- Academic year
- 2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LT007L (AF:321464 AR:166352)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 12
- Subdivision
- Class 2
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- L-LIN/04
- Period
- 2nd Semester
- Course year
- 3
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
It consists of a six-monthly module whose objective is to consolidate the metalinguistic competence of the French language in particular with regard to the spoken language and annual language exercises closely integrated and coordinated by the teacher. The general objective of the course is to achieve linguistic competence at level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Exercises are organised according to the languages.
LF3 group A ----> valid for those who have also chosen English or Russian or German or Swedish
LF3 group B ----> valid for those who have also chosen Spanish or Anglo-American or Portuguese or LIS
Expected learning outcomes
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding. The metalinguistic competence developed in the module allows to improve the conscious learning of the linguistic competence.
The student should understand finely, taking into account implicit cultural aspects, long written texts, authentic speeches and interactions (radio, video, film) and produce texts suitable for situations of written and oral use. They should be able to read orally and speak fluently and with little accent.
3. Autonomy of judgment. The student should be able to analyse, interpret and synthesise complex texts in a personal and effective way in a foreign language.
4. Communication skills. For level C1 of the Common European Framework for Languages on the 4 skills, the student must be able to express himself in a clear and structured way with few errors. Mediation skills are developed through translation from Italian into French.
5. Learning ability. The student must have the ability to manage their own learning: to understand academic texts and be able to report on them on a written reading sheet in order to prepare for the writing of the paper, to be able to take notes during a listening session.
Skills and competences acquired in the courses of French Language 1 and French Language 2
1. The various genres: from oral read to spontaneous French
2. Genres and phonetics: "liaisons", "enchainement", "e" mute, rhythm and intonation.
3. Spontaneous oral French: syntactic structures, colloquial register lexicon, idiomatic expressions
4. Oral political speeches
Exercises (Virginie Collini and Veronique Mounition 150 hours)
- summary of documents
- understanding of oral documents and oral production
- translation from Italian to French of an authentic passage
Referral texts
Practical training
Françoise Bidaud, New French Grammar for Italian-speaking UTET + exercises (New edition UTET)
A bilingual dictionary and a monolingual dictionary
Per approfondimenti personali
Françoise Bidaud, Translating French Today, UTET (2014)
French language lessons (module)
Per ripasso e approfondimento:
Pierre Léon. Phonetism and pronunciation of French. Paris, Armand Colin, 2011
→ Lettura a scelta per recensione
- Catherine Rouayrenc, vol. 1, Le français oral, Les composantes de la chaine parlée, vol 2. L'organisation et la réalisation de l'énoncé oral, Paris, Belin, 2010 (uno dei volumi a scelta)
- Marion Sandré, Analysing oral speeches, Paris, Armand Colin, 2013
- Dario Pagel, Edith Madeleni, François Wioland, Le Rythme du français parlé, Paris, Hachette, 2012.
- Virginie Gaugey and Hugues Sheeren, Le français dans le mouv', the lexicon of contemporary French from every angle. The Lettere Università, 2015.
- Fidel Corcuera, Antonio Gaspard, Monica Dijean, Javier Vincente and Chesus Bernal Political speeches, crossed views. L'Harmattan, Paris, 2017.
- Patrick Charaudeau, Le discours politique : les masques du pouvoir, Paris : Vuibert, 2005
- Bernard Lamizet, Le langage politique : discours, images, pratiques, Paris : Elipses, 2011
- Dominique Maingueneau, Les termes clés de l'analyse du discours, Nuov. ed. revue et augmentée. Paris : Seuil, 2009
- Marie-Anne Paveau, L'analyse du discours numérique : dictionnaire des formes et des pratiques, Paris : Hermann, 2017
Possible online articles
Numero 20 : Repenser la « dimension argumentative » du discours
Numero 14 : Le(s) discours de l’action collective
Numero 10 : L’argumentation dans le discours politique
Numero 1 : L'analyse du discours au prisme de l'argumentation
Readings at the choice of the student in order to prepare for the diction test (extract of the speech that must be read in full)
Robert Badinter's speech in favour of the abolition of the death penalty in France
Speech by Simone Weil for the law in favour of abortion (voluntary termination of pregnancy)
Speech by André Malraux, Minister of Culture, at the entrance to the Pantheon of Jean Moulin
Charles de Gaulle's speech in Montreal on July 24, 1967
Charles De Gaulle's speech of 5 June 1958 in Algiers "I understood you"
François Mitterand's last televised greetings
Speech by Aristide Briand in favour of the separation of Church and State
Jean Jaurès' speech to the youth (1903)
Speech by Emmanuel Macron at the Louvres after his election as head of the French Republic on May 07, 2017
Other speeches chosen by the students may be submitted to the teacher who will assess the relevance and difficulty of the text
Assessment methods
1. Written tests, each on 30 points.
a. Summary (c. 300 words) of 2/3 written documents of 1000 words each (type DALF, 2.30 hours), (for the verification of competences 1, 2, 3 and 4)
b. Oral understanding of an authentic document, answer to a questionnaire (DALF type, 30 minutes) (for checking skills 1 and 4)
c. Translation of a passage from Italian to French (1.30 hours) (for the verification of skills 1 and 2)
2. Oral test on 30 points: 27 points in total + 3 points, 2 of which for the optional reading card and 1 for activities assigned during the course.
The oral examination is held entirely in French and consists of:
- verification of knowledge of the subjects discussed during the course (for the verification of competences 1, 3)
- reading an excerpt of political discourse with attention to diction, rhythm and intonation (competence 4).
- Interaction with the teacher both on the speech read and its context and on the portfolio that groups the work done during the year independently and the reading card of an essay of your choice (skills 1, 4 and 5)
Your analytical and summary skills and your expressive skills (competency 2 and 4) will be assessed.
The final grade will be the average of the 3 written tests and the oral test.
The written test of DALF C1, taken not earlier than two years before, can be recognized and replace the summary test.
The partial tests must all be passed by the fourth call of the academic year. If this does not occur, you will have to take the entire exam in the next academic year.
Type of exam
Teaching methods
E1: Exercises with whole class 1 for synthesis and grammar.
E2: Small group exercises in alternate weeks
- for the development of oral competence
- for competence in the sectoral languages of Class 1 'literary and cultural' and 'philological and linguistic', and
The activities done in class during the exercises are available online on the CMM.