Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM0120 (AF:333140 AR:181026)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course is among other integrative teachings of the curriculum on Japanese Studies of the master degree “Languages and Civilizations of Asia and North Africa” but is also available as a choice teaching for students of other master courses at Ca’ Foscari University whose curricula are not based on the study of Japanese language or Japanese art history
This course aims to reach the goals proposed by the course of study in the cultural area of humanities with a specific reference to Japanese art history
Main goals of the course are:
-study of one of the most influencial artistic phenomenon of the Edo period and its development in contemporary art through the images of the so-called "Floating World" (ukiyoe).
-give the tools to analyse different artisic movements through the deep understanding of the graphic production of the period
-develop a critic approach to the subject, production and communication of interpretative discourse on the issues under study.
- to know and understand the most important elements (authors, movements, works) of the Japanese art history of the Edo period (1600-1868) beginning with a correct placement of ukiyoe in the context of other painting movements of the Edo period (Nanga, Maruyama-Shijo, Rinpa)
- to know and understand a vast selection of ukiyoe works divided into major themes such as: city life, pleasure quarters, theatre, tradition, nature, female beauties (bijin) and their influence on contemporary graphic art, cinema, anime and manga.
- to know and understand critical instruments and approach
- to deepen through the analisys of the graphic works the relations and the connections to other cultural field studied by other courses (history, philosophy, literature)
Basic knowledge of Japanese art and culture and of Japanese language are welcome but not necessary. All specific details will be discussed during the lessons
Starting from the consideration of ukiyoe as an original response to other different artistic schools of Edo period such as: Nanga, Maruyama-Shijo, Rinpa, the course will consider a wide selection of ukiyoe prints and paintings divided into different categories: city life, pleasure quarters, theatre, tradition, nature and female beauties (bijin) and their influence on contemporary graphic art, cinema, anime and manga.
CALZA, Gian Carlo, Ukiyoe. Il mondo fluttuante, Milano, Electa, 2004, Catalogo della mostra tenutasi a Milano, Palazzo Reale, 7 febbraio-30 maggio 2004.

SPADAVECCHIA, Fiorella (a cura di), "La grande onda di Hokusai. Toccare il sentimento della forma", Cafoscarina, Venezia, 2013 (con DVD allegato).

SPADAVECCHIA, Fiorella (a cura di), Hiroshige: da Edo a Kyoto. Vedute celebri del Giappone, Venezia, Marsilio, 2004

BOSCOLO MARCHI, Marta, VESCO, Silvia, (a cura di ), "Bi no michi. La via della Bellezza. Esplorazioni nella cultura giapponese per i 150 anni delle relazioni diplomatiche tra Italia e Giappone, Venezia, Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, Polo museale del Veneto, 2018
Further specific biblographies (on different topics and authors) will be given during the course
Furtther specif bibliography (also in English and/or Japanese) will be provided during the course
The course provides the opportunity for attending students to study, in agreement with the teacher, a specific topic of the program and to present it orally during the course
or submit a short written essay in agreement with the teacher on a specific topic of the program
-A complete guide for the written essay (Vademecum arte) and for the oral presentation is available on Moodle (online resources of this course LM0120)
-student not attending classes have to submit a short written paper on a topic chosen from the programme discussed during the course.
-Further information on how to write essays on:
Frontal lessons that will deal with the development of ukiyoe studied through specific themes and analysed through a large selection of images considered both from the stylistic and technical point of view.
Oral presentation by the students on their specific research work
Written essays (maximum 10 pages, images and appendixes excluded) will have to be supported by appropriate images and have to follow the editorial rules proposed by the Japanese Art History vademecum (see online materials / moodle)
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 14/04/2020