Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT5021 (AF:331042 AR:177170)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
6 out of 24 of SPANISH LANGUAGE 1
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The module 3 of Spanish Language is formed by a teacher module and the exercises lessons. the goal of this module is to provide the students with the materials for the use of the coordination and subordination tipology in Spanish language and its application to the study of translation and interpretation. The linguistic Knowledge corresponds to the level B1+ of the European Common Frame of Reference (CEFR) for the languages.

The formative goals of this module allow to develop the Knowledge of the coordination and of the subordination in Spanish language and to provide the methodological ways for its use.
-Knowledge and comprehension
The lexicon, the coordination and the subordination , as well as the basic communicative strategies at level B1+ of the CEFR.
-Capacity of applying knowledge and comprehension
Recognizing the the coordinate and subordinate sentences of the Spanish language, the main links and their correct use,as well as their contrastive aspects in relation to the Italian; using the acquired knowledge so as to create sentences in different contexts, interacting in the Spanish language in the situations indicated at level B1+ of the CEFR; understanding written and oral texts.
-Capacity of judgement
Applying the acquired knowledge for the production of sentences ; evaluating the uses of the coordination and the subordination; motivating their use; making the use of the communicative strategies.
-Communicative abilities
Knowing the communication of the specific of the coordination and of the subordination; knowing the interaction with the others and in the forum of the virtual classroom.
-Capacity of learning
Taking and planning the materials provided by the teacher, choosing the bibliographic and electronic resources in order to amplify the knowledge, as well as the own linguistic competence; capacity of self evaluation about the contents and the own competence.
In order to follow the course it is advised to have Knowledge of the Spanish and Latin-American cultures.
Teacher module:
Study of the coordination; the adverbial subordination and its tipology; the relative sentences; the completive sentences; the present lexicon.

Exercises lessons:
Exercises of the grammatical contents; using the lexicon in the communication (level B1+ of the CEFR).
Furher reading:
Luque Toro, L. y Medina Montero, J. F., Frente a Frente, Lengua y cultura españolas para italianos, Logos, Modena, 2005.
Marcos Marín, F., Satorre, F.J.y Viejo, M. L., Gramática Española, Síntesis, Madrid, 1998.
Gómez Torrego, L. Gramática didactica del español, SM-Hoepli, Madrid, 2007.

Exercises lessons:
Luque Toro, L. y Medina Montero, J. F., Frente a Frente, Lengua y cultura españolas para italianos, Logos, Modena, 2005.
The learning will be verified through a written test and an oral test. The written test is aimed to verify the student's knowledge regarding to the coordination, the subordination and the lexicon of the Spanish language. The exam will be evaluated by using a grade that goes from 1 to 30. Being an exam whose aim is to verify the knowledge gained throughout the year, the final qualification of this module 3(6CFU) will not be recorded.
The oral test regarding to the contents of the exercises lessons with the assistant teacher will take place before the exam session starts.
The partial exams correspond to the 4 modules will have the value of the 60%, the oral test of the exercise lessons will represent the 20% and the oral exam the 20%.
written and oral
Frontal teaching interacting with the students about the studied topics. Exercises. Autoevaluation exercises.
In order to record the final qualification is necessary to reach the minimal attendance of the lessons, according to the rules.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 13/04/2020