Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT5021 (AF:331043 AR:177172)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
6 out of 24 of SPANISH LANGUAGE 1
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The module 4 of Spanish Language 1 is formed by the teacher module and by the exercises lessons. It is analized the Spanish lexicon with its varieties both Spanish and Latin-American, as well as different aspects of the prepositions and the adverbs, remarking the contrastive aspects between the Italian/Spanish with a communicative approaching.. The linguistic knowledge corresponds to a level B1+ of the European (CEFR) Common Frame of Reference for the languages.
The formative goals of this module are: developing capacities about the aspects of the lexical units, the culture and morphology and providing the methodological ways for their use.
- Knowledge and understanding
Knowing and understanding the interaction of the lexical units and their varieties, as well as of the prepositions and of the adverbs.
-Capacity of applying knowledge and comprehension
Understanding the use of the prepositions and adverbs according to the contexts; recognizing the main contrastive aspects between the Spanish language and the Italian language. Using the acquired knowledge in order to create and to produce complex sentences in different contexts; interacting in Spanish language in the situations indicated for the level B1+ of the CEFR.
- Judgement
Applying the required knowledge in order to produce sentences; evaluating different uses of the prepositions and the adverbs. Putting in place communicative strategies.
-Communicative abilities
Knowing to communicate the specific of the lexical units, of the prepositions and of the adverbs; interacting in the situations indicated for the level B1+; putting in place the linguistic competence of the level B1 for in order to analize the topics of the teacher module.
-Ability to learn
Undertaking and planning the study of the material given by the teacher, selecting the bibliography and the electronic resources to improve the uses of the prepositions and the adverbs, as well as the own competence; ability to the self valuation regarding to the acquisition of metalinguistical contents and to the own competence.
In order to follow the course in a correct way it is advised to have a good knowledge of the Spanish and Latin- American cultures.
Teacher module:
Revising the prepositions and the adverbs. The contrastive aspects of the use of prepositions and adverbs between Spanish and Italian. The specilized lexicon and its varieties.

Exercises lessons:
Exercises of the grammatical contents. The use of the prepositions and the adverbs in written and oral texts (Level B1+ of the CEFR).
The material given by the teacher is valid to reach the training objective of the theoretical module.

Further reading:
Luque Toro, L. y Medina Montero, J. F., Frente a Frente, Lengua y cultura españolas para italianos, Logos, Modena, 2005.
Gómez Torrego,L., Gramática didáctica del español, SM-Hoepli, Madrid, 2007.
Marcos Marín, F., Satorre, F.J.y Viejo M.L., Gramática Española, Síntesis, Madrid, 1998.

Exercises lessons:
Luque Toro, L. y Medina Montero, J. F., Frente a Frente, Lengua y cultura españolas para italianos, Logos, Modena, 2005.
The learning will be verified through a written test and an oral test. The written test is aimed to verify the student's knowledge regarding to the Knowledge of the lexicon, the prepositions and the adverbs. The written exam will be evaluated by using a grade from 1 to 30. The oral exam will work as a qualifying examination in which the student will asked to show the acquired theoretical and communicative Knowledge of the Spanish language in the level B1+ of the CEFR. The oral exam will be evaluated as idoneous/ non idoneous.
The minimum score in order to pass the module 4 is 18/30. Being an exam whose aim is to verify the knowledge gained throughout the year, the qualification of this module (6CFU) will not be recorded.
The oral test regarding to the exercises lessons with the assistant of the teacher will take place before the exam session starts.
The partial exams correspond to the 4 modules will have the value of the 60%, the oral test of the exercise lessons will represent the 20% and the oral exam the 20%.
written and oral
Frontal teaching interacting with the students about the studied topics.
In order to record the fianl qualification is necessary to reach the minimal attendance of the lessons, according to the rules.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 13/04/2020