Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT5021 (AF:331041 AR:177168)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
6 out of 24 of SPANISH LANGUAGE 1
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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Course on Spanish Language 1 consists of 4 modules and an annual language training (“esercitazioni”) closely integrated with the modules. The overal objective of this course is to develop a basic metalinguistic competence in Spanish language and to achieve linguistic competence at B1+ level - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Spanish Language 1 mod. 2 (learning module) is held in the second part of the first semester and focuses on morphology and syntax of Spanish language.
1. Knowledge and understanding:
Morphological and syntactic structures of Spanish.
Linguistic competence in Spanish language at B1+ CEFR level.

2. Applying knowledge and understanding:
Ability to recognize the different word classes and their properties; ability to recognize the basic morphological and sintactic structures of Spanish language; ability to describe the grammatical constructions and the grammatical phenomena studied in the course.

3. Making judgments:
Ability to formulate and argue simple hypotheses in Spanish language.

4. Communication:
Ability to explain on a basic level contrastive differences between Spanish and Italian morphological/syntactic structures; ability to use linguistic terminology in order to describe morphological and syntactic phenomena of Spanish language, and to stablish connections between them; ability to interact in Spanish language in communicative situations at a B1+ CEFR level; ability to put into practice linguistic competence at a B1+ level in order to present issues raised during the metalinguistic module.

5. Learning skills:
Basic ability to self-assess acquisition of metalinguistic contents, as well as linguistic competence of Spanish; ability to implement foreground knowledge to move forward onto the following modules and courses.
No pre-requisite is required.
Spanish language 1 mod. 2 (learning module):
1. Classes of words and syntagms: morphological, syntactic and semantic cryteria.
2. Prepositions.
3. Noun.
4. Adjective.
5. Determiners.
6. Quantifiers.
7. Personal Pronouns.
8. Verb.
9. Adverb.
Spanish language 1 mod. 2 (learning module)
In addition to classnotes:
- RAE; ASALE (2010): Nueva gramática de la lengua española. Manual. Madrid: Espasa.
- San Vicente, Félix (Dir. y Coord.) (2013): Gramática de referencia de español para italófonos. I. Sonidos, grafías y clases de palabras. Bologna: CLUEB/EUS.
The exam consists of a written part and an oral part.

Written part (60% of the final mark):
a. Lingua Spagnola mod. 2: written test. Language: Spanish.
b. Lingua Spagnola mod. 1, 3, 4: a written test. Language: Spanish.

Oral part (40% of the final mark):
The oral part will assess the contents concerning the annual language training.
written and oral
Frontal lectures; practical exercising.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 20/04/2020