Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT002Q (AF:330859 AR:187582)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The teaching is part of the degree program of "Languages, Civilizations and Language Sciences" and aims to provide students with methodological tools in the Hispanic American literary and cultural context. Objectives of the course are: to develop literary language, to improve the skills about the analysis of the issues emerging from texts, and to provide methodological tools aimed at critical and comparative analysis (considering the comparative nature of Hispanic American literature). Particular attention is given to the cultural, theoretical and literary aspects of the texts. The achievement of these objectives allows the student to strengthen the basis for learning Hispanic American literatures and the eventual subsequent deepening of them.

The course aims to deepen the study of Hispanic American literatures, addressing them with a diachronic perspective, as well as with a synchronic one.
1. In this sense, the first objective of the course is to offer students the theoretical foundations inherent in the history of Hispanic American literatures in its chronological evolution from the colonial period up to the twentieth century (diachronic perspective).
2. The second objective is to develop technological, terminological and documentation tools to interpret literary texts from a cultural and narrative point of view.
3. The third objective looks at the ability to apply acquired knowledges. The learned theoretical tools will be applied to selected texts among the most important expressions of Hispanic American literatures of the considered period. The texts will be analyzed and commented from a cultural and critical point of view in their original Spanish language, in order to provide students the ability to identify issues and problems that are common to different poets and authors (synchronic perspective).
4. Lastly, the course aims to develop the learning ability of the topics and tools offered during the course, as well as communicative abilities.
Students must have an adequate level of written and oral Spanish (level B2), as well as adequate language skills in Italian language.
Hispanic America from political dependence to literary emancipation.
The course aims to provide a broad overview of the literary cultures and productions of the Hispanic-American continent, embracing the temporal arch enclosed between the Colonization period (XVI-XVII-XVII centuries), the years of the constitution of the national states (19th century), to the conformation and consolidation of a cultural identity and a literary originality (20th century).
The lessons will be developed as follows.
1. Introduction of the author providing biographical notes to track down the most important themes of his work.
2. Presentation of the author's bibliography.
3. Reading of one or more selected texts, and analysis both from a literary-critic point of view and from a cultural one.

An anthology will be furnished during the course. It will contain selected texts written by the authors that will be considered in the course.
Any Spanish edition of the following texts:
Jorge Luis Borges, "Ficciones" (1944)
Julio Cortázar, "Bestiario" (1951)
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, "Cien años de soledad" (1967)
Luisa Valenzuela, "Simetrías" (2002)
Guadalupe Nettel, "Pétalos y otras historias incómodas" (2008)

Oviedo, Jose Miguel, "Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana", 4 volumi, Madrid, Alianza, 1997.

Barrera Lopez, Trinidad (coord.), "Historia de la Literatura Hispanoamericana", Madrid, Catedra, 2008.
Bellini, Giuseppe, "Nueva historia de la literatura hispanoamericana", Madrid, Castalia, 1997.
Marchese, Angelo, "L'officina del racconto. Semiotica della narrativita", Mondadori, Milano, 1983.
Lopez Baralt, Mercedes, "Para decir al Otro: Literatura y antropología en nuestra America", Madrid-Frankfurt am Maim: Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2005.
Knowledges about the cultural contexts and the different literary poetics of Hispanic America in the considered periods, as well as the ability to understand literary texts, will be verified through an oral final examination.

The lessons will be carried out according to the conventional method (frontal lessons) and will be held in Italian. The exam will consist of an oral interview in Italian on the authors and texts considered in the classroom.
More critical information will be offer during the classes. Moreover, every student is recommended to follow additional lessons and round-table conferences that may be held between September and December 2020.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 28/05/2021