Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0442 (AF:331787 AR:178084)
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Term
Course year
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The course introduces the basic concepts of theatrical and musical iconography and the methodology in the utilization of visual sources for the study of the history of the performing arts.
During the course the iconographic sources are considered like real documents and instruments to be used with their own limits and extraordinary potential.
The most recent applications of digital cataloguing in the field will be shown.
The student will be expected to know the study metodology of the subject in the western culture.
Learning of the subject will lead the student to distinguish the different types of the conservation and protection of the intangible cultural heritage following the events of the history of the performing arts in the widest possible meaning.
Furthermore it is expected by the student the mastery of a specific vocabulary required to describe the modern and contemporary performing arts with the essential iconographic material and afterward in the collection of documents and creation of exhibitions or museums dedicated to the performing arts.
There are no prerequisite requirements
The emblematic case is Shakespeare in Art. The approach to the methodological study is complex. During the course, after an introduction on the general concepts and terminology, different readings of the objects taken into consideration will be offered giving instruments for analysis and international examples along with critical thoughts.
It is a wide and varied territory to be explored not yet known whose profound suggestion is related to the need to enhance and transmit the knowledge of the performing arts as an essential part of our cultural heritage.
'Iconographie theatrale et generes dramatique', a cura di G. DECLERCQ e J. DE GUARDIA, Presses Sorbonne, Paris, 2008.
'European Theatre Iconography' a cura di C. BALME, R. ERENSTEIN, C. MOLINARI, Roma, Bulzoni, 2002;
P. Bertolone, M.I. Biggi, D. Gavrilovich, 'Performing Arts Museum and Exhibitions', Roma, 2015
'The General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation meeting in Paris', October 2003, Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, 2003.
L. Hutcheon, 'The Politics of Postmodernism', London, 1989.
ADUIT, 'Il patrimonio teatrale come bene culturale', a cura di L. Trezzini, Roma, 1991.
'Immagini di teatro', numero monografico della rivista «Biblioteca teatrale», gennaio-giugno, 1996, n.37-38;
'Sguardi sul teatro, Saggi di iconografia teatrale', a cura di R. GUARDENTI, Roma, Bulzoni, 2008;
'Performing Arts Collections and Their Treatments', ed. N. Leclercq, K. Davis, M.T. Jovinnelli, Bruxelles, 2012.
'Opera ad Arte/Arte all’Opera', a cura di L. Valente, Napoli 2011.
'Le stanze della musica. Artisti e musicisti a Bologna dal ‘500 al ‘900', a cura di M. Medica, Bologna, 2002.
'The Austrian Theater Museum and its Collections', ed. C. Muhelegger, Wien, 2000.
M. F. Christout, 'Les catalogues d’expositions: Une sourse souvent originale et unique de documentations et de références pour les arts du spectacle', Barcelona, 1980.
'Shakespeare nell’arte' a cura di J. MARTINEAU e M.G. MESSINA, Ferrara, FerraraArte, 2003.
'Dalla scena al dipinto: la magia del teatro nella pittura dell’Ottocento, da David a Delacroix, da Füssli a Degas', a cura di B. AVANZI E G. COGEVAL, Milano, Skira, 2010.
'Füssli pittore di Shakespeare. Pittura e teatro 1775-1825' a cura di F. LICHT, S. TOSINI PIZZETTI, D.H. WEINGLASS, Milano, Electa, 1997.
A. WARBURG, I costumi teatrali per gli Intermezzi del 1589: i disegni di Bernardo Buontalenti e il 'Libro di conti' di Emilio de' Cavalieri, in A. Warburg, La rinascita del paganesimo antico e altri scritti, Torino, 2004, pp. 163-224;
There will be an oral examination.
The exam will allow to understand if the student has understood the method of analysis and the contents of the course.
written and oral
Teacher led lessons will take place with the support of power point presentations and documentaries.
Within the limits of the course organization, there will be a visit to an archive, a museum and if possible an exhibition or collection will be arranged.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 20/04/2020