Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM006I (AF:333106 AR:180976)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The Chinese language course 1.2 is one of the courses characterising the Master’s Degree Programme in Lingue e civiltà dell'Asia e dell'Africa Mediterranea. It aims to provide students with intermediate-advanced language tools and skills. The goal is to make them possible to apply their language skills and abilities in communicative situations and in reading texts that require knowledge of sectoral languages related to language, culture, literature. They will thus be able to make their linguistic competence a key tool to their future studies and career.
Achieve a level of language proficiency equivalent to level B2+ of the CEFR (Common European framework of reference for language proficiency). In particular:
1. Knowledge and understanding
• Know the key sentences necessary to interact in communication contexts that require knowledge of sectoral languages related to language, culture, literature.
• Have a solid knowledge of the grammatical system of modern Chinese.
• Know a lexicon of about 1800 words and 1200 characters, including terms of the cultural, literary and linguistic fields of study.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
• Be able to correctly use the key sentences necessary to interact in communication contexts that require knowledge of sectoral languages related to cultural, literary and linguistic fields of study.
• Be able to understand written texts on culture, literature and language.
• Be able to use a lexicon of about 1800 words and 1200 characters, including terms used in cultural, literary and linguistic studies.
• Be able to translate correctly into Chinese sentences including complex grammatical structures.
3. Judgement capacity
• Be able to assess the level of one’s language knowledge, skills and abilities.
4. Communication skills
• Be able to communicate the specificities of linguistic and textual analysis using appropriate terminology.
5. Learning skills
• Know how to relate the different contexts of study and apply your knowledge and skills for personal and professional growth.
• Have a very good theoretical and practical knowledge of the Italian language: they must be able to express themselves correctly both in writing and in oral form, and master the tools of grammatical analysis and logical analysis.
• Have a Chinese language proficiency equivalent to level B1+ of the CEFR (Common European framework of reference for language proficiency).
Lettura e traduzione dal cinese all'italiano di uno o più testi (30 ore); traduzione dall'italiano al cinese (60 ore); conversazione (60 ore).
- Comprensione e resa in italiano delle indicazioni bibliografiche di un articolo in cinese. Verranno spiegate le convenzioni utilizzate nella redazione di una bibliografia. Tali convenzioni dovranno essere utilizzate nella traduzione dell’articolo concordato con il docente.
A lezione verranno letti estratti di articoli relativi alla narrativa di epoca Tang.
Requisiti per l’esame:
Oltre alle parti di conversazione e traduzione in cinese dall’italiano, lo studente dovrà preparare:
- La traduzione in italiano dal cinese di un articolo accademico concordato con il docente (tesina). La traduzione dell’articolo dovrà essere inviata al docente almeno dieci giorni prima della data dell’esame orale, di solito l’esame si svolge in concomitanza con la parte di conversazione. L’articolo si può scaricare dalla banca dati CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure). Il database si trova tra le “Banche dati” della biblioteca: <> ; ;. Da qui si cerca il database denominato “CAJ - China Academic Journals full text database”. Il link vi porterà direttamente alla pagina da cui è possibile iniziare la ricerca dell’articolo: <> ;. Per scaricare gli articoli, se non si è nella sede del Dipartimento, è necessario utilizzare il VPN (Virtual Private Network). Tutte le indicazioni per il suo utilizzo si possono trovare sul sito dell’Ateneo: <> ;.
- Preparare con lettura e traduzione l’articolo tradotto come tesina.
- Preparare con lettura, traduzione e considerazioni di carattere generale, come dai contenuti delle lezioni, le parti degli articoli letti in aula.
NOTA BENE: Gli studenti che non possono seguire il corso, o prevedono di non poter essere presenti a un buon numero di lezioni, sono pregati di informarsi sui contenuti prima della conclusione del corso stesso e procurarsi gli appunti dai propri compagni.
Compulsory texts
• The Chinese texts that will be read during the lessons are available on the website in the section “Lingua cinese 1 mod. 2 [LM005I] - prof. F. Gatti”.
• Niu Guoqiang, Yi-Han fanyi jiaocheng. Dispensa di traduzione dall’italiano in cinese, Cafoscarina, Venezia 2005.
• Casacchia G., Bai Yukun, Dizionario Cinese-Italiano, Cafoscarina, Venezia 2013; or Wu Guanghua (a cura di), Han-ying da cidian - Chinese-English Dictionary, Shanghai jiaodong Daxue chubanshe, Shanghai 1993, 2 voll.

Supplementary suggested dictionaries
• Wenlin Software for Learning Chinese, 4.2.2 (per Windows e Mac), that can be purchased at the site;
• Pleco Software (for iPhone/iPad and Android), that can be downloaded for free from the site;
• Line Dictionary,;
• Ichachanet web dictionary,;
• Dizionario e traduttore online ICIBA,;
• Baidu baike, .
The verification of acquired abilities and skills is carried out through three tests: a test of reading comprehension and translation of a Chinese text on an issue related to globalisation and sustainable development, a conversation on an economic-juridical or socio-political topic and a Chinese translation test of sentences including complex grammatical structures. A facsimile of translation tests is available online on the website in the section “Lingua cinese 1 mod. 2 [LM006I] - prof. F. Gatti”. The use of dictionaries, even electronic, is allowed only during the test of translation into italian of a Chinese test. To pass the exam it is necessary to obtain a minimum mark of 18/30 in each of the three tests.
written and oral
Teaching is organized in:
a) front lessons;
b) writing and conversation practice aimed at building and consolidating the knowledge, skills and competences necessary to meet the goal of the course;
c) tutoring aimed at discussing and clarifying specific language problems that emerged during the teaching.
This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Last update of the programme: 20/06/2020