- Academic year
- 2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- ET0016 (AF:321019 AR:151283)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 6
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- SECS-P/08
- Period
- 1st Term
- Course year
- 3
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
Expected learning outcomes
This week we discuss the introduction of new technologies in business management by analyzing with particular attention the impact of ERP platforms and their implications in terms of business strategy.
2nd week: Virtual communities of consumers
This week we analyze the relationship between business and consumer determined by the impact of the Internet and the Web with particular attention to the enjoyment of virtual communities.
3rd Week: Electronic Commerce and the Customer decision Journey
In this week the topic of electronic commerce is analyzed starting from the quantitative dimension of the phenomenon, from the priorities and the choices of the companies and from the opportunities offered by the technological transformations underway. The role and implications of new digital consumer behaviors are analyzed, by focusing on the world of services.
4th Week Platforms Economy
This week the concept of the digital platform is deepened and the implications for enterprise strategies and work organization are analyzed.
5th week Industry 4.0
This week we describe the outlines of the so-called 4th industrial revolution and describe the impacts of 4.0 technologies in some key sectors of Made in Italy. We will explore the role of new technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence.
Referral texts
- Micelli, Stefano (2017) , “Le tre rivoluzioni del management digitale”, Sinergie- Italian Journal of Management, Vol 35 n° 103, pp. 13-22
- Hammer, Michael (1990), “Reengineering work: don’t automate, obliterate“, Harvard Business Review
- Baricco Alessandro (2018), The Game, Einaudi, Torino (pagg. 42-70, 111-138)
- Kelly, Kevin (1997), “New Rules for the New Economy.” Wired 5, no. 9
Second Week
- Armstrong A., Hagel J. ,(1996), “The real value of on-line communities“, Harvard Business Review
- Bernoff, J., Li, C., (2008), “Harnessing the power of the Oh-So-Social Web“, MIT Sloan Management Review, vol 49, n. 3.
(accesso tramite risorse digitali della biblioteca di Economia BEC)
- O’Reilly, Tim, (2005) “What is web 2.0”, O’reilly.com
Third Week
- Casaleggio e Associati (2019), “E-commerce in Italia 2019”, download previa iscrizione gratuita
- Google (2011), ZMOT: winning the Zero Moment Of Truth – Capitolo 2
- Anderson, Chris (2004), “The Long Tail.” Wired 12, no. 10
- Rigby, D., (2011), The Future of Shopping, Harvard Business Review
Fourth Week
- Batelle, John (2005), “The Birth of Google.” Wired 13, no. 9
- Evans P., Gawer A., (2016), “The rise of the platform enterprise: a global survey“, The center for global enterprise.
- Economist (2013), “The rise of the sharing economy“, reperibile sul sito Economist.com e Blanchard O. (2015), “Stop calling it the sharing economy“, sul sito olivierblanchard.net
Fifth Week
- Anderson Chris (2010), “In the Next Industrial Revolution, Atoms Are the New Bits”, Wired, 25 gennaio;
- Economist (2012), “The third Industrial Revolution“, reperibile sul sito Economist.com
- Roland Berger (2014), “Industry 4.0 – The new industrial revolution How Europe will succeed”
- WIRED (2018), “The Wired Guide to the Blockchain”, disponibile su https://www.wired.com/story/guide-blockchain/
- WIRED (2018) “The Wired Guide to Artificial Intelligence” disponibile su https://www.wired.com/story/guide-artificial-intelligence/
The materials are also available at: https://ebusiness1.wordpress.com
Assessment methods
Attending students will have the opportunity to participate in group exercises that will be evaluated with respect to the ability to represent problems in an original way on the basis of the categories proposed in the classroom.
Type of exam
Teaching methods
- a series of lectures on the key topics of the exam
- presentations given by digital managers and entrepreneurs
- a series of exercises developed by small groups of students on topics identified and discussed in class.