Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0442 (AF:331964 AR:208676)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
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This course introduces the basic concepts related to theatrical and musical iconography and the study of visual sources for the History of the Performing Arts. Several case studies will be addressed during the lectures in order to be able to identify a useful working methodology for understanding images of theatrical and musical subject.
The main purpose of the course is to provide the necessary tools to deal with the analysis of those works of art of theatrical subject useful for understanding the different aspects of the performing practice in a given historical period. At the end of the course, the student will know the process of studying an iconographic document and the relative difficulties of analysis inherent in this particular documentary typology.
No prerequisites are necessary to take the course.
In order to deal with the amount of iconographic material useful to the History of the Performing Arts, we have chosen to limit reflection to the iconography of the performer, from the birth of professionalism in the second half of the 16th century, to the phenomenon of stardom affecting the first decades of the 20th century.
- R. Guardenti, "In forma di quadro. Note di iconografia teatrale", Bologna, Cue Press 2020;
- A. Picchi, "Canovacci di iconografia. La regia pensata: le lezioni aperte verso una nuova disciplina teatrale", a cura di Massimiliano Briarava, Firenze, La Casa Usher, 2017
- N. Guidobaldi, "Prospettive di iconografia musicale", Milano, Mimesis, 2007;
- C. Balme, R. Erenstein, C. Molinari, 'European Theatre Iconography', Roma, Bulzoni, 2002;

- M. Zannoni, "Il teatro in fotografia. L'immagine della prima attrice italiana fra Otto e Novecento", Corazzano, Titivillus, 2018
- R. Guardenti, "Attori di carta. Motivi iconografici dall'antichità all'Ottocento", Roma, Bulzoni, 2005;
- M.I. Aliverti, "Ritratto d'attore nel Settecento francese e inglese", Pisa, ETS, 1986;
The final test will consist of an oral examination on the topics covered in class, the indicated short essays and a volume of your choice from the bibliography.
For those who might be interested it will be possible to submit an in-depth written paper on one of the topics addressed during the course, agreed in advance with the lecturer. The positive evaluation of the paper will replace part of the oral examination.
Lectures with powerpoint and video projections.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 26/03/2023