Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0176 (AF:331655 AR:178961)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
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The course is part of the master’s degree course in “History of Arts and Conservation of Artistic Heritage”. It aims to provide the critical and methodological tools for the study of the history of texts, of the written and graphic sources indispensable for analysing drawings and engravings, as well as their perception and critical fortune during the centuries, directly considering the relationship with the public.
- General knowledge of history of graphic arts.
- Identification of the period and, possibly, of the author of a graphic work. Capability to contextualize a graphic work, recognising its documentary value, within the Art History and the History in general.
- Knowledge of the use of the sources and their specific historical lexicon.
- Ability to analyse the stylistic transformations of artistic languages, also in relation to written sources and formal models of reference.
- Ability to analyse art historical periodizations and their evolution.
- Acquisition of communication skills; know how to use the appropriate and specific terminology, above all with regard to techniques and materials, introduced and explained in class or in reference texts.
- Acquisition of analytical skills; know how to read artistic works, placing them in the history of the artists’ training and in the relationship with the public.
Basic knowledge of art history
1. Giorgio Vasari's "Vita di Marcantonio Bolognese e d'altri intagliatori di stampe"
2. Drawing and engraving in Venice in the 16th century: case studies

E. Borea, Vasari e le stampe, «Prospettiva», 1989-1990, num. 57-60, pp. 18-38.
G. Vasari, Le vite de' più eccellenti pittori scultori e architettori nelle redazioni del 1550 e 1568, 6 voll. di testo e 3 di indici, testo a cura di R. Bettarini, commento secolare a cura di P. Barocchi, Firenze, Sansoni e S.P.E.S., 1966-1997, V, pp. 3-25.
W. R. Rearick, Il disegno veneziano del Cinquecento, Milano, Electa, 2001.
M. Muraro - D. Rosand, Tiziano e la xilografia veneziana del Cinquecento, Vicenza, Neri Pozza, 1976.
D. Landau, L’arte dell’incisione a Venezia ai tempi di Manuzio, in Aldo Manuzio il rinascimento di Venezia, catalogo della mostra (Venezia, Gallerie dell’Accademia, 19 marzo – 19 giugno 2016) a cura di G. Beltramini, D. Gasparotto, Venezia, Marsilio, pp. 107-135.
P. Lüdemann, Tiziano. Le botteghe e la grafica, Firenze, Alinari, 2016.
Students will present in class a research that will be the subject of collegial discussion. The research will be delivered to the teacher and it will be part of the following final evaluation process.

• Classroom Lecture: Presentation with Power Point (or other image viewer), 20/25 minutes. Participation (40%)
• Original research paper (60%). The paper must be delivered to the professor no later than 15 days before the examination, with oral discussion (60%).
Text max 20 pages (excluding Footnotes, Bibliography and Illustrations), times new roman 12; Space 1.5. Footnotes according to thesis standards. Illustrations at the end of the text, with list illustrations. Final Bibliography: Sources; Studies, in alphabetical order.

Alternatively, students can take the exam in oral form, referring to the lessons and the specific bibliography of the course.
Lectures with projected images; papers and discussions; visit to monuments, exhibitions, and collections. Students will present in class a research that will be the subject of collegial discussion. The research will be delivered to the teacher and it will be part of the final evaluation process.
Given the nature of the course, attendance is strongly recommended. Students not attending, shall agree an other specific bibliography with the teacher (by appointment).
written and oral

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 15/01/2021