Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT007U (AF:321209 AR:168613)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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Type of educational activity: Core educational activities [B]
The Polish language class consists of theoretical lessons (30 hours) and language exercices (according to level). It aims to promote knowledge and understanding of the phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexical structures of the Polish language.

1. Knowledge and understanding:
Know and understand the various phonological units, morphological and syntactic structures of the Polish language.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
How to recognize and describe the phonological and morpho-syntactic knoledge about the Polish language.
Language skills necessary to produce and understand a text or a written and oral message and placing it in the proper cultural context.
How to interact in the Polish language in formal and informal contexts, recognizing the variety and the linguistic levels.
3. Independence of judgment:
Be able to develop the capacity to assess the linguistic data; find and use the bibliographical sources; develop the ability to translate from Polish to Italian and viceversa; recognize the differences between linguistic structures of the Polish language and those of the Italian through comparative studies.
4. Communication skills: Be able to communicate in a clear and structured Polish language using an appropriate terminology to the communicative context. Be able to interact with colleagues and with the teacher.
5. Learning ability: being able to develop methodological tools specific to the study of various materials. Be able to take notes and share them in collaborative form. Being able to consult critically the bibliographical sources.
For the Polish language 1 class is not requested any prerequisite. For the Polish language 2 class is required basic knowledge of the Polish Language - A2. For the Polish language 3 class is required advanced knowledge of the Polish Language - B1.
A theoretical and critical reflection on the characteristics of specialized and literary translation practice will be combined with translation practice, stimulating discussion on the translation problems encountered in such texts, as well as on the most effective solution strategies. To do so, examples of existing translations will also be the object of critical analysis, from a comparative perspective.
The module contents are organized in such a way that they are never repeated in the course of the three years of the Bachelor’s Degree Programme, in order to enable students to access, every year, in different knowledge. They take also into account the presence of Polish speaking students, for whom the teaching of the language arises as a moment of reflection on the properties and structure of the native language and verification of their ability to develop methods of study.

Language exercises combine to give a practical knowledge of Polish language, through dictations, conversations, readings, exercises, listening materials.
1. "Teorie della traduzione in Polonia", a cura di Lorenzo Costantino, Sette Citta, Viterbo 2009.
2. O tłumaczeniu źle i dobrze, Dąmbska-Prokop Urszula, Sztuka i Wiedza, Kraków, 2012
3. W poszukiwaniu dominanty translatorskiej, Bednarczyk A., PWN 2008
4. "O przekladzie na przykladzie", E. Tabakowska, Znak, Krakow 2008.
5. "Mala encyklopedia przekladoznawstwa", red. Urszula Dambska-Prokop, Czestochowa 2000.
6. "Vademecum tlumacza", K. Lipinski, Idea, Krakow 2000.
7. "500 zdan polskich", Jerzy Bralczyk, Agora, warszawa 2015
8. "Klucz do wierszy", Wiola Prochniak, Wyd. KUL. Lublin 2012.

The methods to be adopted to ensure that the objectives have been achieved are written and oral tests, both compulsory. For students of Polish Language 1, Polish Language 2, and Polish Language 3 the written test includes grammar test, dictation and translation. The written exam serves to check that the degree of knowledge about the grammatical structures of each level is reached. The oral exam consists of checking the knowledge acquired during the course and aims to verify the level of theoretical and practical preparation in the Polish language.
written and oral
Lectures, exercises, evaluation exercises.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 05/06/2019