japan Times, 1989
Makino; Tsutsui, A dictionary of Intermediate Japanese grammar, The Japan Times 1995
Makino; Tsutsui, A dictionary of Advanced Japanese grammar, The Japan Times 2008

Suggested electronic dictionary:
modello CASIO “XD-Y7400" (http://casio.jp/exword/products/XD-Y7400/ ) o modello meno recente della serie 7400 (i modelli della serie 7400 contengono di default i dizionari di italiano ma non contengono invece i dizionari di giapponese classico che possono essere inseriti con la scheda XS-OH23MC)


modello Casio “XD-Y6500" (http://casio.jp/exword/products/XD-Y6500/ ) o modello meno recente della serie 6500 (i modelli della serie 6500 contengono di default i dizionari di giapponese classico ma non contengono invece i dizionari di italiano che possono essere inseriti con la scheda XS-SH17MC).
The course "Lingua Giapponese 1.2" lasts one semester. At the end of 2nd semester there will be an exam, divided in:


1. Written test of kanji (taken from honbun readings: 5-1, 5-2, 6-1, 6-2, 7-1, 7-2, 8-1, 8-2) and grammar (based on honbun, bunkei-hyōgen, fukushi, setsuzokushi, giongo-gitaigo (p.159), settōgo-setsubigo (p.213) of the units 5– 8) without dictionary - 30 min;
Reference: ‘BUNKA CHŪKYŪ NIHONGO II – MATOME’, ‘Esercizi 1mod 2’, ‘Esercizi fukushi’, and other material on Moodle.

2. Written composition (summarizing a new text in Japanese with the aid of a dictionary) - 50 min;

3 an essay in Japanese. The number of characters is about 1000;


4. Etsuko Nakayama: Reading and comprehension from the textbook Bunka Chūkyū Nihongo II (L.5~L.8). Reading and comprehension in Japanese of honbun texts: 5-2, 6-1, 7-1, 7-2 (opinions on text 7-2), 8-1, 8-2; presentation on a historical character chosen by the student. Please refer to the 発表原稿 e 内容メモ → See file ‘1 mod.2 Attività’ on Moodle.

5. Masako Suzuki: Conversation, reading, and comprehension of texts studied in class.

The final grade will be determined by the average of the 30/30 grades obtained in each of the separate written and oral tests.

The 12 credits will be assigned only if both the written and oral tests have been passed in the same session.
written and oral
Seminar activities on listening and written comprehension. Traditional lessons of grammar. Audio-video materials. Conversation, oral production, and comprehension exercises in Japanese. Didactic tools (course slides, grammar insights, etc.) available on the Moodle platform.
A system of tutors will be provided. It is warmly suggested to apply for it in case of difficulties in following the program.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "International cooperation" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 18/06/2021