Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CT0349 (AF:321521 AR:157464)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course falls within the basic educational activities of the Bachelor Degree in Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies. It aims to provide students with knowledge and skills in the foundations of classical electromagnetism, of wave physics, of geometric and physical optics, in order to be able to describe situations and phenomena of which we have daily experience, and to handle principles and basic theories related to concepts that will then be developed during more advanced teaching.
Among the educational objectives of the course, we note first of all the development of the capability to apply laws and physical theories to the study of the properties of materials and to concrete cases in the context of those phenomena typical of electromagnetism, wave propagation and optics. Nevertheless, particular attention is given to the development of the capacity to elaborate a logical reasoning for the resolution of a problem, to be carried out with appropriate methodological rigor. Moreover, through the resolution of exercises, we aim to develop the capability to provide estimates relating to physical processes, being able to clearly evaluate orders of magnitude and to appreciate the significance of the results.
1. Knowledge and understanding.
1.1. To know and understand the main theories developed in the study of electric, magnetic, wave and optical phenomena.
1.2. To know and understand the relationship between the electrical, magnetic, optical response of a system subjected to an appropriate stimulus and its physical properties.
1.3. To know and understand the areas of application of the different descriptive approaches, based on specific theoretical models.

2. Capability of applying knowledge and understanding.
2.1. To know how to apply the concepts and models learned in solving theoretical and practical problems.
2.2. To know how to apply the methods and models learned in the study of the properties of a specific physical system, with particular reference to electromagnetism, wave and optical phenomena.

3. Capability of judgment.
3.1. To be able to evaluate the consistency of the results deriving from the analysis of a physical system based on the concepts learned, both in the theoretical and experimental fields.
3.2. To know how to perform a critical analysis of the method used to study a specific physical system, evaluating the possibility of different approaches.

4. Communication skills.
4.1. To know how to communicate in written form the knowledge learned and refer to the effect of its application with appropriate scientific language and mastery of the related terminology and symbology.
4.2. To know how to interact constructively and respectfully with the teacher and with the classmates, both during the classroom lesson and outside of this context.

5. Learning skills.
5.1. To know how to take notes in an effective and rigorous way, being able to identify and select the concepts and topics covered in class, depending their importance and priority.
5.2. To know how to critically consult the texts and the teaching material indicated by the teacher.
5.3. To know how to identify alternative reference sources for the study, also through the interaction with the teacher.
It is requested to have fully achieved the training objectives set by the course of GENERAL PHYSICS 1 AND LABORATORY. In particular, since the student must have a complete mastery of the main topics, principles and models in the field of classical mechanics, it is strongly recommended to have already pass the exam related to the aforementioned teaching.
Furthermore, it is required to have reached the training objectives provided by the basic mathematics courses, i.e. MATHEMATICS AND EXERCISES - 1 and MATHEMATICS AND EXERCISES - 2. In particular, it is recommended that the student is in possession of the basic concepts of differential and integral calculus, properties of vectorial functions, resolution of differential equations.
Presentation of the course and description of the program. Exam methods, lesson structure and recommended textbooks.

Electrical interactions and electric charge. Coulomb's law. Electrostatic field generated by a point charge and by charge distributions. Lines of force.
Work of the electric force. Potential and electrostatic potential energy. Motion of a charge in an electrostatic field. Electrostatic field as a potential gradient. Equipotential surfaces.
Electric dipole and dipole moment. Force on an electric dipole.
Flow of a vector field and electric field. Gauss's law. Electrostatic field and potential for charge distribution with specific symmetry.
Electric conductors at the equilibrium. Hollow conductors and electrostatic screen.
Capacitors. Electric capacity for conductors with specific symmetry. Capacitors with dielectrics. Relative and absolute permittivity. Overview of the polarization processes in dielectrics. Electrostatic field energy. Connection of capacitors.
Conduction and electric current. Intensity and density of the current. Ohm's law. Resistance, resistivity and electrical conductivity. Power and Joule effect. Connection of resistors.
Circuits in direct current. Electromotive force. Kirchhoff's laws for electric circuits. Variable current circuits. Charging and discharge processes in a capacitor.

Definitions and basic phenomenology of magnetism. Magnetic field and field lines. Lorentz force. Magnetic force on a moving charge and on a conductor. Mechanical moments in plane circuits. Motion of a charge in a magnetic field.
Magnetic fields produced by charges in motion. Magnetic force between conductors carrying current. Ampère's law. Calculation of the magnetic field.
Magnetic properties of the matter. Permeability and magnetic susceptibility. Diamagnetic and paramagnetic substances. Ferromagnetic substances and hysteresis cycle. Magnetic field flow.

Electromagnetic induction. Faraday-Neumann-Henry's Law. Electromotive force and induced electric field. Direct and alternating current generators. Felici’s law. Magnetic self-induction and inductance. Inductors. Extra-currents in an inductive circuit. Time dependent current in a RL circuit. Magnetic field energy. Overview of electrical oscillations and alternating current circuits. Ampère-Maxwell’s law. Maxwell’s equations and notes on the related differential form.

Definition of wave. Wave function. Plane wave. D'Alembert's equation. Harmonic wave. Statement of the Fourier theorem.
Recall to simple harmonic motion. Harmonic, damped, forced oscillator.
Waves in two and three dimensions. Intensity of a wave. Polarization for transverse waves.
Overlap principle. Interference. Standing waves.
Electromagnetic waves. Relations between electric and magnetic fields of the wave. Electromagnetic waves in transparent media. Index of refraction. Polarization of electromagnetic waves. Energy density of an electromagnetic wave. Notes on the radiation produced by an oscillating dipole. Spectrum of the electromagnetic radiation.

Propagation of light. Statement of the Huygens-Fresnel principle. Reflection and refraction laws. Limit angle and total reflection. Dispersion of light. Wave nature of light. Coherent sources.
Interference of light waves. Interference fringes. Young's experiment. Interference phenomena on thin layers. Interference produced by N coherent sources.
Diffraction phenomena. Fraunhofer’s diffraction produced by a slit. Diffraction pattern.
As a basis for the study of the topics covered by the program, as well as to deepen the concepts treated in class, every text of general physics at university level can be considered adequate. Eventually, the student can consult the teacher for the approval of the text. Also due to the valid exercise section, which represents an adequate support for the preparation of the student in view of the written examen, the following text is suggested:
P. Mazzoldi, M. Nigro, C. Voci, "Elementi di Fisica Vol. 2 – Elettromagnetismo e Onde" EdiSES, Napoli, 2008.

Other recommended titles:
J. Walker, D. Halliday, R. Resnick, "Halliday-Resnick Fondamenti di Fisica", Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, 2015.
R. A. Serway, J. W. Jewett Jr., "Principi di Fisica", EdiSES, Napoli, 2015.
The verification for assessing the acquired learning takes place through a written test, whose passing is a mandatory condition for the registration of the exam.
The test concerns the entire program, as reported in the "Contents" section, and provides essentially an equal number of:
(i) numerical exercises, each comprising one or more queries relating to the calculation of a specific physical quantity, reporting the procedure used for the solution with coherence and formal clarity;
(ii) theoretical questions, consisting in identifying, enunciating and demonstrating laws and principles relating to the situation proposed by the question
Overall, the test aims to ascertain the acquisition by the student of the founding concepts of the subject exposed in class and the ability to solve problems related to the topics of teaching, by applying the learned methods with rigor and consistency.
The test will last between two and three hours and, during the same, neither the use of books or notes nor any electronic support is allowed, with the exception of a scientific calculator.
Teaching is organized in lectures, during which the teacher simultaneously uses the blackboard and the projection of presentations (powerpoint documents).
Through the University "moodle" platform, the following documents are made available:
- the teaching material shown during the lessons:
- some exam texts to support the preparation of the written test.
Accessibility, Disability and Inclusion

Accommodation and support services for students with disabilities and students with specific learning impairments:

Ca’ Foscari abides by Italian Law (Law 17/1999; Law 170/2010) regarding support

services and accommodation available to students with disabilities. This includes students with mobility, visual, hearing and other disabilities (Law 17/1999), and specific learning impairments (Law 170/2010). In the case of disability or impairment that requires accommodations (i.e., alternate testing, readers, note takers or interpreters) please contact the Disability and Accessibility Offices in Student Services:
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 29/03/2019