- Academic year
- 2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LT1280 (AF:330942 AR:213450)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 6
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- L-LIN/06
- Period
- 1st Semester
- Course year
- 3
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
The objectives of the teaching are: to deepen the specific knowledge of cultural themes and dynamics of the Hispanic-American subcontinent; provide methodological tools aimed at analyzing the Argentine literary and comics productions of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, develop the ability to reflect on the proposed literary texts and carry out comparative analyzes.
Expected learning outcomes
1. deepen the specific knowledge of cultural and political themes and dynamics of the Hispano-American subcontinent;
2. provide methodological tools aimed at analyzing the most significant Hispanic-American literary productions of the twentieth and twenty-first century intended, on the one hand, as cultural documents and, on the other, as aesthetic creations;
3. develop the ability to reflect on the proposed literary texts and carry out comparative analyzes between the hypotest and the hypertext.
4. provide the theoretical tools for transposition and adaptation analysis
5. Finally, the course aims to develop the ability to learn the themes and tools offered during the course, as well as communication skills.
The learning assessment method consists of an oral interview mainly in Spanish which will verify the contents of the module, the knowledge of the works studied with the support of critical texts, as well as the historical-literary knowledge of the centuries addressed (themes, evolutionary lines, main authors).
The course will be divided into two main parts:
At first, students will be provided with a historical-cultural picture of comics in Argentina and its indissoluble link with Italian comics. Subsequently, the general theoretical elements concerning the theory of transposition and the semiotics of comics will be offered.
2. In the second part we will analyze a selection of texts by Argentine authors belonging to the 20th and 21st centuries and the relative transpositions to comics.
Referral texts
Echeverría, Esteban [1871] (2010). “El matadero”.
Breccia, E (1984), "El matadero”, en Piglia, Ricardo (1993), La Argentina en pedazos, De la Urraca.
Di Benedetto, Antonio (2010), Aballay, Buenos Aires, Adriana Hidalgo.
Spiner, F — Diment, J — Hadida, S — Mallea, C (2010), “Aballay”, Adriana Hidalgo.
Spiner, Fernando (2010). Aballay. El hombre sin miedo, 100 min.
Borges, Jorge Luis (2009), “Historia del guerrero y de la cautiva”, en El Aleph, Obras completas I, Emecé.
Buscaglia, N — Flores, A, (1986), “Historia del guerrero y de la cautiva”, en Piglia, Ricardo (1993), La Argentina en pedazos, Buenos Aires, De la Urraca.
Rozenmacher, Germán [1961] (2013), “Cabecita negra”, en Obras completas, Buenos Aires, Biblioteca Nacional.
Mandrini, E — F Solano López (1985) “Cabecita negra”, en Piglia, Ricardo (1993), La Argentina en pedazos, Buenos Aires, De la Urraca.
Piglia, Ricardo (1993), La Argentina en pedazos, Buenos Aires, De la Urraca.
Acevedo, M (2011), “La Argentina en pedazos. Narración gráfica y construcción identitaria en el retorno de la democracia”, VI Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani.
Altamirano, C y B Sarlo (1997), Ensayos argentinos. De Sarmiento a la vanguardia, Ariel-Espasa Calpe, pp. 17-81.
Baschetti, R (1987), “Peronismo y comunicación de masas: diarios, revistas, prensa, periodismo, medios gráficos, historieta, publicidad”, Bibliográficas, N° 31, nov.
Bermúdez, N D (2008), “Aproximaciones al fenómeno de la transposición semiótica: lenguajes, dispositivos y géneros”, Estudios Semióticos, N° 4.
Berone, L R (2010), “Campo literario y campo de la historieta en Argentina. Notas para un análisis en fase”, Actas de Viñetas Serias. I Congreso Internacional de Historietas, Biblioteca Nacional.
Canguilhem, G (1962), “La monstruosidad y lo monstruoso”, Diógenes, año ix, N° 40, oct-dic, pp. 33-47.
Cisneros, M J (2008), “Cultura de masas y esteticismo político. (Política cultural y uso de los medios masivos de comunicaci.n en el Estado peronista 1946-1955)”, en Actas del Primer Congreso de estudios sobre el peronismo: la Primeria Década, Mar Del Plata.
Cossia, L (2008), “De la literatura a la historieta. Transposición y producción de sentido”, La Trama de la Comunicación, vol. 13, anuario del Departamento de Comunicación, Universidad Nacional de Rosario.
Cremona, A C (2011), “Tres miradas sobre el racismo argentino: “Cabecita negra” de Germán Rozenmacher, “Reinas” de Juan José Hernández y “La fiesta ajena” de Liliana Heker”, en En A. De Llano (Comp.), Actas del cuarto congreso internacional CELEHIS de literatura. Literatura española, latinoamericana y argentina, UNMP.
Del Grosso, S (2008), Sequenze. Strategie e dispositivi di traduzione intersemiotica dal romanzo inglese al cinema, Aracne.
Di Meglio, G, M Franco y S Silva Aras (2005), “La Argentina en cuadritos. Una aproximación a la Argentina reciente desde la revista Fierro (1984-1992)”, Entrepasados, N° 27, pp. 97-116.
Dusi, N (2010), “Translating, Adapting, Transposing”, Applied Semiotics, special issue (Translating Culture), N° 24, pp. 82-94.
Fabbri, P (2000), “Due parole sul trasporre”, Versus. Quaderni di studi semiotici, N Dusi y S Nergaard (eds.), N° 85-86-87, pp. 271-284.
– (2007), “Transcritture di Alberto Savinio: il dicibile e il visibile”, Parola/ Immagine, Il Verri, N° 33.
Favaro, A (2017). Más allá de la palabra. Transposiciones de la literatura argentina a la historieta. Biblos.
Ferraudi Curto, M C (2008), “Inmigrantes en nuestra propia patria”Apuntes de Investigación del cecyp. Lecturas en debate, N° 13, pp. 221-225.Genette, Gérard (1989), Palimpsestos. La literatura en segundo grado, Madrid, Taurus.
Giorgi, G (2009), “Política del monstruo”, Iberoamericana, 227, pp. 323-329
Assessment methods
Type of exam
Teaching methods
Further information
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development