Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM005L (AF:330391 AR:175578)
Blended (on campus and online classes)
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course aims to provide students with a solid practical and theoretical preparation in French, with particular attention to the drafting of academic texts and the translation of French texts produced in Europe, the Americas and post-colonial spaces.
The teaching consists of a "module" in the second semester and language practice closely integrated and coordinated by the teacher with the collaborator Virginie Collini (see her page for further info). The general objective of the course is to develop the metalinguistic competence on the variations of the French language spoken in the world and to bring the students to a level C1+/C2 of the CEFR, in particular by improving the competences in the academic language useful for the writing of the MA thesis and the competences in the translation of French and Francophone texts, of different genres and produced in different contexts. The achievement of the expected learning outcomes is verified in a final exam divided in different exercises.

1. Knowledge and understanding. Presentation of the concept of variation in linguistics with particular attention to diatopic, diaphasic and diamesic variation.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding. The metalinguistic competence developed in the module allows to train to the detailed linguistic analysis of complex oral or written passages, literary or not, to read literary works produced in different contexts and scientific articles for one's own research, to be able to interact with French-speakers of various origins.
3. Autonomy of judgement. Students must be able to analyse, interpret and comment on complex texts in a personal and effective manner in an academic language. They must be able to write an essay with a personal and original orientation and must be able to recognise the right translation strategies to be applied to texts of different genres and contexts.
4. Communication skills. To achieve the C1+/C2 level of the Common European Framework of Languages on the 4 skills, students must be able to express themselves in a clear and structured way without errors. Mediation skills are developed through the transposition of documents from written Italian into oral French.
5. Learning ability. The students learn to write their thesis from a stylistic point of view and to translate using the most appropriate strategies.
A BA degree in French.
C1- level of French.
The monographic course prepares students for the literary translation of French and Francophone texts, presenting through the translated texts, the notion of variation in French, focusing in particular on:
- Elements of diatopic variation in France and in the Francophone world;
- Elements of diaphasic variation: spontaneously spoken French and academic French. The course gives the keys to the stylistic analysis of texts (political, academic, literary) and the drafting of academic papers, scientific articles and MA theses.
- Exercises of collaborative translation.

Exercises Level C1+/C2
- preparation for text commentary
- preparation for dissertation
- preparation for C2 listening and mediation

All lessons are in French.
For the "Module"
1. Texts to be translated available on Moodle

2. A book on translation strategies:
- Josiane Podeur, Jeux de traduction, Liguori Editore, Napoli, 2008.

For the exercises
1. Documents on the activities in class available on Moodle (Esercitazioni)

2. Complementary readings to prepare for the written exam
Garnier Sylvie et Savage Alan, Rédiger un texte académique en français, niveau B2 à C1, Ophrys, 2011
Le Hay Yann, Savoir rédiger, 2009. Les indispensables Larousse
Lambert Jean, Rédiger avec élégance: jeux et leçons de style, 2000, Ellipses
Written tests on 30 points each
- A textual and stylistic analysis (4 hours): verification of all competences 1, 2, 3, 4. The monolingual dictionary is allowed.
- An essay (dissertation) of 1500 words on a theme of your choice to do at home and deliver for the day of the written exam. The themes will be communicated one month before the end of the course (verification of all skills 1, 2, 3, 4).
The written production of the DALF C2 is recognised as equivalent

Oral test on 30 points
- A listening test of an oral document of about 7 minutes that students listen twice on the day of the oral exam, and then have 45 minutes to prepare a "compte-rendu" of about 10 minutes to be held at the beginning of the oral test with the teacher.
- Presentation and discussion of a translation from French to Italian of a text chosen by the student (of about one / two pages, or 2,000/3,000 characters), to be sent to the teacher by email a week before the oral exam, accompanied by a commentary on the translation choices made and the translation strategies used (of about two / three pages).

The final grade is the average of the 3 written and oral tests.

The partial tests must all be passed by the fourth call of the current academic year. If this is not the case, the entire exam must be taken in the following academic year.
If the student has an average above 18/30, and no grade below 15/30, the exam will be considered passed.
written and oral
The active participation of students is required for both the "module" and the exercises.
The study programme remains unchanged for students who do not attend classes. The portfolio must be presented with the individual work done during the year to testify to the achievement of the study hours for 12 credits.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 09/08/2020