Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT007G (AF:331003 AR:228390)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
0 out of 12 of CATALAN LANGUAGE 3
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
Course year
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CATALAN LANGUAGE offers communicative courses for beginners and advanced students and aims to introduce students to the Catalan culture and language. It consists of a six-monthly theoretical module and annual language exercises.

The general objective of the teaching is to develop all the language skills (as well as the critical ability of one's student) to reach the required levels in each year. At the end of the course, the student reaches a basic level B2+ of the Common European Framework of Reference for the knowledge of languages (QCER)
1. Knowledge and understanding
Knowing the vocabulary concerning everyday communication situations and grammar.
Linguistic knowledge of the Catalan language up to the B2 level of the CEFR.

2. Applying knowledge and understanding
Knowing how to use the right vocabulary and a correct grammar for each of the daily communicative situations (discussed during the lessons).
To understand and produce written and oral texts from a level A2 to B2 of the CEFR.

3. Making judgments
Ability to identify any grammatical and phonological errors and to be able to find the bibliographic sources suggested by the teacher (such as knowing how to use the linguistic resource online or different dictionaries).

4. Communication skills
know how to communicate information in Catalan, using vocabulary and syntactic structures appropriate for everyday situations.

5. Learning skills
Self-evaluation skills at the initial level compared to the acquisition of metalinguistic contents, as well as to their competence in the Catalan language.
None… except for the desire and willingness to learn a European “minorized” language spoken by more than 10 million people.
see full program:

Demanar i dir a què es dedica algú
Demanar i dir en què consisteix una feina
Demanar i explicar els estudis que s'han fet
Donar informació sobre les condicions d'una feina
Entendre quins són els requisits necessaris per a una feina i explicar-los
Explicar el sistema educatiu
Explicar els projectes sobre els estudis o la feina
Explicar l'experiència professional
Descriure objectes pel que fa al gust, al tacte, a la temperatura, a la forma, al pes i al material, i per la seua utilitat
Entendre i produir intercanvis lingüístics per comprar objectes diversos
Explicar com és un establiment especial
Expressar una possibilitat
Preguntar i dir si hi ha una botiga o un servei, i on és i com s'hi va
Preguntar i dir si se sap on es pot comprar una cosa
Descriure llocs (països, comarques, ciutats, pobles): situació, entorn geogràfic, activitats que s'hi poden fer...
Donar consells per viatjar
Explicar els avantatges i els inconvenients de fer vacances
Fer una entrevista
Contrasctar rutines i fets puntuals
Deduir sospites o treure conclusions
Descriure persones per la seua manera de ser
Elaborar un interrogatori
Explicar anècdotes poc usuals i reaccionar-hi
Explicar un text dialogat
Fer la síntesi d'una narració
Narrar un fet
Demanar informació sobre les característiques d'un habitatge
Lingua Catalana 3
Vilagrasa, Albert (2020) A punt, 3. Curs de català. Llibre de l'alumne. Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat.
Vilagrasa, Albert (2020 A punt, 3. Curs de català. Llibre d'exercicis. Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat.


Reference grammar (Lingua Catalana 1/2/3)
• Bastons, N; Bernadó, C; Camajoan, L. (2011). Gramàtica pràctica del català. Barcelona: Teide.
During the course, students will have to demonstrate their learning process and will participate in the constructive evaluation of their peers. Empathy and teamwork within the learning of a language is fundamental, therefore, during the entire duration of the course and at the end, there will be several activities to be carried out individually and in groups in order to activate and put in place practice from the first moment their acquired knowledge.

During the first and second semester, the student will have to perform different tasks:
- compositions (5%)
- reading a book in foreign languages ​​+ activities (5%): Ariel i els cossos, by Sebastià Portell
- two six-monthly written tests on the grammatical and lexical contents of the exercises (20%, 10% each test)
- a final written and oral exam divided into two parts [a) contents of the lectorate b) open-ended questions and quizzes on the contents of the theoretical module] 60%
- a final paper on theoretical content (10%)

In order to proceed with the final evaluation of the course, it is mandatory to have passed and passed all the tests and all the parts (lectorate and module) and to have delivered all the required tasks.

When you're in class, speak Catalan whenever possible, even with your classmates. Any foreign language is learned by making mistakes!

Tests and projects:
There are some tests during the course, there will be two partial tests that will take place at the end of each semester and at the end of the course a final exam
written and oral
The course has a highly practical and applied approach. It is a communicative type course developed to acquire optimal language skills in Catalan in small groups, which allows for the acquisition of the language in a much more effective and personalized way.
The teaching methodology includes resources of all kinds, from the classic grammar manual with exercises to more contemporary resources, such as YouTube, webseries in Catalan (Drama, Mai neva a ciutat), self-learning web platforms (, social networks (Instagram), songs, etc.
Furthermore, academic and cultural meetings will be held throughout the semester in order to listen, produce oral texts and interact in real cultural situations.
Enrolling in this course opens up to the student the possibility of participating in internships within our Department or abroad and language stays (in Catalonia, Valencia or Mallorca) organized by the Institut Ramon Llull and the Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua during the summer. In addition to purely academic activities, the Catalan section organizes language exchanges, literary days, cultural events, meetings on various topics in Catalan, study trips, film screenings ...
Furthermore, Ca 'Foscari will be the official seat for carrying out the Proves de certificació de Català as a Foreign Language, organized every year by the Institut Ramon Llull, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (see http: // THE COMPLETE PROGRAMS:

For clarifications and information, please contact the teacher by e-mail:

Useful links:
Institut Ramon Llull, Aprendre català al món (imparare catalano nel mondo)
Consorci per a la Normalització Lingüística, Aprendre català a internet (imparare catalano su internet)
VISAT. La revista digital de literatura i traducció del PEN català

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 11/08/2022