Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LMF980 (AF:330366 AR:186072)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course aims to provide the student with a critical knowledge of the linguistic representation, in the French and French-speaking culture, of the colonial Other (Africa, Caribbean), through reading and analysis in a historical-anthropological and linguistic-anthropological of significant contemporary texts.
It is also intended to provide the student with the basic bibliographical and methodological information necessary for the study of this problem and of these texts, to allow the analysis and understanding of the specific linguistic-cultural patterns of the literature (fiction, theatre, tales), paraliterature (comics) and culture in the French and French-speaking world.
1a) Theoretical knowledge: the aim is to analyse the specific structural characteristics and the socio-historical-political function of some of the most significant texts produced in the colonial sphere or in relation to the sphere of colonization (Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, America
1b) Practical knowledge: ability to substantially understand the text, even when written in a dialectal variant or French language parodic; ability to make adequate interpretative choices on the different representations.
2a) Communication skills: know how to interact in Italian at any level of complexity on the topics of exegesis related to the texts and their specific bibliography; know how to structure and linguistically edit the contents of a presentation in Italian of their research from sources in foreign languages; know how to do it properly in French.
2b) Practical skills: know how to research ancient and modern sources, especially thanks to the current digitization of data and their online.
Know how to transmit the knowledge acquired with particular reference to: a) Africa and America (the Caribbean in particular) as a new scenario for the ideological-cultural representation of anthropological relations. b) the variation and evolution of the forms of representation generated by the colonial imagination, compared to the different areas and epochs of colonization itself. in the area and the evolution of the literature dedicated to it or generated by it.
Good knowledge of the French language, especially as to the ability to understand/read the oral language, familiar and popular (up to a substantial - and partly intuitive - understanding of the main deformations of colonial French).
The main objective of the course is to introduce students to historical peculiar linguistic phenomenons connected with colonization, as the distorted French called ‘petit-nègre’ or 'sabir' and a northern Africa new French dialect, called 'pataouète'. In the course will be examined a large corpus of literary texts (novels, plays, tales) and paraliterary texts (comics, memoirs, papers, advertising...), belonging to XIXth and XXth centuries.

FRANQUIN – GREG - ROBA, Spirou et Fantasio. Tembo tabou, s.l., Dupuis, 1979; 1ère éd. : s.l., Dupuis, 1974
HERGÉ, Tintin au Congo (« Les aventures de Tintin », 2), Bruxelles, Éditions Casterman, 19742 (1ère éd.:1946), 62 p.;
JIJÉ, Le Nègre blanc (« Blondin et Cirage », 17), Marcinelle-Charleroi, Paris, Montréal, Dupuis, 1984, 46 p. 1ère éd. : Dupuis, 1952
Ségalas, Anaïs, Récits des Antilles. Le bois de la Soufrière, Paris, Ch. Delagrave, 1885 ; 5e éd. citée :s.d. (1890 environ) 188 p.; éd. cour. : l'Harmattan, 2004, édité par Adrianna Paliyenko


ANONYME, Le français tel que le parlent nos tirailleurs sénégalais, Paris, Imprimerie-Librairie Militaire Universelle L. Fournier, 1916, p. 5; (éd. cour. : AUGAGNEUR, Victor (v.); http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k76233c
BLANCHARD, Pascal et DEROO, Éric, « Du Sauvage au Bon Noir. Le sens de l’image dans sixreprésentations du tirailleur sénégalais », Quasimodo, n. 6 (« Fiction de létranger »), printemps 2000, Montpellier, pp. 167-172; http://www.revue-quasimodo.org .
CHALAYE, Sylvie, « Du dangereux indigène au cannibale sympathique : les images du théâtre à l’époque coloniale », Africultures, 01-12-1997
CHALAYE, Sylvie, « La mascotte y-a-bon à l’affiche. Invention coloniale, propagande militaire et récupération militaire », Africultures, 01/02/2000;
CHALAYE, Sylvie, « D’un nègre à l’autre : une invention qui passe par la scène », Interculturel / Francophonies, n. 2, juin-juillet 2002 (Aperçus du Noir : regards blancs sur l’Autre), pp. 139-159.
COLLECTIF, Négripub. L’image des Noirs dans la publicité depuis un siècle, Paris, Société des amis de la Bibliothèque Forney, s.d. (1987), 157 p.
COSTANTINI, Alessandro, « Écrivez-vous petit-nègre? La parole française écrite en situation d’énonciation coloniale et sa représentation », Ponti / Ponts, n. 8 (Monstres), 2008, Milano, Cisalpino – I. Ed. U., pp. 109-136
COSTANTINI, Alessandro, « Bande dessinée franco-belge, petit-nègre et imaginaire colonial », La BD francophone - Publifarum, n. 14, 2011, url: http://publifarum.farum.it/ezine_articles.php?art_id=207
COSTANTINI, Alessandro, “De la littérature dite sabir. Regards coloniaux franco-algériens sur l’Autre », Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie occidentale, Vol. 52, N. 1 – Settembre 2018, pp. 141-174; http://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/it/edizioni/riviste/annali-di-ca-foscari-serie-occidentale/2018/1/de-la-litterature-dite-sabir/
COSTANTINI, Alessandro, "Fables et contes en sabir : avatars, réussites, échecs d'un genre paradoxal", QUADERNI DI SEMANTICA / n.s. 6 (2020), pp. 381-399
DELAFOSSE, Maurice, Vocabulaire comparatif de plus de 60 langues ou dialectes parlés à la Côte d’Ivoire et dans les régions limitrophes, Paris, Ernest Leroux éd., 1904, pp. 263-265, 284; http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k824366.capture
HOUIS, Maurice, « Une variété idéologique du français: le langage tirailleur », Afrique et Langages, n. 21, 1984, pp. 5-17.
JANNONE, Christian, "L’Afrique irréelle dans la bande dessinée franco-belge de 1940 à nos jours", Agora, Débats, Jeunesse, n. 11, 1998, pp. 73-82 ; http://www.persee.fr/doc/agora_1268-5666_1998_num_11_1_1587
MAURIN, Marie-Rose, «Tintin au Congo ou la nègrerie en clichés », Textyles h.s. (Images de l’Afrique), pp. 151-162;
VAN DEN AVENNE, Cécile, « Bambara et français-tirailleur. Une analyse de la politique linguistique de l’Armée coloniale française : la Grande Guerre et après », in Collectif ( ?),
Examination procedure
The exam consists of an oral assessment and focuses on the above texts, supplemented by notes and material provided in class (available on the Moodle platform). Non-attending students are advised to agree on any additions or variations to the program with the teacher (not if lessons are available in video-recorded form)
Reading and analysis of linguisticidentity patterns in French language literature and culture in the colonial sphere.

The module is designed in particular as area teaching for students of the Biennio Magistrale who are perfected in French literature and culture. However, it is also addressed, as a matter of free choice, to all students of other literatures and cultures affected by the linguistic and cultural problems of colonization.
More details and further critical bibliography will be provided in class. The corpus analyzed will consist of the above-mentioned texts and a choice of passages indicated in the program or provided by the teacher.
Lessons will be held in French.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 24/05/2021