Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LMJ030 (AF:330530 AR:175450)
Blended (on campus and online classes)
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
This course is the final step for those students who have chosen Anglo-American literature as their MA field of specialization. It is an advanced course that builds on the students’ solid knowledge of Anglo-American literary history and of narratology. Students are expected to:
1. know Anglo-American Literature from high post-modernism to so called post-post-modernism in depth;
2. know the poetics of post-modernism, minimalism and post-post-modernism and the late twentieth-century realist strand that characterizes the period under scrutiny;
3. skillfully handle stylistic and formal concepts, applying them to the texts in the syllabus contrastively with special attention to the effect they create on readers;
4. read and discuss knowledgeably the secondary materials in the syllabus, formulating judgements;
5. analyze and contextualize primary and secondary texts with self-direction and autonomy.
Maturity and independence in the analysis of texts and in their interpretation along contrastive lines.
- knowledge of the appropriate narratological vocabulary;
- knowledge of the poetics presented in the course;
- abitity to contextualize the texts within the poetics before mentioned
- ability to articulate autonomous evaluations on the texts in the syllabus.
Very good level of English
Knowledge of the main tenets of US literature (literary history and XVIII and XIX century canonical authors)
The course presents some representative texts that exemplify the development of Anglo-American Literature from the sixties to the present day. The texts in the syllabus exemplify the most important poetics of the period under scrutiny: high-postmodernism (with texts by Barth, Pynchon and DeLillo), minimalism (with texts by Carver), post-postmodernism (with texts by Saunders, Wallace) and the realist trend (with texts by Roth and Morrison).
Primary texts
Pynchon, Thomas. The Crying of Lot 49;
Barth, John. “Lost in the Funhouse”; “Literature of Exhaustion”; “Literature of Replenishment”;
Donald Barthelme, "The Balloon"
DeLillo, Don. White Noise
Carver, Raymond. A selection of short stories
Roth, Philip. The Human Stain
Toni Morrison, Beloved
Saunders, George. A selection of short stories.
Wallace, David Foster. A selection of short stories; “E Unibus Pluram”

Secondary readings will be provided later on and uploaded on moodle
The exam of American Literature 2 will be an oral. On the day scheduled for the exam (according to the usual calendar) the students who signed up in the usual way will be met in a GMeet room (whose link will be posted on my avvisi page and on the Course board in Moodle) and identified. Then I will proceed with the orals according to the order in which you signed up or, in the case the number of students who signed up is to high to be handled in one session, I will subdivide the group and propose other days to complete the orals (taking into consideration your needs – the dates of other exams - as well).

The written exam consists in three Essay Questions and one Close Reading. It aims at assessing the student’s skills at:
applying a specific and precise vocabulary in discussing the relationship between formal choices and thematic issues connecting two or more texts among the ones discussed (Essay Question);
recognizing the features of the poetics presented and demonstrating the capacity to handle the critical materials in the syllabus flexibly and appropriately while analyzing two brief excerpts taken from two texts in the syllabus (Close Readin)
articulating interpretive autonomous judgements while entering in a critical conversation with the texts in the syllabus (Essay Questions and Close Reading).

Duration and evaluation:
the exam must be completed in 4hours; each part is worth 25% of the overall evaluation. Students must obtain a pass in each part in order to pass the whole exam.
Attending students will have the option to complete the Close Reading during the course with one midterm (the details and date will be posted on Moodle).
IMPORTANT: non-attending students—who are invited to e-mail the instructor or come during office-hours to present themselves—, are required to complement the written exam with an oral exam.
Blended Course (hosted on moodle). Lectures + online activities.
Blended course on moodle
The course is rather challenging. To dilute the syllabus, students are warmly invited to read The Human Stain and White Noise before classes.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 05/09/2020