Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM6017 (AF:332498 AR:178406)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Term
Course year
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The course aims to give a structural and typological framework of the evolution enterprises from the Middle Age, in Italy and in the international context, stressing the long-period dynamics.
Knowledge, in a prospective of long period, of the paths of the italian and international enterprises, from the pre-industrial age up to now.
Basis of Economic History and History tout court.
1-Pre-industrial manufacturing enterprises.
2-Enterprise in the first and second Industrial Revolution.
3-Big and small enterprise in contemporary society.
-F. Amatori, A.Colli. Storia dell'Impresa. Complessità e comparazioni, Bruno Mondadori, 2011, from part I up to V (up to chapter XVI included).

-Fredona, R., & Reinert, S. (2020). Italy and the Origins of Capitalism. Business History Review, 94 (1), 5-38. doi:10.1017/S0007680520000057.
-Fusaro, M. (2020). The Burden of Risk: Early Modern Maritime Enterprise and Varienties of Capitalism, Business History Review, 94 (1), 179-200. doi:10.1017/S0007680519001557.
-Trivellato, F. (2020). Renaissance Florence and the Origins of Capitalism: A Business History Review, 94(1), 229-251. doi:10.1017/S0007680520000033.
The three above mentioned essays will be directly downloaded from the specific course webside (moodle).

- for futher choice (not mandatory): "The history of family business 1850-2000" Andrea Colli, Cambridge u.p. 2003.
During the lessons the students will discuss with the teacher some subjects concerning the course: the exposition of these texts will be part of the final valuation (OF COURSE ONLY FOR THE STUDENTS WHO HAVE TAKEN PART TO THE LESSONS):
The exams will be only in written form, in presence.
Any changes will be communicated in the "Notices" area "Avvisi" and in moodle space.
Frontal lessons and discussion with some well-known business historians and entrepreneurs.
The three-years and magistrates thesis can be requested only after attending the relative course.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 11/10/2020