Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT3050 (AF:322090 AR:168146)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course aims to introduce the study of International Relations in a 'long durée' perspective. We will have a special focus on concepts, ideas and historical passages perceived as pivotal for East Asia in her historical development.
Through concepts as 'World-System' and 'Egemony' the lessons will point out the building of international structures in a global perspective.
Students will develop a good understanding of the main political and economic issues which crossed the historical evolution of the International System. The students will acquire a certain confidence on the main literature on International Relations and They will able to handle the main concepts and processes which influence International Relations
A certain knowledge of Modern and Contemporary History is required, as well as a good understanding of the word/concepts referred to the political and economic context.
The course will introduce the study of International Relations in a 'long durée' perspective. We will have a special focus on concepts, ideas and historical passages perceived as pivotal for East Asia in her historical development.
Through concepts as 'World-System' and 'Egemony' the lessons will point out the building of international structures in a global perspective.
The context of the course will be the development of the modern international system from Westphalia Peace to now, with a 'Braudelian' approach, in parallel with the development of the modern capitalistic organization of the economic system. Following the 'Egemonic successions' Theory, the course will point out the 'emergence' of Western political, cultural and economic egemony, as well as the 'long durée basis' of the 'resurgence of East Asia' till present days.
The book of Arrighi is disposable in English and many other translation (included Arabic and Chinese); the book of Mark Fischer is disposable in English.
-Giovanni Arrighi, "Caos e governo del mondo", Bruno Mondadori.
-Roberto Peruzzi, Diplomatici, banchieri e mandarini. Le origini diplomatiche e finanziarie della fine dell'Impero Celeste, Mondadori
-PERUZZI R (2017). Leading the Way: The United Kingdom’s financial and trade relations with Socialist China, 1949–1966. MODERN ASIAN STUDIES, vol. 51, p. 17-43, ISSN: 0026-749X, doi: 10.1017/S0026749X16000317 (it's possible to download the article from the review's website, as well as from others websites).
-Mark Fisher, Realismo Capitalista, Nero
The course will be concluded by an oral text during all the virus' emergency period based on the course program and its bibliography.
The course will be based on frontal lessons and the use of video documentaries.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 30/08/2020