Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
PFA1P1 (AF:324514 AR:174758)
Blended (on campus and online classes)
ECTS credits
Class 1
Degree level
Corso Singolo 24 CFU
Educational sector code
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The general objective of the course is to provide the main theoretical contents of pedagogy and education sciences and to develop skills and ability to analyze the educational dimension. The course will have the focus on the policy issues at school and guidance issues and inclusion

Knowledge: the knowledge of the most important aspects of the history of pedagogy of antiquity to the last century; Knowledge of the main psychological theories for learning
Practical Skills: Be able to provide models of analysis of educational and training practices by applying the acquired knowledge by providing relevant examples, also built autonomously.
Communicative skills: know how to take notes, know how to formulate and explain the contents of the course clearly and arguing.
Skills: The student knows how to use the current terminology in generative syntax; To expose arguments in support of the principal theoretical hypotheses studied; How to build appropriate examples to support or refute a simple hypothesis of analysis.
Verifiable learning outcomes with on-site testing in the virtual classroom, and in the final exam:
The student is able, after completing the course successfully, to know the main topics of the history of pedagogy; To motivate with examples the processes of qualification of learning; To analyze the main pedagogical theories in a comparative key; To interact on topics of discussion in the field of education and training

) Foundamental concept of general pedagogy, history of educational processes and educational institutions
2) Introduction to the study of the theoretical, epistemological and methodological-procedural bases of pedagogical, theoretical and empirical research, national and international.
3) Analysis of the relationship between training, education and education processes
4) Theories and models of interpretation of the educational relationship in inclusive scholastic contexts and with reference to all the protagonists of the educational and training network.
5) Analysis of models and educational strategies for the development of an intercultural school and the link with market labour
Cambi F. (2010) Manuale di storia della Pedagogia, Editori Laterza

More online lesson materials and powerpoint presented in class and posted in platform
Test with questions concerning the book, the material presented in class and the contents of the online courses
Traditional frontal teaching with the pwerpoint presentation
e learning
Definitive programme.